
Anna's POV
I hate it when Ella has to get shots I hate seeing her cry but it has to be done. Any parent knows the pain of watching your baby cry and not being able to do anything about it. After we leave I gave her Tylenol and nursed her before strapping her in the car seat.

My phone started rigging and I smile when I see the name on the screen and his shit eating grin on my screen. "Brantley🤪"
Me:hey b what's up
B:nothing I wanted to know if you and the Lil princess wanted to come over and eat lunch with me
Me:we would love to, but fair warning she's gonna be cranky and sleepy she had to get shots today. I'm giving her Tylenol now so she should sleep.
B: poor girl, well she and I can kick back in the recliner and have a good snooze
Me:haha you always do, well be there shortly b
B:I'll see ya then

As I hang Up I can't help but smile, we've been home all of two weeks and he is completely wrapped around her little finger. I find it absolutely hilarious to see him in black, in all his tattoo glory and all with her on his chest and a fuzzy pink blanket draped over them. Seeing how good he is with her just warms my heart.

Once we get to Brantley's I stop and punch the code in at the gate and head down the paved driveway. As I pull up in front of the house he opens the door and makes his was to the car taking Ella's carrier from my hands and grabbing the diaper bag with a smirk before making his way back inside. I just chuckle as I follow him in the house.

As soon as I hit the living room I can smell chilli, instantly making me smile. His mama's recipe had always been my favorite and he knew it too. "Fixing On making some grilled cheese just like mama did for us when were young, sound good to you?" he asked. I nodded and I couldn't help but smile as he sat Ella's carrier down on the table before unbuckling her and gently lifting her out. Placing a soft kiss on her forehead before gently cradling her to his chest.

"You're so good with her B, you'll never know how much it means to me" I say with a sigh. "I love her to death Anna, she's so small and beautiful. She's tiny but fierce, just like her momma" he said looking at me with so many emotions in his eyes it made me weak in the knees. "You are one of a kind Brantley Keith, one of a kind." I say with a smile as I stand on my tip toes to kiss his cheek.

I head into the kitchen asking where things are so I make that grilled cheese while he entertains my daughter. When I'm finished making the grilled cheese I dip out two bowls of chilli before making my way into the living room to let him know the food is ready.

I find him sitting in the recliner singing "Play me that Song" softly as he rubbed Ella's back while she she was sprawled our happily on his chest. "Let me take her, foods on the table. I'm going to feed her then lay her in her carrier to sleep" I whisper.

Instead of going to the kitchen when he hands her off to me he goes down the hall to one of the spare rooms and comes back with a pac and play. "I bought this when Tinsley was born and I kept it after she out grew it because all of my buddies were having kids, between Willa and Ada James and Memphis it comes in handy" he said shrugging. I just laugh at the fact that the badass of country music has a pack and play at his house.

After we got done eating Ella was still out for the count so we just sat in the living room and talked. "Can I ask you something Anna" Brantley questioned. "Sure, lay it on me" I said hesitantly. "What's been bothering you, and don't say nothing you seem tense and on edge lately and don't think the dark circles under your eyes have made it passed me miss thang". He asked seriously.

"I haven't been sleeping well okay. I keep having this nightmare that Derrick finds us here. Brantley I'm scared, what if he does. He's crazy B he won't hesitate to hurt me or Ella even" I say as tears fill my eyes. Wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest to hole me while I cried. "Baby girl that's not going to happen I promise. I'm right here and I won't let anything happen to you or her I promise you that" he says rubbing my back. After I had calmed down some I went to pull away but I'm stopped by a strong arm and pulled back down to Brantley's lap. "Just lay here with me please baby girl" he whispered. I didn't even answer I just burrowed into his chest making him rumble with a deep chuckle.

Brantley's POV
Laying there with her in my arms felt so right. I'd wanted to do this since I saw her in mama's kitchen that first morning I was back in town. She's just so amazing, she's just as beautiful as she was back in the day.

"I gotta a question for ya baby doll" I say softly. "Lay it on me" she says with a giggle. "Every year before all of us hit the road on tours we all get together and have a big blow out party and it's my turn to host it this year I wanted to know if you wanted to come. Plus I could use some help" I say chuckling. "I'll have to see if your mom can watch Ella" she says sitting up. "We can just keep her here Anna it doesn't get that crazy. Everybody else brings their kids. She'll be in bed by the time anybody really starts drinking and she usually sleeps through the night anyway. Plus I want everybody to meet her. If that's okay with you" I say with a grin I know she can't refuse.

"You know if you keep flaunting her around like you do people are going to assume I really did have your kid" she says with another giggle.

"Wouldn't bother me none" I say seriously. Her face instantly lights up with a smile "I'm so incredibly glad that we have you in our lives Brantley" she says kissing me on the cheek again.

"People will start showing up tomorrow, but the party isn't until this weekend. I was wondering if you and lil princess just wanted to stay with me for the next couple days while everybody is here" I ask her with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah, I just have to go back to mama's to get some things once Ella wakes up" she says with a big grin. "I can watch her while you run to Mama's it's literally like 20 minutes Anna I can handle it" I say.

Earning a grin from her "if you think you can handle miss Sass after a round of shots be my guest B I'll be back as soon as I can. Thank you" she says grabbing her purse kissing me on the cheek. She pauses before opening the door " hey Brantleyyyyy" she called from the entry to the garage. "No" I say immediately knowing what she's going to ask.

"Pleaseeeee, I haven't driven it since you first got it when we were young. Come on you know you you love me. You can't say no and you know it!"she continued to plead. "Fine! but if I find out you had her over 50 I'm going to tan your hide. Got me baby?" I growled throwing her the keys.

"You got it big guy" she said with a smirk before bolting for the cougar. Good god this woman would be the death of me I swear.

Mama's POV
I was in the kitchen doing what was left of my dishes from lunch when I hear my son's cougar peel into my driveway. Shaking my head, when is that boy going to learn to slow down.

Drying my hands I go to meet him at the door. My jaw falls open when Anna gets out of the car. "Honey what are you doing skirting around in that car like that" I ask sternly. "Reliving some old memories mama" she says giving me a hug.

"Ella and I are staying with Brantley while everyone is in town for this big party he's having. I swear mama he flaunts her around like she's really his." She says surprised.

"Well let's put it this way hun. Two months ago he and I had a conversation about the fact that he thought he didn't deserve love. That he thought gods plan for him was to just play music. Said he was done trying and here is absolutely wrapped around that sweet little girl, and whether you like to acknowledge it or not falling fast for her mama" I say with a soft smile on my lips.

"Mama I love him too, but it's not that easy I'm still married and we're just getting settled I want to take things slow" she says with a tired sigh.

"I know sweetheart, I know. I'll go ahead and get diapers and wipes and stuff like that packed for you if you want" I say giving her a quick hug. "That would be great, thanks mama you are truly a blessing" she says giving me another hug.

Anna's POV
When I get back to the house I make my way from the empty living room to Brantley's room. What I find makes me smile like crazy. Brantley him asleep in his bed with Ella on his bare chest with an episode of backwoods life on the tv, I smile. She's in clean pajamas and there's an empty bottle on the bed side table. I have to give it to him it seems he handled his baby sitting gig well I thought to myself. I take a quick picture sending it to mama before trying to lift Ella off of Brantley's chest. As he feels her move from his chest, even in his sleep his protective hold on her tightens just a little bit. I can't help but laugh knowing I'd have to wake him up now. "Brantley, babe you have to wake up. I'm trying to put Ella in the pack and play, and you won't give her to me" I say laughing softly. "Sorry Baby girl"he says with a Sleepy laugh getting up to lay her down in the pack and play for me that was already in the room. Then returning right back to bed making me laugh and roll my eyes. I click on the baby monitor then head downstairs to the kitchen and try to find something to snack since i didn't have dinner.

I end up with some tea and a bag of chips As I look at the stove the clock still only reads 8:30 I sigh and Head back upstairs to get a pillow and blanket so I can sleep on the couch.

Once I make it up the stairs I find Brantley stirring and he's fully awake before I make it out of the room. He sits up looking at me through sleepy eyes and pats the bed beside him.

I lay down and lay my head on his stomach and his hand went to my hair instantly, twirling a soft brown curl around his finger. That was all it took everything I had been holding in spilled out. "Brantley what am I gonna do? I can't do this alone. I love my daughter to death but I don't want to be a single mom my entire life. Nobody is going to want to be with somebody that already has a baby. Let alone the kind of baggage I have in the ex husband department" I say as tears fill my eyes. He sits up and wraps his arms around me giving me a good squeeze before wiping my tears away. "Anna... Sweetheart any guy would be more than lucky to have you and he would be absolutely blessed to have that baby girl in his life. Now you listen to me you're going find love baby girl but first you have to stop looking for it you have to let love find you" he said kissing the top of my head. Pulling me into his chest singing to me softly. "Thanks for always knowing what to say to me" I say smiling. A while later were laying there watching backwoods life and I feel a sharp pop on the ass. "What the fuck Brantley" I squealed. "Mama called me after you left her house said you peeled in the driveway so fast she thought it was me. I thought I told you to keep it under 50" he growled before nuzzling back Into his spot. "Asshole" I muttered. Snuggling into him before closing my eyes and drifting off.
