— H E A D O V E R H E E L S —

I HEAR the doorbell ringing and rush downstairs to answer the door spotting gwen standing there with a bag of items, including her halloween costume.

"come on in!" i smile, taking her bags as i close the door behind her, "you ready?"

"let's get this party started" she exclaims, racing up to my room as she dances around, music blasting from my record, "i love this song!"

i let out a small laugh, grabbing her hands as we both dance around screaming our lungs out to the lyrics.

"the history book on the shelf!" we sing spinning each other around, "is always repeating itself!!"

"waterloo! i was defeated you won the war! waterloo! promise to love you forever more!" the record blasts, the two of us going crazy as we pull things out.

i grab a feathered scarf and some funky shades along with my brush before turning to gwen, her doing the same thing.

we both dance towards each other still singing to the song laughing, gwen begins to put her arms up near her chest before moving side to side pulling a ridiculous face.

the song then changes and we both squeal loudly, getting ready into our positions before the lyrics start.

"honey honey, how he thrills me aha, honey honey" i sing, brush as my microphone.

"honey honey, nearly kills me aha, honey honey" gwen joins in, dramatically putting her hand on her head.

"i've heard about him before, i wanted to know some more... and now i know what they mean, oh he makes me dizzy-" the two of us laughing as we dance around the room.

"honey honey, don't conceal it aha, honey honey!" gwen sings skipping around back and fourth.

we both quickly race to my bed, gwen jumps on laying down as i stood next to her.

"the way that you kiss goodnight!" gwen sings as i peck her cheek laughing before jumping in next to her.

"the way that you hold me tight!" we both sing hugging each other, racing off the bed as we swinging one another about.

"i feel like i wanna sing when you do your... thing!" we both laugh before getting our costumes out beginning to get ready.

i enter the bathroom before changing into my daphne dress as gwen changes in my room, i style the green scarf, pull on some knee high boots with heels before opening my door.

gwen was in her orange outfit and we both smile brightly at each other looking at my desk mirror.

i begin to do gwen's make up, she sneezes as i put the make up brush near her nose causing us to laugh our heads off, after she was done i began to do my own make up.

once we were both finished we exit the house with a few things that were needed before locking up.

we see the boys exiting robin's place and look over, robin had a chainsaw in his hand and a plastic mask above his head along with some black clothes.

finney on the other hand was the joker, he wore a purple and green looking suit, hair gelled back with his curls showing at the back of his head.

"you guys look amazing!" i say, gwen nodding next to me in agreement.

"so do you guys, are you ready?" finney asks us, signalling towards school.

i check the time and look to see it's 5:24PM, i notice the sun slowly setting creating a warm glow on the atmosphere.

"you guys are wild" robin says, looking at gwen and i as we begin walking.

"oh? how come?" i ask, furrowing my eyebrows at the boy.

"honey honey, nearly kills me!" finney begins, smirking at robin.

"aha honey honey!" robin mocks, the two boys laughing as me and gwen look at each other horrified.

"oh" we both say in unison before turning forwards again.

"you may have had your curtains open but you didn't have your window shut fully" finney tells us, "so whilst we were getting sorted we saw you acting like wild animals dancing and screaming to abba"

"hey man, i love abba" i shrug as we pass our school gates, music echoing through the halls.

the boys push open the hall's doors and we look to see all the curtains closed, lights dancing around, patterns appearing on the floor, beams shooting here and there.

halloween decorations covering the hall along with students scattered as they danced to monster mash, i turn to everyone before racing in.

as i dance i feel someone tap my shoulder and see bruce smiling down at me, he wore a costume that looked like a filthy baseball outfit covered in dirt and blood, a cap resting on his head to go with the outfit.

"dead baseball boy?" i question as i rest my hand on his shoulder, him placing his hand on my hip.

"yup, daphne right?" bruce lightly shouts over the music, the two of us dancing to the music

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we both laugh, smiling at one another as the song slowly changes to thriller, i gasp and give bruce a knowing look.

"we have to do the dance to thriller bruce, please!" i beg, dragging him to the centre of the dance floor.

"alright alright! get ready" he says, the two of us standing beside each other in position.

as michael's voice sings we begin to do the dance, the two of us smiling at one another as we move around the dance floor.

soon everyone was in rows joining us in the dance, every student was moving in sync as thriller blasted through the speakers.

i look around to see finney and gwen laughing with each other as they dance, i then look to my left to see bruce focused on the steps whilst giving my glances.

on my right i see robin, we both make eye contact and he smirks at me as we both spin, clapping on sync with everyone else.

we broke eye contact after a very long moment, continuing with the dance, a laugh blaring through the speakers signalling the song was over, everyone broke apart and i make my way over to the drinks.

i let out a long sigh as i drank the cold refreshing drink in seconds, robin, finney and gwen make there way over to me doing the same thing.

"that was wild" gwen laughs, pouring herself a drink.

"yeah, you and bruce really know how to get people moving" finney agrees, all of us laughing slightly, making our way to the bleachers to sit down.

"this is so fun" i smile, taking another sip of my drink.

suddenly 'take my breath away' started playing through the speakers and we watch as people begin to partner up and slow dance.

i look in the crowd to see donna awkwardly dancing on her own, i turn to finney who was already looking at donna.

"go get her, tiger" i smirk, nudging the boy who turns to me gulping, getting out of his seat to walk towards the girl.

i watch as donna's face goes a deep shade of red, the two slowly swaying to the music, next gwen gets asked to dance and i go to side glance robin slightly only to see him gone.

i feel a slight pang in my chest and realise it was the feeling of disappointment, i don't know why i was disappointed but my eyes travel across the crowd to see robin dancing with... gertrude.

i let out a scoff and get up, walking higher up the bleachers looking as everyone dances, bruce was also dancing with a sweet looking girl so he was out of the question.

i feel someone tap my shoulder and look up to see billy showalter, he furrows his eyebrows at me whilst smiling slightly.

"what's a pretty girl like you doing alone here?" he asks looking down at me.

"no one to dance with i guess" i mumble, shrugging slightly.

"well in that case... may i have this dance?" he smiles, holding his hand out for me to take.

"you may" i grin, taking his hand as we walk towards the dance floor, i wrap my arms around his neck as his arms travel around my waist, "thank you"

"don't worry about it" he tells me as we both sway to the music, happiness flooding through my body over taking the disappointed feeling that coursed through my veins a couple seconds ago.

billy then spins me around carefully before slowly pulling me back towards him, i rest my face on his shoulder as we dance.

billy and i have always been there for each other, even if we didn't talk that much we always had each other's back.

we will always be great friends, no matter what happens, i look up to see robin make eye contact with me, rolling his eyes slightly turning to gertrude again, i look down to the floor and sigh.

'what did i do wrong?' i thought to myself, the song ending causing billy and i to break away.

"thanks for dancing with me, y/n" billy says, looking around.

"thanks for asking me" i respond, the two of us smiling before going our own directions, i go to the bleachers towards gwen who sat alone.

"you okay?" she asks, a concerned expression covering her features.

"i'm fine" i shrug, sitting beside the girl, "did i do something wrong to robin?"

"no you didn't, i saw the way he looked at you and all but i'm not sure what happened but oh my gosh, gertrude of all people?" gwen states, gagging dramatically causing me to laugh.

"i know right? so many girls would love to dance with him but he just had to choose that soppy bitch" i huff, resting my chin on my palm.

"someone's jealous" gwen says in a sing-song.

"am not!" i gasp, lightly smacking the girl on the arm.

"are too!" she argues, hitting me back, silence washing over the two of us.

"...would it be such a bad thing if i was?" i ask her, giving her a small glance.

"not at all, i don't know what's gotten into him" she sighs, rubbing my back comfortingly.

"i think i'll head off, my mood has been killed" i tell gwen, "see you later"

"y/n" gwen calls to me as i travel down the bleachers, rushing out of the hall, "y/n!"

i run through the halls before sliding down the wall sitting on the floor.

'i hate boys' i thought to myself as i rest my head back.

i close my eyes for a while listening to the soft echos of music from the hall, unintentionally drifting off slightly.

"y/n!" gwen yells, jolting me awake, she then turns the corner and spots me on the floor, finney by her side.

"c'mon let's get you home" finney says, grabbing my hands as he pulls me off the floor, "we're not letting you walk alone"

"she can stay with us for the night, dads gone away for a few days so he won't be back till monday, plus our house is closer" she tells finney who nods in agreement.

"where's robin?" i ask the two.


"right here" robin says cutting off finney, i glance over at him but he avoids eye contact causing me to sink into finney slightly, "why are we leaving?"

"y/n needs to go home" finney tells him, handing me my bag.

"cant she go by herself?" he scoffs, "or maybe she can get her boyfriend to"

"what are you talking about?" gwen asks robin, an annoyed expression crossing her features.

"paperboy aka billy showalter" robin grumbles, looking over at me with a cold stare.

"woah what? where'd you get that idea?" i ask him, stopping in my tracks causing everyone else to stop moving.

"oh please, i saw the two of you dancing together" he says, crossing his arms as he leant against a locker.

"that's because he saw i was alone on the bleachers!"

"yeah sure, i saw him walking over as we were sat down on the bleachers"

"you weren't there, you were too busy dancing with gertrude!"

"i only asked her to dance because you were going to dance with billy!" he argues, pushing himself off the lockers.

"well next time there's a slow dance pluck up the courage to ask me before someone else does and don't be a prick about it!" i yell, my emotions getting the better of me.

"why are you blaming me!? i should be the one angry here!" he snaps, walking towards me.

"you ruined everything robin!" i yell, my voice cracking as i shove the boy backwards, walking away from everyone.

"you've gone and done it now" gwen sighs before chasing after me.

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