
One year later

"Quick! Someone call a medic!" 

Agnes looked up from her project to see what all the commotion was about. It looked like it was coming from outside the barn.  If that is Joe Love having another heart attack, I'm going to have some stern words with him. Today is not the day to hog the spotlight.

Agnes sighed and tied off her yarn and got up to investigate what was going on. She shuffled towards the barn doors and stepped out into a bright and sunny day. Maybe a little too hot but she would take hot weather over rain. Lord, thank you for the great weather today. It's much appreciated.  

Agnes saw Seth running from Joe's house with his medical kit to where the chairs were set up in the meadow. At center of all the commotion was Caulder.  At a glance it appeared that Caulder had passed out. Lord, now is not the time for the groom to be having a medical emergency. 

Seth pushed through the crowd and knelt down to triage his brother. 

"Everybody stand back." Caulder started to stir and let out a loud groan. Seth  pointed to two groomsmen and asked them to help him get Caulder to his feet.

"Nothing to see here folks." Seth and the groomsmen slowly assisted Caulder to the house.

Agnes assured that nothing serious was going on went back to the barn to finish her masterpiece. She glanced at her watch and saw she had thirty minutes before the ceremony started. Sherman and Penny stuck their heads out of their stalls as she passed. Penny let out a soft whinny and Agnes reached into her pocket to retrieve a carrot. At the sound of Penny crunching on a carrot the other horses stuck their heads out for a treat.

"You horses are getting spoiled. You just think I'm a treat machine." Agnes pulled out a few more carrots to feed to the other horses. Agnes had added four more horses to the program recently and was amazed at how the program had taken off. She couldn't believe what had started out as a pipe dream had become a reality.

A lot of the credit was due to Ashleigh and Caulder's energy and enthusiasm for the program.  They both had a gift for working with horses and people. She had seen so many lives changed in the last year and couldn't wait to see what was next. The program was growing so much that they were looking to hire another full time employee to keep up with the demand. 

"Agnes are you in there?" Melissa said peering from the doorway. Melissa was decked out in her bridesmaid gown. Melissa and Seth had tied the knot about 9 months ago and appeared to be happily settled in the house that Melissa had purchased. Melissa had started up her bookkeeping and tax advisory practice in town. In fact she had just purchased an office space near the Pony to expand her practice. 

"I'm in here." Agnes said. She put the final touches on the memory shawl and stepped back to admire it. It seemed fitting to give this to Ashleigh. It would remind her of  how far she had come this past year. Ashleigh had arrived in town seeking answers and Agnes had been privileged to see her get those questions answered. 

"Oh, it's beautiful. I didn't know you could knit." Melissa leaned over Agnes' shoulder to see better in the dim light.

"I'm not good at it but I do enjoy a good craft project every now and then."

"Ashleigh will love this. I came to see if you are ready to take a few pictures before the wedding?"

"Of course." 

As they made their way to the entrance Melissa leaned in. "I have good news to share with you. I don't want to steal Ashleigh's thunder today so I'm telling only a few people at this point. "

It seemed everybody was full to bursting with good news lately. "What is it?"

"I just told my mom and Seth's parents last night but it looks like you are going to a be great Aunt in another six months!"

It took Agnes a few seconds to catch on but she surprised even herself when she leaned over to give Melissa a hug. "Congratulations!" Agnes couldn't imagine how  Bernadette had kept the news to herself. Bernadette had been bursting to have grandkids and know she would have bragging rights with Edda Fae. 

They headed to the spot where the pictures were being taken. Agnes held the shawl behind her back. Ashleigh looked radiant in her off the shoulder full length wedding dress. Once Ashleigh finished getting her picture taken, Agnes approached.

"Agnes, I couldn't ask for a better day. Thank you for helping me plan this day." Ashleigh gave Agnes a quick shoulder squeeze.

"Oh it was nothing." Agnes shrugged it off. She took her hand from behind her back and presented the shawl to Ashleigh. "This is for you. I made it myself. "

Ashleigh's eyes welled with tears. "A memory shawl. Thank you."

Agnes could feel the tears welling up in her own eyes. She quickly sniffed and willed her tears to evaporate. "Enough of that. We don't want to ruin your makeup."

She quickly took a few pictures with the bride. Ashleigh and Caulder had opted to take their couple pictures after the ceremony. 

"I hope Caulder is feeling better." One of the bridesmaid said.

Ashleigh's ears perked up. "What's wrong with Caulder."

The other bridesmaids shot a dirty look at the bridesmaid who had brought the incident up.

Melissa quickly piped in. "Oh nothing. He just had to step inside for a minute."

Ashleigh appeared unconvinced but since there were so many demands on her time she let it pass.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur. Caulder recovered from his heat exhaustion and seemed none the worse for the wear.

The reception was to be held at The Pony so immediately after the ceremony Agnes darted out to help.

Edda Fae was in fine form when she arrived directing the troops and getting everything in place.

The crowd slowly trickled in and soon the place was packed. Ashleigh and Caulder made their grand entrance and everybody clamored for their attention.

Agnes took a moment to marvel at the community support for this couple. This is how community was meant to be. Helping others when they are down and allowing them to do the same for you. True healing came when you reached out to loved ones around you for support. Caulder's lies were a thing of the past. The community had rallied behind him and moved on. 

Edda Fae bustled up to Agnes. "Stop woolgathering. We got people to feed."

Agnes laughed "Aye aye captain." She threw her sister a mock salute and followed her sister back into the kitchen. 
