
an// im sorry i didn't post on tuesday and that this post is a day late! i've been so busy :(


"Where's Jungkook-- ah, there--" Yoongi walked over and Jungkook handed him his coffee.

"Here you go, hyung."

"Have you finished the scene?" Jungkook gulped and tried to come up with an excuse.

"Well, hyung, you see--"

"Please tell me you haven't finished." Jungkook grinned.

"It isn't done!" Yoongi began to walk and Jungkook scurried after him. "I haven't done much, in fact, hyung-- why?"

"I'm changing up the scenes leading up to it because we're running out of time." Jungkook sighed. "You need to look at this, alright?" Yoongi handed him a folder.


"And this." Another stack of papers.

"I thought you were going to shorten it, hyung," Jungkook mumbled. "Not extend it."

Yoongi gave him a look and Jungkook quickly shut up. "There are some monologue-type scenes for Jin hyung in there-- give them to him to study."

"Okie dokie."

"And I want that scene done-- read the scenes before that carefully, aright?" Jungkook nodded.

"Do I need to make copies of this?" Yoongi sighed as he sat back in his chair.

"If you could." Jungkook smiled. "Ask my assistant-- she'll do it for you."

"Okay, hyung." Yoongi rubbed his forehead. "How much water do you drink?" Yoongi opened his eyes.


"Water, hyung." Yoongi stared. "If you're drinking so much coffee you should be drinking water too-- maybe that's why you're having so many headaches."


"How's your baby!" Jungkook grinned. "I bet he's cute-- is he feeling better? You said he wasn't feeling well."

"Yes, very much better-- get to work, Jungkook." Kook nodded and began to walk off. "Shit-- wait, Jeon."

He turned right back around and Yoongi rummaged through papers again. "Yeah?"

"You need to ask her to make a copy for y/n-- and, this." Yoongi handed Jungkook a folded piece of paper. "Do you go to see her?"

"Ms. Y/N?" Yoongi nodded. Jungkook straightened out his shoulders and smiled proudly. "Yep."

"Give this to her then-- with the script." Jungkook's eyes widened.

"Me?" Yoongi sighed.

"Yes, you." Jungkook grinned. "Didn't you say your midterms were this week?" The boy nodded. "Get the copies and go home early today. Give the stuff to her and take the day off to study, alright?" Jungkook nodded and smiled.

"Will do, hyung-- thank you."


"Ms. Y/N," Jungkook whined, knocking on the door. He turned and leaned his back against it. "Open it."

"Jungkook, please go away."

"I have to give you something-- I'll go away right after." You sighed, setting your glass down. "I wanna say hi to Elise; please?"

"Jungkook, go away." He let out a sigh.

"Can I just give you the letter from Yoongi hyung?" You sighed. "He asked me to give it to you."


"Please!" You opened the door and blocked the entryway with your arm. He ducked under it and walked in. "Hi, Ms. Y/N."


"I have your stuff." He set down the pile on your kitchen counter and smiled. "Elise!"

"She's having a nap, Jungkook." Jungkook covered his mouth with his palm. "Now that you've given it to me, you can go."

"But-- I wanna stay!"

"Jungkook, leave before I get a restraining order on you." Jungkook giggled.

"You wouldn't do that!" You stared at him, picking your glass up. His eyebrows furrowed. "You wouldn't, right?"

"Go, Jungkook."

"Can I have some milk at least?" You sighed, opening your mouth to protest as he walked into your kitchen. "Umm, I think I'll have strawberry mi-- Ms. Y/N! There's almost nothing in your fridge!"


He sighed to turn to you. You gulped down the rest of your wine and he stood, hands on his hips as he surveyed your kitchen. He frowned at the large pot of instant ramen on your stove, looking as if it was being heated up periodically.

"Ms. Y/N..."

"Jungkook, pl--"

"Hi, Kookie." Elise stumbled into the room, wrapping her arms around his legs. You pinched your forehead.

"Heya, Cookie."

"Playdate today?" He shook his head and crouched down. "Nap time over."

"Do you want some water?" he asked. She nodded and stumbled to you as Jungkook filled up her sippy cup. You pulled her onto your hip.

"Jungkook, I need you to leave, please." He nodded, handing the toddler her cup.

"I'll go," he sighed. And to your surprise, he left your apartment without another word.

Only to return an hour later.

"Ms. Y/N!" You groaned. "Ms. Y/N-- come!"

"What the fuck, Jungkook?" Kook gasped.

"Please don't curse-- Elise is in there!" You walked to the door. "I have a surprise for you-- please open the do--"

"Su-pise?" Elise sprinted to the door, playmats left behind. "Kookie?"

"Elise!" Jungkook knocked again. "Can you open the door for me, cookie?"

"Uh huh-- mama do it!" You glared at your daughter and sighed, opening the door.

"Jungkook, you have to stop coming here." He slipped under your arm and walked in again. "This is really innapprop--"

"I got food!" He set the four grocery bags on the counter. Elise squealed and he pulled her up so she could watch. You stayed by the door while Jungkook and Elise unpacked the bags, loading your groceries into the fridge and cabinets. "And!"

He pulled out a tin and you sighed. He then pulled out a bag of marshmallows. Elise's jaw dropped as she gasped.

"Mellow-z?" she asked in a whisper. Jungkook nodded. She practically screamed.

"You like them?" She nodded rapidly, as she made grabby hands at him.

"Please!" she cried. "I want-- please!"

"Okay, you can have one and then you can have some more on top of the hot chocolate!"


"Ms. Y/N, can I interest you in some hot chocolate?" You stared at him. "Hm?"

And you walked back into your bedroom without a word, closing the door behind you.

Jungkook and Elise looked at each other for a moment. "Mama sad," she whispered. Jungkook nodded, getting the milk from the fridge.

"I know," he whispered. She sighed and stole a marshmallow when he wasn't looking. "But there's nothing hot chocolate can't fix, right?"

You stayed in your room, not coming out once the whole afternoon. You heard them make noise in the kitchen. You heard them watch tv in the living room. You could even hear Jungkook's soft snores as they napped on the couch. And you also heard the little knocks on your door that came every hour or so.

But you ignored it.

It was only when you heard Jungkook help Elise bathe and the smell of something or another waft into your room that you realized he was taking care of her. You sat patiently on your bed as you listened to them.

"Did you brush your hair?"

"Uh huh!"

"Okay, come eat-- you like pasta, don't you?" You could already picture Elise wrinkling her nose. "Awh, come on! I made it just for you, Cookie."

"Don't want it."

"What if we watch tv and eat?" You heard a giggle. "I'll even feed it to you!"

"And milk after?" Jungkook chuckled. Your daughter was really bribing the guy.

"Sure-- you go sit first, okay? I'll bring you your food." You heard her feet pad farther away from your room as she ran to sit on the couch. Footsteps neared your room door, stopping and restarting again. They returned in a few minutes, a soft knock following.

"Ms. Y/N?" You didn't respond. "Maybe you're sleeping but if you aren't-- I'm going to leave you some food, okay?"

He lingered for a moment before letting out a sigh. You heard the small sound of ceramic being set down. "I'll put cookie to sleep and then go home. I won't bother you tomorrow if this really makes you so uncomfortable." He let out a little sigh. "I just want to make you feel better."

He stayed for a while longer before walking off, his footsteps getting quieter. "Kookie wanna watch doggy?"

"What's that?" You heard a little groan as Jungkook dropped onto the couch. "Is this paw patrol?"

"Uh huh!"

"Okay, open up, okay?" You heard an ah and played with your fingers in your lap. You never really fed her her food; she normally ate on her own. "You're spilling it! Careful, cookie, we don't wanna get it on your mom's couches."

"Oops!" You sighed as you heard Jungkook get up again, the couch creaking. You hoped she wasn't causing him too much trouble. Then again, he did bathe her and cook her dinner. It was you who was causing him trouble, if any.

"There you go." You assumed he was wiping away what she spilled. "And your mouth too-- turn, cookie?"

"Jungkook." Your eyebrows raised as Elise said his full name.


"Mama say Jungkook." She pronounced his name slowly. "Jungkook."

"Because that's my name." A pause.

"No, thank you." You heard chewing. "Like Kookie better." Jungkook laughed and that was the end of it. 

You waited until you heard the tv turn up louder and the unmistakable sound of your daughter's giggles before getting up. You opened the door and Jungkook immediately looked up as you stared at the reheated mug of hot chocolate and dinner waiting for you.

He gave you a smile as you picked both up. You swallowed as you looked at him. "Thank you."

"It's what friends are for, Ms. Y/N."
