Nighty (My OC!) x Reader

I'm trying to do something different, haha.. ^^;
I hope it's good enough.

A picture of him will be shown soon!

(Y/N) = (Your Name)
(F/M) = (Favourite Movie)


(Y/N) walked outside of their house, looking around. It was a good evening, and a perfect day to watch a movie. They locked their door to increase avoiding Lifty and Shifty breaking into their house. 

They walked towards the movie theatres and looked around. One person caught their eye. A human deer/wolf hybrid. Wow, they've never seen anyone with a mixed species. The hybrid was a human male with wolf ears and a deer tail. Dark circles were under his eyes as if he barely had sleep in the last few weeks. Actually, not at all. But he did look sort of cute...

(Y/N) shook their head. They came to watch a movie, not pick up random people. They reached the movie theatres and walked in, paying for the ticket. They looked around. So many people were at the theatre. And lots of them was heading to (F/M). 

They grinned, proud for whatever reason. Maybe they were proud their favourite movie was a big hit. They walked in the arena(?) of the movie they were about to watch, looking around. They found a good seat to watch the movie and grinned, quickly making their way over to it so that no one else takes the seat. Victory! They made it! 

They quickly sat down, closing their eyes and waiting for the movie to start. Not even a minute later, someone sits quietly beside them. They blinked, then looked at who was sitting beside them. It was the human wolf/deer hybrid from before! The male looked at them, then smiled. "Hey. Nice to meet you." He said, sounding like he wanted to start a conversation with his seating buddy.

(Y/N) blinked, them smiled slightly and awkwardly. "Hi, nice to meet you too.."  They nodded. "What's your name? I'm Nighty." He chuckled. To (Y/N) it was kind of cute... Wait, what were they thinking?! Oh no, Nighty talked. They had to reply. "I'm (Y/N)!" They said quickly, then blushed in embarrassment. This caused Nighty to chuckle again. "Ah... Well, do you like (F/M), (Y/N)?" He asked as he picked up a popcorn from his popcorn box. (Y/N) nodded quickly, "Yes. It's actually my favourite movie. Do you like it though?" They answered. "Of course..." Nighty chuckled. 

The movie started. But, the smell of delicious popcorn tortured (Y/N). They wanted Popcorn so bad! They twitched, then gulped. Nighty noticed, then frowned. "What's wrong?" He whispered. (Y/N) shook their head. "I forgot to buy myself popcorn.. Ah who am I kidding, I forgot to bring popcorn money." They whispered back. This caused the boy to laugh quietly, then hand them his box. (Y/N) blinked, then tilted her head. Confusion was shown on their face.

"We can share this."

A few months later, (Y/N) had gotten to know Nighty. Nighty was a restless guy who EXTREMELY had a passion for movies. If anyone walked into his house, all kinds of movies would be there. Comedy, Action and Sci-Fi movies in the living room. Romance, Drama, and History in the kitchen. Horror, Thriller, and Wars in the laundry room. Yaoi and Yuri in the locked up attic just casually waiting to be touched by desperate people. It was amazing! 

There was even stuffed animals and movie-like stuff everywhere. DVD's were organised though. Nighty was a chill guy. He seemed always tired, but was always energetic to movies. Other than his sleeping problems, he had a good diet and was healthy.


(Y/N) developed a small crush on him. He seemed so cute! His ideal date was cuddling at home and watching movies, sharing kisses and sleeping together. Otherwise it'd be going to the movie theatre and watching whatever they wanted. He was adorable. And unlike most of the other guys in town, he was caring and kind. He'd help anyone in anything...~ 

(Y/N) decided to tell Nighty. They were confident. Why? They saw hints of Nighty being flustered and wanting to date (Y)N), but never told them. Maybe he was too shy to admit it... But that was okay! (Y/N) could do it!~ 

They strolled down the street and walked over to Nighty's house. It was the morning, but it was also almost lunch. They tried their best to look cuddly today. They wanted to cuddle Nighty. He was the most comfiest to cuddle with.

Finally, they made it. They sighed softly, then stood straight and knocked on the door. In 0.1 second, Nighty opened the door. He looked at (Y/N), then smiled. "Hey!" He chirped softly. "Hi! May I come in?" (Y/N) smiled. Nighty nodded. "Of course." He ran his fingers through his hair as he stepped out of the way. 

(Y/N) walked in and the door behind them closed. They turned to their crush with a smile. "So.. I want to say something." They said. Nighty's eyebrow raised. 0-100 reeeallll quick. "Sure, go ahead, (Y/N). I'll listen to anything." He replied with a soft tone in his voice with a smile. (Y/N) smiled. "Thanks!...."

They took a deep breath. 

They thought it over quick.

They looked into those cute tired brown eyes. And said.. 

"You're cute, Nighty. I fell in love with you and I want us to be in a relationship." 

Those simple words. It touched Nighty's heart. 

"Say no more..." He whispered gently, then leaned towards (Y/N) and kissed them. 

Ah, a new couple in this romantic town... A bloody and dark town which was lit up by one cute couple. 


That's my oneshot with my OC!~ ;3; Thank you for reading.

