Sneaky x Reader

        "Babe, I'm home!" Sneaky yelled as he walked into the house and took off his boots. You smile elegantly and nod. "Welcome back!"  You reply as you put sphagetti on the table. You sat down and look at your boyfriend. Sneaky smiled once he saw you, then sat in front of you.

"How was your day at work?" You ask as you hand him a plate. He took it and put sphagetti on his plate. "It was alright, Flippy was himself today and Mouse saved me more time by sharpening my weapons." He said casually. You smile at this. "Good." You chirp.

The two of you ate. Halfway through your meal, Sneaky speaks up. "Hey, I've got something for you tonight. Don't think about it since you never know what it's going to be, okay?" Sneaky said. You nod slowly, raising an eyebrow.

The two of you finished, and Sneaky stood. "I'll wash your plate for you." He smiled gently as he picks up your plate. You tilt your head. "Strange, since you're always lazy to do anything around the house." You tease. He pouted and laughed with you, then washed the dishes.


"You look so cute!" Sneaky suddenly tackled you into a hug literally a second after he put the dishes away. You blush and your face goes red. "E-Eh?!" You yelp. Sneaky chuckles and kisses you all over your face. "So, so, so, so cute~ And perfect~" He winked.


"You seem tired, I'll give you a bath!" Sneaky picked you up bridal-style and carried you up the stairs. You sweatdrop. "You seem more tired, you were at work all day. And what's with so much love?" 

"Don't worry about it babe!" He hummed as he walked into the bathroom and put you down, swiping your clothes off and staring at your body for a heavenly couple of seconds. Before you could kick him, he turns away and starts the bath.

His nose was bleeding.


"So... About what happened at dinner, what were you gonna give me?" You ask loudly as you change into your pajamas. Your door was locked and Sneaky was outside the door. You didn't let him in until you were done changing because he was so pervertive.

"Wahhh... Let me in and I'll give you it!" Sneaky hummed from the other side. "Of course I will, I'm just changing." You huff when you finish and open the door. He looks at you with a grin before getting on one knee. Your eyes widen.

"(Y/N), I want to be your husband. You are truly a blessing to me and I don't ever want to lose you. I'm sorry this isn't really fancy but I wanted to do this as quick as possible. I want to be your man. And all my love today is examples of what I will be for the rest of our lives."

You tear up, causing him to chuckle. "O-Of... Of course!" You smile brightly, tackling him into a hug. His back hits the floor and he hugs you back. The both of you were now on the floor, crying happily.


Requested by -Ruby-HTF-

