Sawamura Daichi - Sawamura Kiya

Sawamura Kiya's eyes shone like stars under the sun. The light reflected off her perfect dark brown orbs as if she were an angel. Her eyes were completely fixated on one boy. The others didn't matter, they could muck about all they liked, she only cared about one boy.

Only minutes after, her older brother finally gave in and dragged her away to his car, retiring for the day. "Come on. Home now, Kiya-chan," Sawamura Daichi ordered with the stern voice he always used on his little sister, only when it was an order.

"No! No! No! NII-CHAN! NOOOOOOOO!" she moaned, but there was no stopping the way Daichi pulled her away by the collar. Even if she kicked and punched her brother's thick, muscular arms. Compared to her skinny figure, there really was no way out of his steel grip.

"Bye bye Daichi! Bye bye Kiya!" Suga called out to them in his usual cheery tone, waving to the siblings enthusiastically. "See you tomorrow guys!" He was answered with a short wave from both - their usual routine. Suga grinned.

The Sawamura siblings were similar, yet unique in their own ways. Daichi was a stern, disciplined person, generous and humorous in his own way. Kiya was another story. She was the cute one guys fawned over, and she always got her way. Well, tried to. If Daichi wasn't there to stop her, Kiya would be the queen of the universe if she had the chance. But she had her generous and kind side too. Both had the same chocolate brown hair, dark brown eyes and the same face when they were determined.


"Who were you so reluctant to leave, Kiya?" Daichi asked curiously in the car. His sister huffed beside him; he read her like a book. It had always been like this. What were the chances that he wouldn't have noticed?

"No one..." Kiya cast her glance away, playing with her pig tails.

Daichi pressed on the brakes as the road lights flashed red. He snatched a look at his younger sister's blushing face. He didn't think it would ever happen, honestly. "Kiya," he warned.

After a few moments of prolonged silence, Kiya threw her hands up exasperatedly. "Fine! Fine. It was Kageyama-kun, okay? He's just really hot. And he has this secretly really nice side to him. I love him, okay?" She rolled her eyes. "Happy now?"

He sighed. "Really, Kiya-chan? Kageyama-kun? Him? I don't want to be the one who says this, but it will never happen. Not in a million years. Do you know him? That guy only thinks about volleyball." Daichi stomped on the accelerator. "Absolutely not."

"Nii-chan! You're so mean!" Kiya replied angrily, curling her pigtails even more. "I really like Kageyama-kun! I'll show you! I'll make him fall in love with me! I'm going to ask him out this week!" She declared ambiguously.

Daichi's fingers tightened around the steering wheel without him noticing as he swung around the corner and brought the car into his driveway, quite aggressively too. He slammed on the brake and powered off the car. "Shut it, Kiya. You don't know what you're talking about," he glared at her.

Kiya shared his glare, returning an ever fiercer one back at him. "I do know what I'm talking about. I'm not a baby anymore. You don't think I have experience in this sort of thing? Boys ask me out all the time. I just reject them because I know they're just going to waste my time. I'll prove it to you, Nii-chan. Kageyama-kun will be my boyfriend by the end of this week," Kiya said. She opened the car door and proceeded to walk out and into the house. "After all, it's not like I have all the time in the world," she whispered.

"This isn't a game, Kiya!" Daichi called before she slammed the front door behind her, already in the house. He gritted his teeth and sighed. When was she going to learn that the world wasn't the wonderful story she thought it be? When was she going to learn that life is actually harsh and cruel to everyone? That the odds were probably never going to be in your favour unless you worked hard enough?

"You always think too much, Daiiiiichi!" A voice suddenly perked up.

Daichi gave a yell of surprise and swerved to the side, to see Suga's grinning expression in his face. "Suga!" he cried in shock. "What are you doing here? It's late!"

The grey haired male's grin widened. "Well, you left your bag. And you seemed to be somewhat anxious about something. Wanna tell me?" Suga handed him his sports bag.

He took it and sighed again. "It's Kiya. She's... in love with Kageyama. She said that she's going to make him fall in love by the end of this week. I think she's actually serious," Daichi explained gravely.

Suga blinked. "Are you sure? I mean last time she actually pranked one of her admirers. Now, that was funny. But is she actually serious about grumpy ol' Kageyama? Like seriously serious?! Because that's pretty serious. I mean, Kageyama?!"

"I know Kiya. She's never serious. But she is about this," Daichi nodded. A shadow passed their house and disappeared into thin air. No one noticed.


Kiya entered the gym like a storm. Lumpy sports bag and two drink bottles in hand, her hair tied up into a cute ponytail, already dressed in gym attire, Kiya beamed at the groggy, raven haired first year. "Kageyama-kun!" she greeted loudly, a happy tone in her voice. She'd escaped from the house earlier than her older brother, just to see Kageyama.

"Ossu," Kageyama greeted monotonously. "Is Daichi-san with you? I was hoping that someone could help me with spiking..."

Kiya put down her stuff on the floor and bounded up to Kageyama. "Nope! I escaped the house today! But I could help you. I played a little bit of volleyball in middle school," then she blushed, "I mean... I'm no good, but I could try. I wanna help you Kageyama-kun."

His face was expressionless. "It doesn't matter. I'll match you," Kageyama shrugged. Kiya's face brightened. He was cold and blank most of the time, but she could see it; the hints of kindness he hid behind the unwavering mask.

They worked like clockwork. The colourful volleyball was thrown up in the air, the sound of fingers barely grazed the ball and then it pierced the air, slamming to the ground on the other side of the net. Kiya didn't let the tightening of her lungs stop her. This was a slice of time she could have with Kageyama, and she wasn't about to waste it.

Kiya threw it up for the thirtieth time, but this time, Kageyama caught the ball. She glanced at him and slowed down. "Kageyama-kun? What's wrong?"

He shook his head. "Don't overwork yourself. You'll only waste our time," he pointed out. Kiya gritted her teeth but before she knew, her knees buckled beneath her and she fell to the ground, exhausted. "You can't escape me," Kageyama merely said as he tossed the ball to the side and began to pack up.

Kiya rolled over, her breathing slowed and she watched as her chest rose and fell, steadier and steadier each time. "So you knew? How?"

He didn't say anything. "No one would stop volleyball unless it's serious. Especially if it's you," Kageyama said.

Tears stung behind her eyes and she closed them, willing herself to calm down. Kiya laughed hoarsely. "You're right. I wouldn't stop volleyball if I had to." She stole a glance at Kageyama's tall figure. He was moving towards the trolley of balls, putting each one they had used, back. I love you more every day, Kageyama-kun. Kiya closed her eyes for a while and let the siren of the school bell blast through her right ear, and out through the left.

When she opened her eyes again, second later, her eyes met a slender hand reached out towards her. Kiya's gaze traced the veins in his arm and up to his eyes. They were dark but reflected the light of the sun. "Get up. You're in my class, aren't you?"

Her chest bursted with happiness and Kiya laughed, grabbing his hand. "You noticed? I didn't realise you were in my class until two weeks later!" she exclaimed jokingly. Every muscle in her legs strained and her bones ached, but nevertheless, she got up.

"Of course I noticed," he muttered.


Her hands slammed on his desk, causing his eyelids to flutter open. Kiya's smile brightened, "Kageyama-kun! I saw you sleeping through class, you know. Be more creative if you wanna do that, everyone noticed except for the teacher. But then again, this teacher doesn't notice anything," she observed.

Kageyama groaned and stretched, yawning softly. "What is it?" he mumbled, "I need to sleep." Volleyball took a lot of energy.

She smiled, a dropped a package on his table. Kageyama raised an eyebrow. "I usually buy stuff from the school store but I bought too much today. Want some?" Kiya explained. "Do you normally bring bento?"

"No, I buy stuff too. Here let me pay you back," he reached for the package to check the price, but found none. "How much was it?"

Kiya shook her head gleefully. "I'm not telling you! I ripped out the price tag too! HAH! You will never pay me back."

Kageyama glared at her before rushing to the bin, inspecting every inch of it for a price tag while trying to remember if he could recall the price of the specific food. His eyebrows knotted together in frustration. Kiya walked up to the bin, behind him as she watched the boy desperately trying to find the price tag.

"I didn't throw it here..." Kiya hinted at his failure and then she cackled. "You'll never find it, Kageyama-kun! Just give up!"

"Kiya-san!" Kageyama accused.

As the pair fought, their classmates glanced at them inconspicuously. The girls whispered in rushed tones and the boys sniggered. "Isn't that Kageyama? The grouchy guy who's always sleeping?"

"Gosh, that's so funny. They look really close..."

"What the heck? Is grumpy ol' Kageyama having fun right now? He looks so angry though, hah!"

"Wait, are they dating? They look like friends at the very least."

"I never knew Sawamura-san was so close to Kageyama. Maybe it's because her older brother is the captain of the volleyball team."

"What, they both play volleyball?"

"They look so cute together! It makes me want to have a boyfriend too!"


"Class is dismissed," the teacher nodded before she sighed and fell back into her own chair. It was tiring every day, having to teach a bunch of teenagers. She still couldn't believe how she ended up with such a job. Did she not study hard enough? Oh right, she had chosen this job thinking that it would be fun. How had she been so stupid?

Kageyama was the first one out of the classroom, already racing towards the gym at incredible speeds. If there had ever been a rule about not running in the hallways of school, Kageyama had totally forgotten it.

Kiya clenched her jaw as she sped up, packing her things quicker so that she could catch up with Kageyama. She had decided; she was going to confess to him after practice today. In front of everyone so that her brother would finally realise. But before she could make her way out of the classroom, a girl stopped her.

"Ishikawa? What is it?" Kiya asked.

The purple haired girl smiled. "So, are you like, dating Kageyama right now? That's so hot! He's actually kinda cute now that I think about it. The whole class are convinced that you're going out, so are you? We all so you guys like mucking about with each other at break time," she grinned.

Kiya's face went instantly red. They had seen her with Kageyama and thought they were dating. The fact made her heart want to burst into tiny pieces. "I'm not dating him yet," she explained, "But I will. Don't you worry, we'll be a couple soon enough!" Then she turned and ran. Though Kiya had said the truth, she wondered... what if things went the opposite way? Just the thought of it sent shivers down her spine; it was best to shove it out of her mind for the moment.

Finally, she arrived at the gym. They had already started warming up. Kiya didn't spare a glance at her brother before she took a seat at her usual spot. And then she pulled out her homework. What was the point of watching volleyball if she couldn't play it? But she couldn't not be here, because of her brother.

Kiya sighed and went on to do her homework.


She coudn't stop the dangerous thumping in her heart, threatening to make her faint. Her bones and muscles felt weaker and more like jelly than usual, each one tingling at a single movement. Kiya gulped. It was finally time. Kageyama might not like her, or he might, but she had to do this. Kiya was running out of time and if there was one thing she'd wanted to do all her life, it was find her true love. You are my true love, Kageyama-kun.

Finally she stood up and walked towards the chattering group of boys. She knew each of them like they were her friends because of how much time she spent with them. If there was anyone she was okay to share this moment with, it would be the Karasuno Boys' Volleyball team.

Daichi casted a wary glance at her. "Ahem!" she started. "I have something important to say!" The boys turned to her. Kiya's courage filled her chest and her trembling fingers curled up to fists beside her. It was now or never.

"Kiya-chan?" Suga uttered.

Kiya cleared her throat and directed her gaze towards Kageyama. No one else mattered in this moment of time. "Kageyama-kun! I really like you! I like you for everything you are! Will you go out with me?"

Someone choked in the background and murmurs of shock could be heard. Hinata, Tanaka and Noya gaped at her, wondering if they were in fact, dreaming. Then they whipped their heads in the direction of Kageyama, who was standing exactly opposite Kiya. His expression was unreadable.

"No. I won't," he answered stiffly.

There was a silenced shock, everyone processing the scene in front of them. Hinata was the most stunned. No one had ever asked him out except for his little sister, so how dare Kageyama so coldly reject such a cute girl! The biggest shock was the fact that the captain's little sister liked Kageyama. Hinata blinked, who could like that stupid king?

Kiya tried to keep herself in control. She'd known this might've happened; it was probably the most likely thing to have happened. But it still hurt. Every part of her body was trembling, her tears stinging and tempting to tumbled down her pale cheeks. Kiya's perfectly cut nails dug into her own palm. It was going to happen, she knew, but it didn't stop every word piercing into her heart, damaging her very soul. Unable to keep it in anymore, she turned and ran.

"Kiya!" Diachi called. He immediately took off after her, everyone else following. Kageyama hesitated, his feet not wanting to move out, as if it was stuck, but he broke free and sprinted out of the gym.


Her lungs, her muscles, her bones, everything burned like hell. Kiya could feel her bones crumbling at each step she took. It was bound to happen. Finally, her run slowed to a stop. No one had come for her. She'd heard pounding footsteps come out of the gym the minute she fled, but none of them had found her yet. Maybe that was a good thing.

Tears stained her cheek and her eyes were bloodshot red. But they didn't stop coming. Kiya let herself run raw of tears as she slid down to the concrete, stony floor. "I'm the worst," she cried, her voice thick with sobs and strained. "I'm the absolute worst!"

It only made sense, she realised; if the universe didn't want her to live, why would they go to extremes and give her Kageyama? She didn't deserve it anyway. That's why with every single minute of her life, her body was rotting and her heart was turning black.

"I hate this," she whispered, "I hate this so much! Why are you doing this to me?! I've done nothing! If I have, please just forgive me!" Kiya's breath heaved with sobs. "Please, I just want him so much."

"You've done nothing," a voice came. A voice that she longed for everyday to hear since knowing him. A voice that she only hoped would accept her. "I'm sorry."

Kiya lifted her tear stained face, pale with tears. "Kageyama-kun."

He knelt down, his face flushed, yet pale. Kageyama's raven hair seemed blacker than it usually was and his face was closer to hers than it had ever been. "I'm sorry, Kiya-san," he paused, unsure of how to word his feelings. "Your brother would've never let me."

"Is that the only thing you cared about?" she said, "Kageyama-kun. You didn't have to worry about him. He's my brother, but he's not the author of my life. But it doesn't matter anyway." Kiya smiled sadly. "It's okay. You didn't have to say yes."

"I wanted to," Kageyama paused and his face turned even redder. His voice was almost inaudible, but it was like a storm in Kiya's heart. "I like you too."

I don't know why, but I can't stop writing a whole damn essay of an author's note after my chapter. Sorry about that.
Anway, this is something I have always wanted to do; a girl who likes Kageyama who is also Daichi's little sister. I actually thought about turning this into an actual fanfiction, but I think leaving it just as a chapter of this fanfiction is better. My sister requested me writing Daichi so tada! I just twisted it into my own plot.
Also, some of you may have noticed that I kinda referenced a character genderbend from another anime. It was Ishikawa with the purple hair. This character doesn't actually exist, but the boy version does in the anime Horimiya. It's a great Slice of Life anime and I do recommend you go watch it. It was my first romance anime and it was amazing. (I seem to be promoting animes in these author note things... hm)
So I hope you liked this chapter. I know my chapters seem to be getting longer and longer but that's because I actually want to have a small plot in each one instead of actually just a scene. Please don't forget to heart this fanfiction so you can keep up with the updates, and if you want, please check out my profile, I've got a couple more fanfictions there. Additionally, feel free to comment and give a suggestion for my next character scenario! See ya!
