an amzing weekend part 1

Brantley's POV
I wake up to the lil princess moving around the bed between Anna and I. Smiling as I open my eyes finding two of my favorite girls smiling back at me.

I grab Ella and sit her on my chest as she keeps smiling. "Im making breakfast and coffee so get up come eat with us lazy bones" Anna says giving me a big smile.

About that time two tiny hands lock onto my beard giving it a good tug. Anna is laughing too hard to do anything. By the time I get her detached from my beard I'm laughing too.

Shaking my head as I hand her off to Anna so I can get showered before breakfast because TR and Lauren along with TR's dad Rhett were due to be here in a few hours.

Looking back at my bed as I make my way to the bathroom I'm smiling like a fool. Anna sits with her legs folded under her and Ella in her lap. She's just so beautiful and kind, plus just seeing the two of them interact together the way they do makes me realize I'm a lucky man to have them in my life.

After breakfast I take lil princess into the living room while Anna runs around like crazy trying to get ready. She's stressing about meeting everybody this weekend. I think she just wants to impress them, but all she has to do is be herself and they will absolutely love her.

She came out in probably the 3rd outfit asking me if she looked okay. I had to keep from rolling my eyes at the fru-fru pink sundress she had on. "Don't get me wrong baby girl you look amazing, but it's just a bon fire with a bunch of my buddies. Don't stress it they're just normal people you can sing is all. Now go upstairs put on a pair of your cutoffs and my old zeppelin T-shirt that I know you still have. That's who you are, and they're going to love you." I tell her with a quick kiss on her forehead. "Thank you so much B" she sighs wrapping me in a quick hug before heading upstairs.

Scooping Ella up to go ahead and get her changed and ready for people to start showing up. Just so Anna has one less thing to worry about. Grinning as I slide the the onesie I had made for this weekend over her head praying she didn't puke on it before Jason got here. The front of her shirt says no Aldean boys allowed

Since everybody is ready Ella and I go back to watching the outdoor channel. The doorbell rings about the same time Anna comes downstairs I can still tell she's nervous about meeting everybody. I'm actually glad Lauren and TR are the first to show up because I know Lauren being Lauren will help loosen Anna up.

I open the door giving TR a side hug, and wrapping Lauren in a hug before a very excited Willa Reaches for a hug. I turn to Anna and introduce her to them. "Anna this is TR and his wife Lauren and their two girls. But you probably already know that. And this ugly mug right here is Rhett, TR's dad he really helped me cut my teeth in the industry" I say giving her an encouraging smile. "It's so nice to finally meet you guys, I've heard a lot about you" she says giving them a big smile as she switches Ella to other hip.

"Same for you. Brantley has talked about plenty of times over the years I've known him" Lauren says smiling making me groan a little.

Anna's POV
I'm sitting in the living room making small talk with Lauren while the girls play in the floor. Lauren looks over at Ella before turning to me laughing. "Anna I absolutely love her shirt" she says in a fit of laughs. For the first time that day I look at what Brantley dressed my baby girl in. "Oh, that man is gonna get it" I say chuckling before scooping up my daughter and making my way to the porch. "I'm coming too, I gotta see this" Lauren said putting ada in the pack and play before following me.

"Brantley Keith" I say mimicking the way Mama does it. His face grows pale and he turns to see what I want. "What is this" I say referring to Ella's onesie. "My way of making sure that boy stays clear of my lil princess" he says with a smirk. I smile as he refers to her as his. "They're babies B" I say rollin my eyes trying not to laugh. "I don't care she's wearing it, you can never be too safe" he says seriously. Laughing as I walk away "baby girl you better forget about boys entirely with him in your life" I coo at Ella making he giggle.

The guys are outside grilling while Lauren and I get started on the sides. As I try to shoo an annoying Ben out the back door. Most of the band was here already. All of them except Ben were outside hanging with Brantley and the guys but no Ben had to be up my ass being annoying like he was good at.

The door bell rings and I dry my hands off and go to answer it picking up a fussy Ella on the way. Knowing I'll have to lay her down before dinner or the whining would get worse.

When I open the door I'm met with Jason's smiling mug. "You must be Anna, it's nice to finally meet you darlin" he says drawling out his southern twang with the word darlin. "And I recognize this little cutie from all the pics BG sends me" she says laughing as he reads her shirt. "Babe look what he's gone and done now" he says turning to Brittany who's holding a sleeping Memphis. "That's great, he's already trying to scare my sweet boy off" she says laughing. "I'm Brittany, if you didn't know that already" she says with another laugh as she tries to change the way she's packing Memphis around. "You can lay him down back here in the guest room I have Ella's pack and play in there and there's a baby monitor also" I say pointing down the hall. "That would be great thank you so much" she gives me another smile before making her way down the hall.

A little while later I make my way down the hall to lay a sleeping Ella down beside Memphis smiling as I snap a picture of them sleeping next to each other.

Brittany hops right in to help Lauren and I finish cooking. Brantley comes in to get a speaker so the guys can play music on the porch while they grill. "Hey B can you check on the babies they're sleeping in the guest room" I ask sweetly. Knowing he's going to have some sort of comment about them sharing the pack and play. "Sure thing baby girl" he says making his way down the hallway. I hear him chuckle. "I put her in her no Aldean onesie and what do you do you put her in bed with an Aldean" he says wrapping his arms around me trying not to laugh. Kissing my forehead and giving a quick swat on the ass he mumbles "you're damn lucky you're cute baby girl" before releasing me from the hug and making his way back outside.
