Stretching his arms and sleepily blinking his eyes, Jimin looked around the room for the clock.

7:30 am.


Their schedule would still be on 9 am and that meant Jimin still had plenty of time.

Today was the day that BigHit announced about Yoongi and Jimin's future participation in a new K-Drama so Jimin might as well check the response of the fans. After that, maybe he'd go exercise or practice more on his voicing.

It's still early but he was sure that many fans had already known about the news. ARMYs were very quick when it came to updates.

Jimin opened his laptop and checked online, preparing himself for the photos and gifs of himself from that scandalous Vapp video. It had been a few days since he stopped going online, but he just needed to check right now the reaction of the fans about their new roles in the K-Drama.

He shut his eyes close as he logged in their Twitter, expecting gifs of him kissing Yoongi.

Realizing that he would not be able to do anything productive with his eyes closed, Jimin slowly opened them.

And just how surprised he became when he saw... none.

There were no gifs of him kissing Yoongi, or photos of him biting his lip as Yoongi kissed his neck, or voice clips of his moan. In fact, their hashtag was only filled with excited posts from ARMYs.

Wow, it seemed like a miracle took place while Jimin was away.

Many of them said that they were very excited about the news. They were all wondering what were their roles and if they would be paired in the Korean Drama. There were also some who were worried that they might be paired with some other girls.

They were all very supportive.

This made Jimin smile.

ARMYs had always been supportive. Even at that time when the scandalous Vapp video got released, they had shown that they were not disgusted of Jimin or Yoongi, and the funny thing was, they even encouraged them to have more videos like that. Maybe the photos and gifs of him that spread because of that were quite disturbing, but really, it just showed how accepting the ARMYs were.

And Jimin would be forever thankful of that.

As he scrolled more, Jimin noticed that there were mentions about... Yoongi's Bomb?

Jimin pouted. Why was he not told that there was a new Bomb? And what's more, he's hyung was in it!

Suga-oppa's Bomb is so sweet! #Yoonminisreal

Yoongi's Bomb for Chimchim makes me drown with feels!! #yoonminisREAL

Jimin blinked.

Yoongi-hyung's Bomb was for me?!

Without thinking twice, Jimin went to their Youtube Channel and clicked the latest Bomb, curiosity and excitement getting ahead of him.

Jimin plugged in his earphone and increased the volume.

"Annyeong ARMYs!" Yoongi said in the video.

Jimin watched intently, heart beating fast as he listened at every word his hyung said.

Maybe it was Yoongi's deep voice, maybe it was Yoongi trying to protect Jimin, maybe it was Yoongi's intense gaze... maybe... To be honest, Jimin didn't know what really was the reason behind the rapid pounding of his heart and the strange tingling running down his spine. He felt like butterflies were fluttering around his stomach and his cheeks were feeling warm.

"Yoongi-hyung..." Jimin whispered as the video ended.

He placed his hand on his chest and felt his heart still beating wildly.

He didn't know why he's feeling like this.

He didn't know what's happening to him.

But he knew one thing, he's very glad that his hyung did this for him.

So that's why there's no more disturbing gifs and photos...

Jimin smiled. He badly wanted to thank his hyung, to show him that he appreciated it so much.

And if Yoongi was that brave to post it online, Jimin would also do the same.

Filled with adrenaline rush and the strong urge to thank his hyung right at that moment, Jimin ran to the mirror and checked his face.

Ughh, it's so swollen.

And he looked so ugly early in the morning.

Jimin was about to change his mind but he remembered that his Yoongi-hyung once said (while Yoongi was drunk, by the way) that Jimin looked cute early in the morning when he had just woken up.

This gave courage to Jimin and just trusted his fate to the filters.

He opened his phone, opened the cam, set it to his front cam, and pressed the record button.

Not forgetting the filter, of course.

Jimin smiled shyly at the cam. "Yoongi-hyung..."

He looked down, somehow unable to look straight at the cam anymore.

"Th-thank you... Thank you for taking care of me."

Jimin then bit his lower lip and slowly raised his eyes to the cam. He smiled widely, eyes turning into crescent moons, and tilted his head for a cute effect.

"And hyung, saaaaraaangheyo!" he said, laughing and doing an aegyo all the while.

Jimin ended the video with one last eyesmile.

He replayed it, and seeing that it was not that bad, uploaded it in Twitter immediately.

He thought carefully what to say in the post.

For my dearest hubby.

P.S. Why am I the wife??

And of course, the hashtags.


#Syub Syub

And let's not forget...


Jimin chuckled, feeling bubbly inside. This was his first time using this hashtag.

He couldn't wait to show the ARMYs and the whole world how thankful he was to have his Yoongi-hyung.

He pressed the 'post' button.

"JIMINIE!!!" Tae shouted, opening the door of the room.

"Uhh... Tae..."

Tae looked at Jimin with narrowed eyes. "Your face is red. What have you been doing?"

"N-nothing," Jimin said, turning even redder.

Tae gasped dramatically. "EVERYONE! JIMIN IS WATCHING POOOOORN!!"

Jimin's eyes widened and he quickly stood up. "W-what are you saying?! Aish, shut up, Tae! Why are you here anyway?"

Taehyung flashed his box smile at the indignant Jimin. "I'm gonna appear on TV, cmon!" he said. grabbing Jimin's hand and dragging him outside where the others were sitting on the sofa.

"Whoa, what did I hear? Jimin is watching porn?" Hoseok said while laughing hard.

Yoongi, who was already seated, turned his head and looked at Jimin disgustingly. "You're really watching porn this early?"

"Yah, Jimin! Don't you think it's too early for that?" Namjoon piped in.

Jimin's face flushed red as he glared at Tae. "I was not! Tae, this is your fault."

Taehyung just smiled at Jimin and sat on the floor, eyes already trained on the TV.

Jimin pouted, refusing to seat.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and pulled the moping Jimin down to seat beside him.

"Tae got interviewed in the middle of his shooting in Hwarang. We're interested how it will air," his hyung said.

Jimin nodded and subtly glanced at his hyung. He wondered what will be the reaction of his hyung once he saw Jimin's post on Twitter.

Moments later, Taehyung's face appeared on the Showbiz News. The members laughed because Tae looked so cute and awkward, especially that he was wearing his costume in Hwarang while being asked questions.

The last question was about Jimin and Yoongi.

"Yoonmin ship is becoming very popular, even with the hashtag YOONMINISREAL. So now, many are wondering if Yoonmin is indeed real. As a close friend of the two, what do you think?" the interviewer asked.

Tae smiled awkwardly. "Umm, whatever you, uh, see on shows, concerts, anything, it's just the same behind the scene, to be honest. Uh, their closeness on screen is the same in real life. People call it fan service, but really, they're just as cuddly and as disgustingly sweet in our dorm. Hahaha. Seriously, this ship is real. There's a reason why all of the members ship it too. We experience Yoonmin everyday," Taehyung answered, laughing at the end.

The interview ended with Taehyung inviting the viewers to watch and support Hwarang.

All of the members laughed and clapped, Taehyung included.

"I looked so handsome," Tae said.

"That was so awkward," Namjoon teased.

Hosoek stood and snickered. "What have you been saying about Yoongi and Jimin, Tae? Now everybody will think that they're kissing in the dorm. You just said whatever you see on shows is the same behind the scene!"

Tae tilted his head in confusion. "You mean they're not kissing inside the dorm?"

Everybody ignored Taehyung's question and Jin stood, complaining, "But Tae is right, Hosoek. I was also asked by a news show when I was on the set for my K-Drama. They asked what Yoongi and Jimin do when the cameras are off."

"What did you say?" Yoongi asked.

"I just said that whatever you guys do when the camera is on is the same when the camera's off. No difference," Jin said, laughing.

"I think all of us do get asked about Yoonmin," Namjoon said seriously.

"Yeah, and we all answer the same," Hoseok said, still chuckling.

Jungkook raised his hand and blinked his big innocent eyes. "I've also been asked. They asked me how sweet Yoongi-hyung and Jimin-hyung are when they're in the dorm."

"And you said?"Jimin asked, curious on what the maknae answered.

"I told them that you two always sleep in one bed."

Yoongi threw a pillow at Jungkook as the other members laughed.

"What are you talking about? We only do that sometimes! Aish, this is why people are thinking too much. All of you are feeding them with exaggeration," Yoongi scolded them all, but the smile on his face betraying his whining tone.

"No wonder this ship is getting more famous each day. We're being so supportive," Namjoon remarked, making them all laugh again.

And it will probably get more famous after what I posted on Twitter.

Jimin was very sure that right now, many fans were getting crazy upon seeing his post.

But unlike before, Jimin was not at all uncomfortable anymore with the fame of their ship. He's enjoying it, actually.

Truth was, he's already enjoying it ever since it started. But now, he's enjoying it even more, doubts and hesitations all gone.

Jimin smiled as he placed his head on Yoongi's shoulder.


Late post?

~~Sorry... :(

I'm trying to be a good student, you know. ;)

P.S. Happy Birthday dear ARMYs! May we celebrate more birthdays and annivs.
