MASSIMA & ELICIA || The Birthday Shenanigans (part two)

Relaxing on my couch with my eyes closed, I think about how work went. For the record, I didn't end up late this morning. So Ollie is safe, for now. There were a lot of weird calls today. Honestly, it's like that most days, people just take it as a joke. One person called, breathed into the mic, then left. Another person called, played a meme into the mic, then hung up. It was the one from The Office with Michael yelling "NO GOD PLEASE NO." Truly a classic meme that I can appreciate.

There was one call today that stuck with me though. When I answered it, the guy was crying. It reminded me of when Ollie first called and he was crying, say sorry because it wasn't 'manly'. Now, all I can think about is him. I want to text him to see what he's up to but I don't want it to seem like I'm eager to talk to him.

It's not like I have those feelings for him. We're just really good friends.

My eyes fling open when I feel a vibration coming from my phone. Hope bubbles in my chest as I check it but that feeling instantly comes crashing down when I notice it's not from Ollie. I have a text from my best friend, Ellie.

[Sent at 15:49]
Hola chica! I'm still sweet to come over, right?

Damn, I forgot she was coming over for my birthday. Hopefully she's not planning on coming over right now because I have to go out and get some snacks, drinks and ice cream for us. Specifically Chocolate Swirl ice cream because that's her favourite and I'm indifferent.

[Sent at 15:51]
Yup! It's not like I had forgotten or anything, pfft 🙈

[Sent at 15:52]
Dios mío 😱 haha you're so forgetful sometimes! Don't worry about it, I know how negatively this day affects you, I'll make sure you have a good time chica! ❤❤ x

[Sent at 15:53]
Thank you so much, you're the best Mexican friend I could ever ask for! 😄👐

[Sent at 15:54]
Massima 😅 I'm your only Mexican friend hahaha

[Sent at 15:55]
You know, you're the only person who calls me by my name rather than my nickname 🤔😭

[Sent at 15:56]
Massima is such a beautiful Italian name 😍 and people just don't know that it's your name because you tell everyone it's Macy! Anyway, I'm leaving now so I'll be there pronto x

[Sent at 15:57]
You can't talk, ELICIA 😏😑

[Sent at 15:57]
Also, I can't wait to see you! ❤ We'll go out and get some snacks when you get here!

[Sent at 15:58]
Shush 😣 I thought you were going to get them today?

[Sent at 15:59]
Like I said, I forgot 🤗 hahaha

[Sent at 16:01]
Vale 😂❤



For the Spanish words/Mexican slang in this book or... *cough* future books *cough* will either be explained loosely through the narrative or translated through the inline comment section ❤

I prefer writing narrative and description, rather than dialogue (like my other books) so I hope you guys like it! 😶🤔😄

What is your favourite ice cream flavour? 😶 (if you like ice cream)

- Chloe x
