|| EIGHT ||

Jimin greedily took yet another bite of his beef bulgogi. He didn't really notice how hungry he was until the food was placed in front of him. The younger was enjoying it so much, but he was the only one.

This was because the person across him, by the name of Min Yoongi, was not eating at all. He was just staring at him.

At first, Jimin just ignored his hyung and continued eating. But then, his hyung did nothing at all and just watched him eat and munch while Yoongi's food remained untouched. Jimin slowly felt his cheeks getting warmer and warmer by the second, not sure what to do as he was placed under Yoongi's gaze. If he was not hungry, he would have been as red as a tomato right now. Thankfully, the delicious food distracted him.

"H-hyung! I thought you said you were hungry?" Jimin asked, not being able to handle the heaviness of Yoongi's gaze anymore.

Yoongi blinked, seeming to have woken up from his trance. The older boy shook his head and looked down at his food dumbly. Jimin chuckled at how spaced out his hyung looked like.

"What are you laughing at?" Yoongi asked grumpily, making Jimin chuckle even more.

They ate in silence after that, trying to satisfy their complaining stomachs. Jimin was the first to finish obviously, and now, it was his turn to stare at his hyung. Jimin tilted his head and contemplated on what mysterious things could be running around Min Yoongi's mind.

At that moment, Yoongi grabbed his glass of water, drank and looked up at Jimin. When Jimin's eyes met Yoongi's, he quickly looked away, ashamed that he was caught staring, even though minutes ago his hyung was doing the exact same thing.

As Yoongi continued finishing his food, an awkward silence stretched between them. Well, for Jimin it was awkward. His hyung, now seeming to have woken up to the reality that he was hungry, cared about nothing but consuming the food in front of him.

After a few minutes, and just as Yoongi gulped the last drop of water in the glass, Jimin suddenly opened his mouth. "Syubie."

Yoongi looked up, gazing at Jimin with a confused look on his face. "What?"

Jimin smiled, having no idea that Yoongi's heart skipped a beat just now because of that. "Syubie, that's a cute nick name for you, hyung. I'll be your Chimchim and you'll be my Syubie."

Yoongi raised one judgmental eyebrow and shook his head fondly, smiling as he did. While walking home, Yoongi kept his head ducked, hiding it in case Jimin would see his blush.

***** |J <3 Y| *****

Yoongi buried his face into his beloved pillow, feeling his face heat up again when he remembered Jimin's words.

I'll be your Chimchim and you'll be my Syubie.

Damn, that was one heck of a cute shit. Ugh, now Yoongi's blushing again and he didn't even know why. Jimin always did that, all those cute stuff that would've felt gross to Yoongi if said by somebody else that's not Jimin. He just couldn't get why his system could not bloody get over this one little thing and why it made him all flustered and confused.

He hated the fact that he couldn't seem to pull himself together.

Just as Yoongi was about to hit himself with his alarm clock in an attempt to calm himself, Jin walked in.

"Oh, there you are Mr. Min Yoongi. I've been wondering what prison cell to visit in search of you," Jin chastised, making Yoongi groan.

"You borrowed my slippers because you're too lazy to get your own and said you'd only go to the bathroom, and you came back after what felt like ten years. Answer me, child!" Jin said with hands on his hips.

Yoongi was tempted to point out that Jin really did not mention any question so there's no need for Yoongi to answer anything, but he knew better, and sparring Jin with sarcasm right now would only lead him to a path he'd rather not go.

With a heavy sigh, Yoongi gathered all his barely-there energy and explained to his roommate. After his tiring narration of his day's adventures, he ended with "Then we went to our favorite restaurant where we always eat at the back so that no one will see us. We ordered Beef Bulgolgi. And don't you even say why I did not bring any for you, it was quite lucky that my money had been enough for the two of us!"

By the end of Yoongi's tale, Jin was sitting on his own bed. "And you've been complaining about not being able to sleep, yet there you were," Jin said with a laugh.

Yoongi scowled at him.

"One more thing though," Jin said. "Why are you holding my alarm clock?"

Yoongi blinked and followed Jin's line of sight which landed on Yoongi's left hand that was clutching a Super Mario designed alarm clock. Yoongi was so immersed with his tale that he forgot he was actually still holding the damned alarm clock. He recalled that he was about to hit it to himself before Jin walked in. He honestly had thought that it was his alarm clock. Apparently, he had blindly grabbed the wrong clock, and apparently, it's quite evident that Min Yoongi had finally lost his focus in everything.

He scowled and placed the clock back to where it should be. He did not answer Jin, but merely buried his face once more to his pillow.

The older seemed to understand Yoongi's weariness and let him be.

As Yoongi closed his eyes and allowed darkness to envelope him, thoughts of Jimin came flooding back. He couldn't understand why his heart skipped a beat when his dongsaeng smiled at him at the restaurant and he especially did not want to understand why weird things happen inside his stomach whenever he remembered the word "Syubie".

Could he be...in love with Jim- No. Definitely not. That's like the most impossible thing in the world.

He did have a girlfriend before, but it felt quite different from this. He just couldn't point out what's the difference really. He supposed that it's because he was not in love with Jimin, nor had a crush on him, or literally anywhere near that.

That's what he told himself anyway.

Jimin was just his dongsaeng, his favorite one, his closest one, but nothing else.

***** |J <3 Y| *****

After a few more frustrated groans and heavy sighs, Yoongi finally sat up and faced Jin.


Jin looked up from the book he's reading. "Hmm?"

Yoongi scratched his head as he struggled to find the right words. "How... What do you mean by, umm... You know when you like...uh...?"

Jin raised one questioning eyebrow. "Yoongi, I don't speak alien language, only Tae does. Please speak in a proper and understandable human language. I would greatly appreciate that."

The younger sighed. "When you...keep on thinking about umm...something that someone said... What...what does that mean?"

"Well, it depends, really. That means you really cared about the opinion of that person. It means that-"

"What if I keep on thinking on that certain someone, not just on what that person said?"

His hyung looked at him in the eye intently. Yoongi was honestly starting to get scared because his hyung really did seem to be able to read what was exactly in his mind. But that's impossible of course... Yet still... Jin-hyung's eyes seemed to know more than what he's letting on.

"What do you exactly feel whenever you think of him?" Jin asked gently, as if a mother talking to her problematic son, which was not really that far from their situation anyway.

Yoongi gulped. He perfectly knew what he always felt. The hammering of heart, the warmth on his face, the weird but pleasant things inside his stomach... But Yoongi did not want to tell Jin, in fear of what he would say. He was not really sure why he's afraid, but what he's sure was that-

And then it struck Yoongi. Jin said 'him'.

What do you exactly feel whenever you think of him?

Did Jin know he was talking about Jimin? Was he that obvious? Shit. Shit. Shit.

Damn Yoongi, keep your chill and don't get too softy on this shit. You're swag, man, swag!

Thankfully, Namjoon chose that moment to interrupt.

"Yah, Suga-hyung!" Namjoon called, opening the door without knocking and flopped unto Yoongi's bed without permission.

"I need to borrow your earphones," he said.

Yoongi scowled. "And what? Return it after three months? Forget it, Joon."

Namjoon tried his best to display a cute pout, which of course had no effect to Yoongi at all. The older glared at Namjoon and dismissed him by lying in the bed and burying his face into the pillow again.

A few seconds after, Yoongi moved his leg to get more comfortable. But then, his leg bumped into something. When Yoongi peeked from his pillow, he saw that his dongsaeng had not yet left and was still sitting on Yoongi's bed.

The older sighed at how hopelessly in love Namjoon looked like as the younger dumbly stared at Jin who was across them and had his earphones plugged into his ears.

When Namjoon suddenly came, Jin scowled a bit, obviously disappointed at the interruption of their oh so interesting topic. The eldest hyung then decided to ignore Namjoon and Yoongi and plugged his earphones and started playing (even though Yoongi couldn't see it, he was a hundred percent sure) Super Mario.

Yoongi kicked at Namjoon hard. "Aish, don't gawk on your crush in front of me."

Namjoon glared at Yoongi and hastily pinched his legs, getting all panicked at the thought that Jin might have heard it. Namjoon glanced nervously at Jin's direction, then sighed in relief when the older seemed not to care about the world and was still seriously playing on his phone.

"Joon, why don't you just go ahead and make a damn move," Yoongi said, kicking Namjoon again.

The other boy glared at him. "Why don't you be the one to make a damn proper move on Jimin, not using our interviews and fans as an excuse to kiss him."

Yoongi narrowed his eyes dangerously at Namjoon. "I am not in love with Jimin, unlike you, who's been lamely following Seokjin around without really doing any real shit." Yoongi gave one last glare then walked out of the room, deciding that he was not sleepy anymore.

Namjoon sighed as he stared at the doorway where Yoongi just left.

His hyung was right, though.

With that thought in mind, Namjoon slowly made his way towards Jin, carefully sitting down beside him on the older boy's bed. He then all of a sudden grabbed one of Jin's earphones from his ear, the nearest one to him at that.

Confused and a bit startled by the sudden distraction, Jin turned his head to his side and furrowed his eyebrows at a smiling Namjoon. Namjoon smiled giddily, dimples showing, and placed the snatched earphone to his own ear.

The older boy smiled fondly at the antics of his dongsaeng, shook his head in amusement, and turned back to his game. It was GAME OVER already, apparently the stupid turtles had succeeded to painfully kill Super Mario in a very pixelated way while Jin was not looking.

As Jin pressed the button for playing again, Namjoon hummed in contentment to the tune of Hold Me Tight accompanied by a faded sfx from the Super Mario game. He was indeed in contentment. He was after all, beside Kim Seokjin.

In denial people are the cause of world crisis and climate change, don't you agree?
