What should i do?


I woke up very early because of a dream, a weird one, it felt so real. My dream is that i talked to my parents and told them that i'm dating/ seeing someone.


What a weird dream ...

i couldn't sleep anymore so i decided to watch T., Yup!Early in the morning. i'm watching some looney tunes i think its bugs bunny ...

i put my coffee in the table so i can read my magazine *woooo! talks about multitasking hahahahaha

a few moments later, my phone keeps on vibrating which mean i have tons of notification on social media, text messages, and chats 

so i checked it out

first, my inbox

Lauren, My cousin


congrats to you, you deserve to be happy *heart emoji *kiss emoji

Clarissa my high school friend


hey, bes, congrats, you didn't tell me about it huh! but what's important is that you're happy * kiss emoji *kiss emoji

o-okay what's going on here??? i ask to myself

i opened my facebook messenger..

and it's a total riot. i have 65 messages from different people and all their messages starts with the word congratulations

i open madame michelle's message, and it goes like this

good morning madame claire,  let's have a double date tomorrow? *wink  HUH?! O.o

then i checked madame principal's message

whoever he is, his a lucky guy to have you. keep the love burning.

God bless and congrats what the hell is going on here?

lastly. i'm going to check my facebook account

oh, my cousin Sarah tagged me in a post, let's see

it's a throwback picture of us 3 years ago, taken few weeks before i came here in England

My dearest cousin Claire, first of all i want to say that i'm very happy for you. you finally break the curse, the curse of being forever single. hahaahahahaha jk

you finally have a boyfriend!!!!! Yieeeeee! *heart emoji *heart emoji 

remember that i love you, we love you. take care

PS: Send us his picture. haha end of post

after reading that post, i drop my phone,  luckily it's not broken  *i think




now, everyone knows about it, my family, friends and co-teachers in St. Benedict and even madame principal  huhuhuhu

I'm sure their going to ask me about it on monday.  what should i do? huhuhuhu

O! OK! Claire! you're smart, you'll gonna come up with an idea but first you need to relax and calm yourself. i told to myself

inhale     ......

exhale    ......

inhale    ......

exhale     .....

inhale    .....

exhale     ....

i went to my home office and went to my table with my pen and a pad of paper


Idea number 1. Tell the truth

-- i know it's the right thing to do. to fix everything, to end this but it'll make my family especially my parents either sad, mad, or disappointed and i don't want that. so it's a no no ...

Idea number 2. Go, get a real boyfriend

-- well, this one is not that hard coz i have lots of suitors  but ...

i don't like any of them. so again, it's a no no for me

Idea number 3. Pretend to be in a relationship

-- so, it's like continuing the crime i did to my parents, well it's okay but there's one big problem here. what if someone ask me who he is? i don't have any man that is close to me that can pretend to be my boyfriend.


what should i do? specially on monday? everyone will ask me, i'm sure. T.T

 this is insane.

 i hate this!

kring ... kring ... kring ...

ugh! i'm not in the mood to talk right now! i picked up the phone and i quickly rolled my eyes when i saw who's the caller

Hello, Madame Georgina,how you doing? i started the conversation

Georgina is also a teacher, but not in St. Benedict, she's also the representative of her school in yearly England's Teacher pageant which i won for 2 consecutive year and i'm looking forward to this year pageant. and btw, madame georgina was the 1st runner up for the past 2 years. HA HA!

so there's a bad blood between us, like katy perry and taylor swift but i'm more of a katy type of girl *swifties don't hate me love y'all

Hi madame claire, i sawa post on your fb acc, is that true?you have a boyfriend? like seriously? i never thought you're dating someone, you never went out she ask curiously 

ahh, it's --- she cut me off before i can answer her questions

and i wish your boyfriend is better than mine. God! i can imagine her right now smirking at me

you already saw him right? she asked 

how can i not see him? his always with her.super clingy! i don't like men who's super clingy. and she always upload photos of the two of them, but his not that good looking i mean compare to my imaginary boyfriend, Mr. David Beckham. *blushed

ah yea, I saw him already, a couple of times is just what i said

so, tell me about him? describe your boyfriend or at least show us some picture? omg. i'm doomed

Ah -- she cuts me off again

or maybe, you're too shy to introduce him to us because you're embarrassed? why? isn't he handsome? or maybe his not even on 50% of my mans handsomeness? it's okay madame claire, don't be ashamed, what's important is the inside, right? Hahahahahaha this b*tch

i should say something, i won't tolerate this kind of insult from a loser like her!!

i smirk before i say anything


of course not, his like 100x better than your man, blue eyes, his accent, his body which i'm sure is lot more sexier than your man, i wish you can see his 6 pack abs 

and one more thing, i don't have to buy him stuff like shoes to accompany me. then i hang up, i win!

this pride will kill me.

kring ... kring .... kring ...  ...

urgh! what now? she probably thought of something to blocked and irritates me.

i picked up the phone without looking in the screen

WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!!!  i yelled so she can feel and sense that i don't want to talk to her anymore.

Sorry,but  i think you're not in the mood for a little chat, are you? an unfamiliar voice said
