Hayami: The Rare Beauty 31

The whole restaurant avoided going anywhere near to table no. 5 afraid that the two hungry demons would gobble them up along with the food. 

The first test had just finished and Team Elite were in the restaurant eating the food they missed the last three days, early morning and at afternoon.  "Slow down kids. Leave some for Hayami as well." Tadashi sweat drops as Kane and Hiroshi were gobbling almost everything at sight.

"Well, well look what we got here. Burj Khalifa in our Konoha." Ken who just arrives with his twin looks at the tower of plates and bowls stacked neatly by none other than Hayami who was having her desert looking as elegant and graceful as ever.

"That's gonna cost a lot." Tadashi says as he calculates the price. "Why do you think we wandered the whole village to find you and bring you here?" Hiroshi says. "Whaaaaaaaaat?? You expect me to pay this?" Tadashi points at the ungodly number of dishes.

"If our dear sensei is paying then I too will have something." Kai says taking his seat besides Hayami and Ken besides Kane. "Please bring us the most expensive dish in this restaurant." Kai says and the waiter quickly goes to the main kitchen to place the order. "Did you really eat all of these? How can a small person like you eat this much?" Ken asks as few more waiters carrying the Burj Khalifa made by Hayami to the kitchen and cleaning the table for the new dishes. "I'm not like other girls. Me built different." Hayami says with a hint of mockery.

"You guys just sold me in the last mission and made me work as a stripper and now-" "Pay with the money you earned as a stripper." Ken says. "I heard sensei was the hot topic in the black market." Kai says making Tadashi go red as the embarrassing moments flooded in.


"Tired already?" Kai asks. "Who wouldn't be? We have been training for hours now." Hayami says sitting on the hard ground. "Tomorrow you are entering the death forest. You need to be prepared for it." Kai says. "Yeah, I know. I know." Hayami says.

"It's pretty late. We should head back now." Kai says as the sun had already set. Hayami gets up from the ground and heads towards the Hyuga compound while chatting with Kai. "Tomorrow I have a solo mission so I won't be there to train you. You three will work on your teamwork by yourself." Kai says to which hayami nods her head. "Don't get yourself killed." Kai says as they had reached the main gates. "Was that supposed to be a best of luck?" Hayami asks. "I suppose you can take it as that way." Kai says. "Tch.. such a tsundere. You lucky cuz I have a thing for them"


the only one who was happy to be in the forest of death was none other than Kane who had literal heart in his eyes gawking at the variety of plants and trees. 

"Isn't this magnificent?" Kane asks turning towards his teammates. "Is something wrong with that boy?" Ino sweat drops at Kane's excitement. "No shit. He's the only one who's eager to go in the forest." Shikamaru says. "Don't mind him. He's abit way too passionate and enthusiastic when it comes plants." Hayami waves it off.   

"This place is filled of weird people." Shikamaru says as his attention is caught by somebody. Both Hayami and Choji look at the direction where he's looking to spot a burnette girl with literal hearts in her eyes staring at Hayami. "Ahhhh! She looked at me! She looked at me!" heart beats out of the girl's chest resulting the three to sweat drop along with her teammates.

"Are those hearts directed towards me? Or is it that her aiming sucks?" Hayami asks as multiple hearts were oozing out of the burnette towards Hayami. "Ofcourse y-" "Ofcourse me! Afterall I'm the only decent looking creature in this direction." Hayami cuts off Shikamaru.

"What do you mean by only decent looking creature here?" Shikamaru says. "I mean look at me! then look at you!" Hayami's comment made Shikamaru's eyes twitch. "A literal talking pineapple at the side and a duckass at the back. I'm the only beautiful, pure and angelic looking creature in this direction." Hayami says. 

"I don't know about the pure and angelic but you surely are a creature." Shikamaru comments as Hayami smiles and energetically waves at the burnette. "O-oi! You're hitting me!" Shikamaru says as he receives few hits from hayami here and there while she energetically waves at the girl. "Then don't get in my way! simple." Hayami hisses. "Plus we love gay people!!" 

"L~O~V~E~" the words reach the burnette's ears and she goes as red as a beetroot. "Ahhh!! She smiled and waved at me. Plus she told love! Ahh! My life purpose is done!" smokes releases from her ears as she falls back. "And there goes her fuse." Shikamaru comments. "Ouch! Why are you hitting me nowadays?" he complaints after receiving a hit from Hayami. "That was very rude of you Shika." she says referring to his previous comment about the burnette.

"Shika? Again with the funny nicknames." Shikamaru sighs. "Ino?" Choji looks at Ino who has been staring at Kane for quite a while now.

"AHHHHHH!! I KNEW IT!!! IT'S YOUUUUUU!!!" Ino points at Kane. "Hmm? Who? Me?" Kane points at himself innocently. "Do I know you-AHHHHHH!! YOUUUU!!!" Kane too points back at Ino. "Do you two know each other?" Hiroshi asks. 

"For several years the Yamanaka Flower Shop has been the top and best selling flower shop in Konoha-" "Well that was until we came." Kane smugly cuts off Ino. "Currently we are the best selling flower shop in the whole Konoha." he adds.

"Hah! In your dreams! Yamanaka was, is and always will be the best flower shop in Konoha!" Ino says. "Get out of your delusional world and get a reality check. It's obvious that Iwasaki Flower Shop is the best." Kane says.

"Whatcha say you prickly pear?" Ino says. "Just what ya heard ya mountain boar." Kane replies as the two banged their foreheads against each other.

"What's happening here?" Naruto asks looking at Ino and Kane who were ready to wrestle each other. "I too have no idea what's going on." Shikamaru says. "Shouldn't we stop them?" Sakura sweat drops as Ino and Kane started to wrestle. "Haya-Ack"

"It's a rare sight to see Kane so fired up." Hiroshi says taking a sip from his drink with 3d glasses on. "Hmm. Hmm."  Hayami agrees as she tosses popcorn in her mouth as she watches the match besides Hiroshi.

"Wha- where did you get the glasses from? And the theater seats- from where did the stage and curtains come from?" Shikamaru looks around the changed surrounding. "Hey Hayami can I get some popcorn?" Choji asks. "Sure." and Choji too joins them. "If Choji's joining then so am I." Naruto takes his seat and starts enjoying the match while enjoying his ramen.

"Oi! Hayami-" Hayami shoves a drink down Sasuke's throat. "O-oi! Hayami! What did you do to my Sasuke kun?" Sakura asks as Sasuke looked like a dying cockroach taking it's last few breath. 

"Sasuke kun!!"
"Sasuke kun!!"
"Ahhhh!! His soul's leaving the body!!!"

"What was that Hayami?" Shikamaru looks at Hayami. "McDonald Sprite!!"

she replies rather proudly.....

(Now that my exams are finally over do expect updates more often)
