
"Right, mission make Ms. Y/N feel better." Jungkook nodded. "Well-- mission come look at venues with Jiminie sounds pretty fun."

"I have to think!" Kook exclaimed. Jimin shoved a few chips into his mouth. "What will make her feel better?"

"Food didn't work?" He shrugged. "Try flowers."


"Bring her flowers." 

Jungkook blushed. "M--me?" His friend rolled his eyes.

"Yes, you." Jungkook stared off into space. What kind of flowers would he even get? "Not roses," Jimin answered, reading his mind. "Tulips or something."


"You could-- say, I don't know-- get them on the way back from the venue." Jungkook rolled his eyes.


"I knew you'd say yes."

They got ready and headed off. "Isn't this something you're supposed to do with jm/f?" Jimin started his car.

"Yeah." Jungkook raised his eyebrows. "But I think this one will be perfect and I kind of want to surprise her with it."

"Are you having the spring wedding?" Jimin nodded. "I said I wanted fall, hyung." He laughed.

"This is my wedding, Jungkook." Kook sighed, rubbing his eyes. He thought about the flowers he had to get. What colour tulips would he buy? "It's kind of far so get ready for a field trip." Jungkook slumped in his seat.

"I don't understand why you have to look for weddings when the venue is in spring." Jimin chuckled. "I mean-- other way around."

"We gotta book it, dude." Jungkook sighed.

"So you have a date?" Jimin shrugged.

"We have a week." Jungkook sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"Wedding planning is so much work," he mumbled. "And I'm not even the one doing it." Jimin chuckled.

"Anyway-- how's work?" 

Jungkook glared. "I miss Ms. Y/N."

"Do you really?" Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Gosh-- I had no idea, Jungkookie."

"Then why'd you ask!"

"I meant your internship, stupid." Jungkook thought. "You have three weeks left?"


"So what about that big scene?" Jungkook swallowed.

"I still have to finish it." Jimin nodded. "It-- it-- Ms. Y/N has to come back for that."

"She will." Jungkook crossed his arms, determined and stubborn.

"Yeah." He stared out the window. "She has to."

"Lure her out with candy."


"Sorry, sorry."

"Are we almost there yet?" Jimin checked his phone.

"Kinda-- a few more turns." Jungkook sighed. "You know-- jm/f went dress shopping the other day." His eyes widened.

"Really? Did she get one?" Jimin shook his head.

"No-- but she went." Jimin sighed. "Can you believe I'm getting married, dude?"

"No-- you used to be a fuckboy, remember?" Jimin glared and Kook giggled. "That was funny; you swore you'd never get married."

"Shut up."

"You never wanted to get married-- the idea of being with one person disgusted you, hyung." He finished with his signature giggle. 

"I was seventeen." Jungkook reached into the dashboard for a snack. Finding something, he opened the bag. Jimin opened his mouth and he threw chips in as he gasped. "Besides--" Jimin chewed. "You aren't the one getting married."

"Friendship flowers!" Jungkook squeaked.


"Nothing!" He wiped his hand on his thigh and pulled out his phone.

what kind of flowers do you give during a friendship proposal

He scrolled down to find the answer he needed.

Yellow roses. 

These kind of roses were okay, right? Google said they were friendship roses. Jungkook blushed, shaking his head. He didn't accidentally want to actually propose. 

"And-- I'm not getting married because I don't have a girlfriend."

"You should ask your Ms.--"

"Stop it-- la la la, I can't hear you." And with that Jungkook curled up in his seat to look out the window as Jimin continued to drive. Jungkook smiled to himself.


Yellow was a nice colour.


"Any more luck?" Jungkook looked up and shook his head. Jin handed him the biscuit and joined him. "You okay, Jungkookie?"

"Yeah," he sighed, chewing. "I just miss Ms. Y/N."

"Have you gone to see her recently?" He nodded. "I haven't."

"She didn't even let me in, hyung," Jungkook mumbled. "I went twice after the soup incident."

"I asked to come over and she said they were alright."

"Should I go see her again?"

"If you want to, you should." Jungkook shrugged. "You don't want to bother her, do you?"

"Yeah, I don't want to upset her any more than she already is." Jungkook sighed and played with his laces as he rested his forehead against his knees. "I just wish Ms. Y/N would come out and explain everything-- I'm sure everyone would understand." Jin patted Jungkook's shoulder.

"It's more complicated than that." Jungkook hated that sentence. "I agree with you-- it'll definitely make it better but it's not like it'll all go away."

"But her job."

"I know, bud."

"Yoongi hyung is so stressed out too." Jungkook glanced at his boss, tugging at his hair. He sighed. "Ms. Y/N has to come back."

"Well, I'm not sure how to lure her out." Jungkook sighed some more. "Hoseok has gone over and managed to get in but she won't budge. I think Taehyung went but she wouldn't let him in either."

"Oh." Jungkook thought. "Does she answer the phone when you call?" Jin smiled.

"Sometimes but conversations aren't extensive." Jungkook giggled a little.

"She barely answers when I call." He turned to his hyung. "Do you think she'll really be okay?"

"She'll be okay; she just needs time but she's using it in the wrong way. She needs to speak out to the media."

Jungkook nodded. "I'm going to go to her house again, hyung." Jin smiled. "I'll get her to come back." Jin stood as Yoongi called him. He ruffled Jungkook's hair as he walked away.

"Good luck, buddy."

Jin disappeared and Jungkook pulled out his phone. Time for his daily phone call. You picked up today. "Hi!"


"How's your day going, Ms. Y/N?" he stretched his legs out in front of him.

"Jungkook, I told you to stop."

"But I'm lonely-- I wanted to talk to someone." You rolled your eyes on your end at his bullshit. "Don't you miss my face?"


"How's Elise?"

"She's fine, thank you for asking." Jungkook giggled. "I'll hang up now--"

"No!" Jungkook straightened up. "I'm coming over later."

"No, you aren't." Jungkook giggled.

"I won't come inside today, I promise!" You rolled your eyes again. "I won't even try! I won't even knock!"

"Don't come here."

"I have a surprise for you!" You sighed. "Well, I got them yesterday so they arent as fresh but-- but they're still okay!"

"I don't want it." He giggled.

"You don't even know what it is!" Yoongi walked over, motioning for Jungkook. "Okay, Ms. Y/N! I have to go now."


"Yoongi hyung is calling me."


"Bye, Ms. Y/N! Get ready for your surp--" You hung up on him and he grinned, running to Yoongi.



i'm outside now!

i have your surprise!!

come outside when i'm gone ms. y/n!!!!

they're yellow in case you miss them

also i got a jar

just in case you didn't have anywhere to put them!

okay i put them here!

they're on your welcome home mat :)))

i'm going now!!

come out and get them soon okay

tell cookie i said hi!

byebye ms. y/n!


You stepped outside with a sigh, looking through the peephole before leaving your apartment. You looked around. No Jungkook. Instead were a bouquet of yellow roses and a mason jar, laying on your doorstep.

You picked them up and took them inside, reading the note that had been left with them. hope you feel better soon and come back to work, ms. y/n! we miss you!! - kookie :D  

You turned the little slip of paper. ps! google says yellow roses symbolize friendship!!! wink wink i hope we can be friends now that ive officially proposed!!

You stuck the note on your fridge, filled the mason jar with water and stuck the flowers in. Setting it at the centre of the counter, you stared before reaching over to smell them.

Friendship roses.

