Iwazumi POV

 After I slapped the back of Oikawa's head everyone laughed and Ushiwaka sat down with Tendou flopping in his lap.

I wonder where they went. I propped my head on my arm and the game went on.

"Hmm, Dare," Oikawa said, "Let Asahi braid your hair,"

"W-what," Asahi stuttered, "Aww hell yeah," Oikawa said jumping up

"Hey can someone from my team please go inside and grab my backpack, it has a bunch of hair ties and hair stuff in it," Asahi asked

"Hey, Tanaka," Nishinoya yelled, "Whoever gets Asahi's bag first wins,"

"OH, YOU'RE ON LITTLE MAN," Tanaka screamed back as they both jumped up and raced toward the house

Oikawa sat down in front of Asahi, "Umm, w-what type of braid do you want," He asked stuttering, for such a big guy he is timid.

"There are different types of braids?" Oikawa asked turning around in surprise 

"Well yeah," He said, "There's french or dutch, fishtail, ladder, and then there's the regular braid,"

"That's a lot Asahi, I'm surprised you know that many," Suga said like the mom he is.

"I think there's more but, those are the only ones I know how to do," He said rubbing the back of his neck

"Can you do the dutch braid please," Oikawa asked, "Uh, sure," Asahi said pushing his hair out of his face

"I got it first Tanaka," Nishinoya yelled running up the hill.

"Asahi receive," Noya yelled chucking the bag at him

He caught it and shoved his hand in and searched around for a bit then pulled out a hairbrush and comb.

"Be careful I have a sensitive scalp," Oikawa whined

"Yeaaahh, I can't promise anything," Asahi said as he started brushing out his hair

"Hey, Iwa-chan," 

"Please don't call me that you overrated owl," I said turning my head toward him "You have a thing for shittykawa don't you buddy," Bokuto said nudging me

That comment made me blush, "Yeah right," I scoffed

"Owwww," Oikawa whined, I laughed a little

"S-sorry, but dutch braids have to be tight, and I'm not even close to finishing," Asahi said holding bobby pins in his teeth, occasionally sticking them in Oikawa's hair.

"As I was saying," Bokuto started, "Don't you dare ask what trashykawa and I were doing upstairs earlier,"

"So, what were you and trashykawa doing upstairs earlier?" He asked completely ignoring me

"That's none of your business Bokuto-san," Akaashi said placing his hand on Bokuto's shoulder

I sighed, "If you want to know I'll tell you,"

Kuroo suddenly seemed interested, "Tell me, tell me PLEASE," Bokuto begged, clawing at the hem of my shirt

"Come closer, I don't want everyone to hear," I said, "And Kuroo I swear to god if you so much as think of holding this over my head I WILL murder you,"

He snorted, "Yeah right," I sighed again, even deeper this time.

"We were yudrfveqrju," I mumbled

"Come on, speak up," Akaashi said now interested in what I have to say

"We were making out okay," I said getting a light blush on my cheeks 

"Mmmmm, my heaaaad," Oikawa whined while Asahi tied the ends of his hair with small hair ties, Distracting Bokuto and Kuroo 

 "Ok, and, done!" Asahi said proudly showing off the braids 

"Really," Akaashi asked, "Oikawa? That's the best you could do,"

"You don't have room to talk Akaashi," I shot back, "Fair point," He said leaning on Bokuto's shoulder

Oikawa plopped back down next to me, "Hey, Iwa-chan, do you like my hair," He asked leaning towards me 

"It looks fine shittykawa," I said straightening my back, "Your mean Iwa-chan," He mumbled pouting

"I can't believe you made out with Oikawa," Bokuto whispered in my ear scaring causing me to jump back

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU HUMAN OWL, YOU DON'T JUST GO WHISPERING SHIT IN PEOPLES EARS," I screamed causing everyone to stare at me and Bokuto. 

"Are you ok Iwazumi," Suga asked from across the circle, "I'm so sorry, yes I'm fine," I answered shooting a glare at Bokuto 

I readjusted my sitting position, "Don't do that again," I whispered angrily

Bokuto snickered, "Ok loverboy," Kuroo said leaning back on his hands

God, he is annoying, "Iwa-chan, you're cute when you're angry," Oikawa said crawling into my lap causing me to heavily blush

"Yeah whatever shittykawa," I said wrapping my arms around him

"Real slick Iwazumi," Tsukishima taunted

"I WILL BEAT YOU TO A SKINNY PULP, DINOSAUR," I yelled across the circle 

"Truth or dare Kenma," Oikawa said sinking back into my chest

"Dare," He said continuing to play his game, " I dare you to change your phone background to my face... for a month,"


"I'm very highly offended," Oikawa said 

Kenma slipped off his oversized jacket silently mumbling to himself about Oikawa's 'ugly face'.

"Congrats trashykawa you made him use up his 3-second breakdown of the month," Kuroo laughed, "I've never seen that before to be totally honest I'm impressed,"

Oikawa sunk farther into my chest. His bare skin pressed up against the cloth of my shirt. Only a layer of clothing separating us. no NOPE NOT HERE, NOT NOW, NOT EVER. 

Dammit, even I fell for his act. I hate pretty boys, but somehow he is the only exception. 

"Salty, truth or dare," I heard Tendou ask from across the circle


(916 words)
