Chapter 15

Caulder didn't stay around to find out who it was. Instead, he went back to the tackroom to put away the tack.

Ashleigh came into the tackroom a moment later saying, "The guy with the truck was looking for Agnes."

"Oh," was all Caulder said in response. They worked in companionable silence, side by side, scrubbing and oiling the tack before they put it away. Caulder wondered what his aunt was up to now. He couldn't keep up with her sometimes.

Agnes appeared as if conjured by Caulder's thoughts, "I have an announcement!" She clapped her hands together and grinned. 

Caulder stood up straightened his back and focused on what his aunt had to say.

"I have invited a collaborator to our little project. Actually he is more of a consultant. He comes from a lovely program out of Montana."

Ashleigh kicked at Caulder's boots, "Hey, maybe someone you know?"

Caulder scowled, "I doubt it. Where is he from and how much did he cost you?" Caulder had visions of his sweet aunt being taking in by some dubious character. Whoever this man was probably would claim to help them but take off with the money.

"Caulder, what kind of attitude is that?" Aunt Agnes' smile wavered. She continued, "The Done Bar Ranch comes..."

Caulder tuned out for a moment. Done Bar Ranch? No it can't be. He tuned back in to hear.

"Henry comes highly recommended." Agnes finished.

That was all Caulder needed to hear,  he walked as if being controlled by something outside himself. He could vaguely hear Ashleigh and Agnes call out to him. He continued to his car and drove to his brother's home.

Seth wasn't there when Caulder arrived. Caulder tried to do something, anything to keep his mind busy but he felt like a caged animal. He was pacing the hall and couldn't sit still. He couldn't think straight to make a plan.

It is like all my worse nightmares are coming to a head. What is Henry doing here? Since when does he do consulting? Could it be someone else? How many Done Bar Ranches are there in Montana? What are the odds?

Caulder suddenly struck on a plan. He grabbed his cellphone and clicked the button that made it so his number did not show up. 

"Hello? Done Bar Ranch and Horse Therapeutics Consulting." said the familiar voice of Henry's wife.

Hhmmm... that's different.

Trying to disguise his voice, "uh, yes may I speak to Henry please. I am looking for a consult for my program."

"Henry is out right now but I can put you on the schedule for a phone call when he returns."

"No, thanks." Caulder said and quickly hung up.

It seemed too coincidental that the Done Bar would have added a consulting business but then again income had been tight so maybe they had branched out. And the fact that Henry was not in town could only mean one thing. 

Caulder groaned. He had no idea how to get out of this. His worlds were colliding and he didn't like it.

Caulder's phone rang. It was Aunt Agnes. He ignored it not wanting to explain his behavior yet. He couldn't stay cooped up in the house, so he decided to go for a drive. 

He drove to the local park where he and Ashleigh had had their date. He sat in the car for a while just staring. People were walking the loop with their dogs and small children.

Caulder looked at his watch, 3 pm. Everyone else was probably still at work where he was supposed to be. He felt a pang of guilt just then for leaving Ashleigh and Agnes to finish up without him. 

Knock. Knock. A tap on his window proved that Caulder was lost in his own thoughts. 

Kit was standing outside looking at him questioningly. 

He knocked again, which made Caulder laugh. He rolled down his window, "I heard you the first time."

"Did you?" Kit eyed him as only a cop can do when he is looking for something.

"You look stressed. Care to walk with me?" It was more of a statement then a question.

"Aren't you on duty or something?" Caulder wanted to be left alone.

"In case you haven't noticed, I am not currently in uniform."

"Oh." Caulder got out of the car. He realized it was pointless now. He remembered Kit in high school as quiet but determined. Excellent traits for a police officer but Caulder wasn't sure how he felt about it now.

They walked together towards the walking loop. Kit chatted about the weather and his family for a few minutes.

"You haven't heard a word I have said. Care to tell me why you are so sulky? I haven't seen you this bad since you flunked that math test our junior year. You were so confident that you didn't need to study."

Caulder chuckled at that one, "That is not exactly how I remember it. I got a D not an F, but my parents were not very happy with me. "

"So, how bad is it this time? Girl trouble?" Kit offered.

"No, nothing like that." 

They continued around the loop. Caulder looked towards the bushes remembering Ashleigh's ripped pants. At least that was a funny memory, but it did nothing to relieve his present anguish.

Kit kept his peace while they continued to walk. Kit stopped by the side of the trail to pick a dandelion.

"You know sometimes I find myself like this dandelion. So full of worries that I forget what I am about."

Cauder looked at Kit wondering what life lesson he was up to now.

"If this is like the 'snapped people snap people' thing. I get it, okay?" Caulder replied grumpily.

Kit ignored him, "Well when I get that way I get a full head of fuzz like this dandelion, but then I remember that God wants to help me. And he comes in and..." Kit blew the dandelion seeds away.

"Yeah, yeah. God can make you clean and all that jazz."

"No man, this is more than jazz. This is life. He can start new on anything. Anything..."

Caulder shrugged, "Well, it would be nice if he could give me a new life right now.  Besides what do you know about a new start?" 

Kit wasn't fazed by Caulder's gruffness, "More than you know, but that is a story for another time. Do you want to tell me or not?"

Caulder stopped in the middle of the trail and picked up a golden dandelion, "My life is like this dandelion," and then he snapped the flower off the stem.

"Ok, that's a little violent..." Kit smirked.

Caulder gave a tiny smile, "yeah, just a little." Then he sighed, "It's like this... I have been leading a double life."

Kit raised his eyebrows.

Caulder went on to explain how he had not continued college as expected and that he had been working at a ranch in Montana until they had to let him go. 

"So?" Kit questioned.

"I haven't told my parents about college and the man that I worked for in Montana is here consulting for the horse program."

A new light of understanding came into Kit's eyes. "So, your cover is about to be blown and you are terrified."

Caulder nodded. He felt a prick of tears in his eyes but kept his head down. They had resumed walking and were almost back to the cars.

"Well, aren't you going to tell me what to do?" Caulder asked.

"Nope, you made this pickle yourself, man. And you know it and I think you know what you have to do to make it right."

"But I don't want to."

"No one else can make you." Kit said this as he reached for his car door. He looked at Caulder one last time. 

"Come over for dinner again Sabbath afternoon. Bring Ashleigh. Izzy will love her. No matter what happens we will still be here." With that Kit shut the car door and drove away.

Caulder felt marginally better having confessed at least to one person. Contrary to what Kit said he still didn't know what to do.

The next day

Caulder woke up to his alarm but hit the snooze button. A knock on his door woke him up.

"Caulder!" it was Seth.

"Caulder, Aunt Agnes wants to know when to expect you at work today. She has called several times."

Caulder looked at his phone and could see one missed call this morning from Agnes and several texts from Ashleigh.



"Did you hear me? I got to get back to the station. Get to work, bro." Seth left the door.

Caulder rolled onto his side debating his next moves. I could call in sick. I could pack up and start in a whole new place. I could try to avoid seeing Henry all day while working at the ranch. I could join the circus.

Given the circumstances, anything seemed better than here. He thought about Aunt Agnes and how she depended on him. He thought about Ashleigh and how he was just getting to know her. He even thought back on the dandelion metaphor that Kit used.

Caulder swung his legs over the edge of the bed and sat up. There was one thing he hadn't tried.

"Dear God," he said aloud, "I have royally screwed this all up. I am not sure how to get out of it or maybe more accurately through this mess. I am told that you can clear all this up. But first I need to ask you to forgive me. I can't hardly stand myself right now. Please just point me to something, anything. Give me a sign that you hear me and can help me."

He felt desperate but satisfied that he had done what he could. He got up and got ready for the day. At the breakfast table he sat down to a bowl of cereal and a banana.


It was his dad.

Want to meet for lunch at the Pony?

Caulder wasn't sure what to make of this. It was a weekday and not a usual request from his dad. Did he know something? Had Agnes told him that he had been acting weird?

Thinking it was better than being at the ranch and a great excuse to stay in town longer, Caulder texted a reply back. He also sent a message to Agnes telling her he'd come in later. At least I think I am coming in later.

Lunch time , The Pony Cafe

Caulder had done nothing with his morning other than try to catch up on of some of his favorite shows that he half watched. As the time grew closer to lunch, he dreaded it, but here he was in the corner booth waiting for his dad.

Caulder's dad came through the front door and went to the back of the cafe. Caulder assumed it was to greet his mom. A moment later, dad reappeared and walked to the booth.

They looked over the menu and placed their orders with Edda Fae who was working this afternoon. The lunch crowd was pretty thick so she didn't stay long to chat.

"Well, how is work at the ranch?" Caulder's dad began.

Caulder tried to read into that statement. He wasn't sure if it was a leading question or not. "Fine."

"I heard Aunt Agnes hired some consultant to help get the program up and running."

Now Caulder was really getting paranoid. He knows something. 

Caulder shrugged. Conversation died and Edda Fae returned with their drinks.

Caulder was torn between coming clean now or saying nothing. His dad took a sip of his iced tea. He always seemed comfortable with silence. Something Caulder deeply admired about his dad.

The bell on the door jangled and Caulder looked up. Henry!

Caulder wasn't sure if he saw him but he made a quick decision. "Uh, dad I have something that I need to tell."

Caulder's dad gave his full attention to him.

Caulder's mind went blank.

"Caulder Hale?" the voice of Henry, his former boss cut through the restaurant.

It was now or never, "I didn't finished college and worked all year at a ranch in Montana. And that is my former boss." Caulder said in one breath. 

Caulder braced himself for impact. Wondering if this was the sign that he had asked God for this morning. 
