Tsukishima POV

As the turns passed Yamaguchi slowly got closer and closer to me to the point where he was sitting in my lap.

I didn't mind though. We both like each other, and I already confessed at the beginning of the game.

Someone knocked on the door upstairs and everyone fell silent in fear. "Chill out you guys," I rolled my eyes, "it's just the pizza Bokuto ordered earlier,"

"Ohh right," Suga said heading up the stairs, followed by Daichi.

"So Salty," Tendou said, I glanced over at him, "You and Mr. Sweetheart huh?" 

"Yeah, and? What's it to you?" 

"Don't know I was just wondering why," He said, "Why what," I defended

"Nothing," he said bluntly I ignored the lizard boy and grabbed a piece of pizza from the box Suga had started passing around the circle. 

I started rubbing Tadashi's head as he leaned back into my chest. 

He's adorable I just want to- NO! I promised myself I wouldn't taint him like that. 

Crap I got distracted I need to focus on the game, "- dare you to tell the scariest story you can think of whether it's true or not," I heard Asahi say

Suga then clapped off the lights, how fancy, Then he lit a few candles to 'set the mood' I guess.

The Rooster cleared his throat and started his story. God this is going to be a horrible story.

I was focused on the fragile boy in my lap who was starting to fall in and out of sleep as Kuroo continued telling his story.

I kissed the top of his head and whispered, "You're falling asleep, Kuroo's telling a story,"

"What?" he whispered back tiredly, "You're falling asleep," I said as I checked the time on my phone.

It's almost 11:30 pm, that's way earlier than I expected it to be.

Yamaguchi started listening to the story Rooster boy was telling. He jumped a little when Kuroo made a sudden movement.

To be completely honest I wasn't listening to the story at all.

I had been working on composing music demos on the side of volleyball and school.

No one knew this not even Tadashi and I hope no one finds out. If they do I am going to be teased for the rest of my life.

I took my earbuds out and everyone looked spooked out of their minds, well everyone except for Akaashi.

I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket trying not to disturb the smaller human in my lap. 

I may act salty but I have other feelings. "Hey, Mr. McSalt," I hate that nickname, "What," I asked

"Truth or dare," asked Iwazumi, "Truth," I said back, "Why do you always have headphones in,"

"I always have them in because I don't want to hear your nonsense," I said making sure to turn off my demo.

"Are you sure there's not some other reason?" Kuroo said raising his eyebrows slightly.

"I'm sure," I said with no expression on my face

"Yamamoto, truth or dare," I asked, "DARE!!!!" he screamed excitedly

"Have a rematch with Tanaka about whatever you were screaming about earlier," I said calmly 

"HELL YEAH GET OVER HERE TANAKA," he screamed then they started to roll around on the floor like a couple of idiots.

I snickered, I can't believe I'm on a team with such an idiot.

I placed my hand on Yamaguchi's head and rustled his hair. He is so cute, like a little puppy. I smiled.

"HUUUHHH," Bokuto said shocked, "HEY HEY HEEEEYYYYY! Is Tsukki showing emotion?"

I glared at the owl and he jumped like I was staring a hole through his face. 

I leaned down and kissed Tadashi on the forehead.

I looked to my right to see Kuroo unlocking my phone, "Sorry Tadashi," I said as I lunged out from under him to try to grab my phone.

I reached for my phone, but rooster boy put it just out of my reach. Curse his long lanky arms.

At least I closed out the app my demos are on. I tackled Kuroo and tried to get back my phone, he threw it to Bokuto. WHY DO THEY ALWAYS HAVE TO PICK ON ME.

I started to get mad, "Suga, give me the volleyball," I said angrily, "No volleyball in the ho-," he started, "Give me the ball NOW,"

Hinata threw a volleyball my way. I caught it then proceeded to bounce it off Bokuto's face catch it and my phone, throw my phone to Tadashi then hit Kuroo (who was still on the floor) with it several times in the face.

I felt Asahi and Daichi take the ball and pull me off the human rooster. 

I got dragged into a room and Daichi took my glasses so I could barely see anything.

"Why," Daichi asked, "Why what," I responded, "Why did you attack Kuroo,"

"He stole my phone, and I have some very personal stuff on there that I don't want people to see," 

Tadashi slammed the door open, "TSUKKIIIII," He yelled then ran over and hugged me tightly, "Are you ok,"

"I'm fine," I said reassuringly, "Anger just got the best of me," hugging him back

"Man," I heard Kuroo say from the other room, "Volleyballs really hurt don't they," "Yeah, I agree," Bokuto said back.

"Why do they always have to pick on me," I mumbled to myself, "What?" Yamaguchi asked looking up at me

"Huh, nothing I was talking to myself,"

"Here's your phone by the way," He said handing me my phone, "I listened to one of your demos," I tensed up, "I really like it," he whispered

"Don't tell anyone," I whispered back, "please,"

"Rodger that," he said kissing me.

(917 words)
