A/N - Thanks You!

Thanks so much to anyone who actually sticks around and reads these! I'm really proud of most of them, so I'm glad someone else enjoys them. That being said, I don't like anything I've written recently. It might take a little longer than to upload the next part. I am o spring beak, so I'll have a lot more time to write for the next week. I'll try to get something out.

Moving on from that - I'm trying to write an original book! For those of you who read Olive, (Specifically my friend who I forced to) you'll know that I deleted it. I wasn't happy with it anymore, I hated the characters, and the idea didn't seem appealing. So, I started a new book. It doesn't have a name and it's still a major work in progress, but I'm excited. It's about a super hero boarding school. It's not the most original idea, but my favorites of my OCs are the main characters, so it has a lot of love and thought put into it.

If you like my stuff, you might be able to read it. My friend said she's going to make a comic book version, and I would probably post both of them. IDK, you might never see it, but It's been something I'm super excited to write. 

So there are two reasons why I won't be updating as constantly anymore. Have a good day friendos! 
