Hayami: The Rare Beauty 26

"I'm back!" Hayami announces. "Welcome back Hayami-sama." Natsu greets her. "Should I prepare a warm bath for you? Hayami sama?" Natsu asks. "No, I need to go to the Hokage tower to submit the mission report." Hayami answers.

"Nee sama! Welcome back!" Hanabi greets her. "How was the mission nee sama? Was it an A rank?" Hanabi asks. "The mission went well. And yes it was an A rank mission." Hayami answers. "How long will you be staying this time?" Hanabi asks. Hayami has repeatedly been taking missions and is rarely home. "I don't know. Hokage sama was talking about another important mission but it's not been decided yet to whom it will be given to. Probably us." Hayami answers. "Oh.... I see." Hanabi says disappointed.

 "Here." Hayami gives her a bag. "What's this?" Hanabi asks. "Souvenirs from my mission." Hayami says. "When I saw them it reminded me of you so I bought it for you." Hayami says as she watches Hanabi's face light up.

"Natsu san. Could you give this to Hinata after she comes back from her training." Hayami gives another bag to Natsu. "I shall get going then." Hayami says and leaves.

"Natsu san! These look so delicious!!" Hanabi says, showing her snacks brought by Hayami. "Hayami sama? Did you forget something?" Natsu asks as Hayami returns.

"Yes, I actually brought these for everyone." Hayami says a bit sheepishly as she forgot about it. "Thank you, Hayami sama." Natsu accepts her gift as she knows there was no use of denying it as Hayami would persuade her one way or the other. "I shall now get going!" Hayami exits.

"Hanabi sama?" Natsu calls as Hanabi opens the door and watches Hayami head towards the compound main gates. "Natsu san?... When will nee sama start coming home often?" Hanabi asks. "Hayami sama is now officially a shinobi. It's natural she will be out for missions often." Natsu answers. "Even Hinata nee san is officially a shinobi. But she still has time for herself and us." Hanabi says.

"Hayami sama was chosen by the Hokage sama to be placed in a special team. Everybody has high expectations from her." Natsu says. "Is it hard?" Hanabi asks. "Is it hard being a natural born prodigy?" Hanabi asks. "Why do you ask that? Hanabi sama?" Natsu asks. "Nee sama is perfect in every way. She is talented, she is super pretty, she is super kind, she is super strong, she is super perfect! How does it feel to be her? I always wonder. Everybody loves and respects her, father and hyuga choro actually wish that nee sama were their biological daughter/granddaughter instead of me and Hinata nee san. She is just so perfect, everything is so easy for her, everything she does looks so easy, flawless and perfect." Hanabi says.

"I have taken part in raising and taking care of Hayami sama ever since she entered this Hyuga household. Hayami sama went through a terrible fate and met a frightening accident at the age of 3. The accident is now famously known as the 'Civil Hyuga Child Affair'. In that accident Hayami sama received her byakugan in a very terrifying way. She was brought to the Hyuga mansion right after she was discharged from the hospital to be questioned. Hayami sama argued with Hyuga sama that she won't accept the hyuga curse mark and live as a side branch member. She bravely took stand for her parents and sister and in that process she awakened her byakugan and proved everybody in the hall who looked down upon her wrong. In her early days, Hayami sama was greatly looked down upon as she was a civilian.
She had never once seen a ninja when she came here yet she was forced into the cruel hyuga training system. She didn't succeed the first time, she met many failures when she first started training. But she didn't give up, she worked harder each and every day. Today where she is isn't because she is a natural born prodigy or because of the byakugan she received in fact Hayami sama rarely uses her Byakugan. Hayami sama's Byakugan isn't as developed as rest of the Hyugas, she has many drawbacks. Hayami sama has struggled a lot in this Hyuga household. Today where she is it's all because she never learned to give up and always strived to be the better version of herself. She always kept looking forward and kept learning from her mistakes." Natsu says.

"Was... nee sama's life really that hard? Looks like being a natural born prodigy is difficult." Hanabi says. "Do you want to hear a secret about hayami sama?" Natsu asks and Hanabi nods her head vigorously. "The real truth behind Hayami sama's success is goya." Natsu says. "Goya? Bitter gourd?" Hanabi asks, confused. "When Hayami sama was young, she practiced all her jutsus imagining bitter gourd as her opponent. And maybe she still does." Natsu says giggling a bit, making Hanabi confused. "Does nee sama hate bitter gourd that much?" Hanabi asks. "Should I start doing that too?" Hanabi asks herself.

"Hanabi sama? Did you get the answers you needed?" Natsu asks. "Yes." Hanabi says. "I want to be just like my nee sama! I want to be like her shadows, just as strong and pretty as her!" Hanabi says. "I am proud to be nee sama's younger sister but at the same time I'm jealous of Sakura san. She must feel extremely proud and lucky to be nee sama's older sister." Hanabi says as she looks at Hayami's back slowly disappearing as she makes her way out of the compound. 

"If it's Hayami who Hanabi looks up to and takes as her role model. I am relieved." Hiashi sighs in containment and satisfaction as he listened their conversation from behind the wall. "Yes... what chocolate did she bring for me this time?" Hyuga choro tries to steal his souvenir that Hayami bought for him along with the rest. "Oh ho ho! A rainbow candy cane a swirl pop! I'm sure Hinata and Hanabi won't mind me borrowing two or three." Hyuga choro quickly snatches them from the pouch. Hiashi sweat dropped at the scene of his old father stealing candies from his younger daughters' pouch that his eldest bought for them. "Hiashi! Look! Fish shaped pastry!" Hyuga choro jumps in mid air with one knee bent like a girl with cat paws, snout, ears and tail. 
