the call

After a very tiring day. I'm finally with my bestfriend her name is BED. Hahaha

Because i haven't able to eat during lunchbreak, i decided to cook before i can sleep

Just so you know, i live alone here in england for the past 3 years so learned how to cook. I miss my mom :(

Right now im making spicy carbonara. I love pasta.

Kringg ...

Kringg ...

Kring ..


Unregistered number?


Hello miss,
This is romeo's father, david Beckham
I'm so sorry to disturb you but i heard what happened.


Hello mr. Beckham, ya! I really planned talking to you about that matter. About romeo's behavior actually 
I said worriedly

And i just wanna ask,
its kinda personal but i really need to know so i can understand him i added

Tss. Hmmm
About that, let's not talk about it here.
Lets talk in person.
Lets meet. Are you busy right now?


Is it s date? Duh af course not!
The hell, im blushing? Again?

Ah nope, I'm not that busy mr. Beckham.

Great! Ah, lets meet at vinyl restaurant? Do you now the place?

Ah yea. Its a walking distance from my house. See you in about?

An hour? He ask


End of conversation

Im kinda late.
10 minutes late. I think its awkward if i showed up first.

Nah, im just reasoning, im late because i didn't know what to wear. HAHAHAHA

I end up wearing a plain v-neck and a denim pants.  Urgh  useless!

There he is, srsly how can he look so fine just sitting there and play with the bottled water? 

Then he saw me, a smile form in his face and he wave at me

I'm so sorry Mr.Beckam my mother called me and we had a long chat i forgot the time. I'm sorry i know you're really busy person  reasoning  haha

No its fine, have a sit.
As we sit, he called the waiter

Anything  you want? he asked

No, no, I'm fine. I already eat at home
Grrrrrrr. Grrrrrrr


fufffff i heard the waiter laugh 

omg! its so embarrassing! i wish i didn't come huhuhuhuhu

you're funny, i like you he said with a smile on his face

he.he.he. i smiled awkwardly 

i wanna say  like you too, hahahaha

please order something, don't be shy i can hear the concern on his voice or its just me? i dont know

we both ordered the same. PASTA

While eating we talk a lot. i mean he talks a lot.

it turned out that we do have a lot in common

like we love cheese, we hate onions 

we have the same taste in music. BRUNO MARS, EVERYONE. hahahaha

we also talked about his family 

on how him and victoria, his wife, met.

parenting, and he thought im married. duh!

Do you have a boyfriend? he asked randomly

I- I don't have one. after i said it i saw a smile formed into his face

Actually, i never have one. then i smiled at him

i saw disbelief on his face. hahahaha

if you may ask, 

i can say that i look nice, i mean, i'm the representative of all the teachers here at St. Benedict for yearly England  teachers Pageant.

i have lots of suitors, but i turn them down.

its not because i have a high standard but because they of something, i don't know what it is but there's something missing.

o-kay. i think i should open up another conversation. i think we're getting personal

ahmm. about Romeo. Mr. Beckham 

i think Romeo have a problem. do you know anything about it?

about that, he started

its kinda personal so can you promise me not tell anyone? he asked me worriedly and i nodded in response.

he's like that because his Gay.

he's like that because his Gay.

he's like that because his Gay.

at first, i was so shocked but i snap all the thought i had in mind and let him finish

and whats wrong with that? i asked

nothing really, well, for me. its totally fine. i accept him.

but the problem is his mother, Victoria,

she can't accept him, she's so mad at him that they ended up not talking to each other

and you know miss, My son, Romeo is the sweetest, and he's the closest to his mother before,

so i think  his trying to change himself. for his mother he spoke sadly

i don't know what to say. i mean, i never thought that Romeo is gay, wow. he's good at hiding

did you have a conversation about it again? i asked curiously

yea. i talked to him and tell him that it was fine. it can really happen and that's okay.

he's still my son and i still love him as much as i loved him before.

and that i appreciate his braveness to confess to us

what did he say? i sill can't believe that he's more understanding than his wife

and what did he say?

his keeps on crying every night, he don't wanna talk about it. he acts like it never happened

i'm so worried about him.  i can hear sadness in his voice

and i suddenly i realized that i already tapping his back for comfort

so i look at him and i saw him looking at me. i automatically turned red to i step away from him and looked down

i-i'm so sorry Mr. Beckham, i went overboard. i just wanted to comfort you, that's all. i'm sorry again


It's fine. it's not like we committed adultery . 


What? Adultery?  i would never be a person who will destroy a family i said angrily

i'm sorry miss, it's just a joke.

I'm so sorry i act too comfortable with you he said apologizing 

i'its fine.

 i just.~

 uh lets just forget about it i said with a smile on my face

thank you, for trusting me.

i promise you to do my best to help Romeo with his problem he smiled at me like his really thankful

uhmm. it's getting late, i have to go we have class tomorrow.

can i ride you? 

O.O WHAT DID YOU SAY MR. BECKHAM? i shouted because of shock

i mean, can i ride you home? it's kinda dark and i can't let a woman walks alone

 i don't know but i saw a him smile. a naughty one.

i should get mad but i somehow liked it.

He ride me, home.
