Haiba Lev - Haiba Karisa

Karisa Haiba had kept her last name even when she had married the love of her life, Akio Takehito several years ago. Now, thriving as the CEO of a large company in Shibuya, Karisa was a working mother with three children under both her and Akio's income. If there was any family known across Shibuya as the richest family, it would be the Haiba-Takehito family. It was only coincidental that her younger siblings were both also famous models.

"Mummy! I want to get this dress!" Her oldest daughter, an eight year old, flipped her I-pad so that her mother, who was working silently on the kitchen bench, could see the dress she had picked on the screen. "I want to wear it to the party next week."

Karisa paused her work and turned to her daughter with a kind smile. "Anika, I already told you. I'm not getting you any dresses for the party. There are plenty of other dresses in your wardrobe that you can choose from."

Anika puffed out her cheeks and blew air through her pink lips. "Fine..." she grumbled and walked away to her own room. Her younger twin siblings were both watching a baby tv show in the living room and she had the temptation to join them, but Anika found herself to embarrassed.

Karisa barely noticed as her younger daughter wandered away from the kitchen. A sudden urge caused her to glance at her watch: 12pm. Karisa stood up abruptly, shocked as she slammed her laptop shut. "Anika! It's time for your photo shoot! Hurry up! Get your siblings! We're late."

There was a small storm in the house as Karisa rushed to gather all her children in one place, the car preferably, and change into presentable clothes. She was heading to a modelling agency. Ten minutes after, Karisa was stomping on the accelerator as she zoomed down the streets and into the city. It wasn't just that she was going to be late, it was also that she didn't want to be there at all.

Anika's smile spanned from one cute ear to the other cute ear of hers. Her puffy pink lips were painted with a thing layer of lip gloss and even her face had a little bit of makeup so that it shone under the lights and cameras. Her hair was naturally curled so there was little to do except to tie it up which Karisa did beautifully.

As she sat on the couch with her younger kids further away on the floor, just a little off the set where Anika was, Karisa had to stabilise herself by taking deep breaths. Being here was suffocating, but there was no choice if she wanted to make her daughter happy, and that was always on top of her list.

Anika had been chosen to model for the upcoming Christmas season and her cute and angelic figure and face had already captured a huge audience and Karisa couldn't even bring her daughter out without at least one person looking for an autograph. Sure, this had always been Anika's dream and Karisa wanted to support it with a whole heart, but she didn't know if she could.

"So Anika, we've had many people asking if you're going to be part of the new famous Christmas production! A little bird even told me that you once acted for a musical right here in Shibayu. What do you say?" the initerviewer asked the young girl who only beamed into the camera.

"I wouldn't mind! I love singing, acting, dancing, modelling for people! If they ask me to do it, I'll do it!" Anika smiled.

"AH! The genius answer right here! And there you have it people! Right from the start herself! It's all down to the Christmas production now!"

From behind the scenes, Karisa hide a sigh and her fists clenched harder together, so that her nails dug into the skin of her palm. Anika had said nothing about asking her parents about the production first, but Karisa knew that before her daughter had any part in it, she would have a definite say.

"Not a fan of all this?" said a voice from beside her.

Unbeknownst to Karisa, a man had already made himself comfortable beside her on the long couch she was sitting on. He was quite a short man with short tufts of light brown hair, and sunglasses over his eyes. The suit his wore finely pressed, as if he was getting ready for a huge tv interview, which could quite be the case.

Karisa sighed. "I should be," she replied curtly, "And who are you? Another model?"

He laughed and shook his head. "I couldn't be if I tried. My friend Lev, is the one with all the looks and charisma. I'm only here to meet him. Then I'm off to Tokyo. My friends have a particularly important game there and I intend to show up. If it's not too late."

Karisa raised an eyebrow at him and casted a sideways glance. "You know Lev? Haiba Lev?"

The man nodded at her with a smile. "In the flesh. I was the man's senpai at one point in time. Now, he stands pretty far ahead of me in the world. I'm Yaku, by the way."

"Yaku-san! I've heard about you," Karisa nodded, giving him her full attention now. "My brother was always on about the strict Libero senpai he had that would take every opportunity to, and I quote, abuse, him."

Yaku laughed again. "Really? And I take it that you're... what? His sister?"

She nodded and sighed again, "Yes. Haiba Karisa."

"Not happy about it?"

With a shake of the head, she answered, "It's just that, me and my brother aren't on the best terms right now."

Yaku tilted his head, curious of this young woman who looked so much like the kohai he once had, but acted much different. He took a look at his watch and grinned, looking back up at Karisa. "I have a bit of time left before my flight. Care to tell me what's bothering you? Perhaps I could help. I wasn't his senpai for nothing, you know."

Karisa couldn't help but feel comfortable around this man who used to know her brother. He had an air about him that made want to open up about everything, but she knew, Karisa still wasn't close to the man. There was not telling who he really was. Even so, she gave in to telling him.

"I used to be a model, an actor myself. As a young teenager who had jobs everywhere, I barely had anyone to hang on to and school was an occasional thing for me. It was only miraculous that my best friend was also an actor. We were close and I thought I knew her like the back of my hand," Karisa paused to recollect herself. She could feel tears at the back of her eyes, but as a professional, she had learnt to hide her feelings in front of people.

"But at the age of seventeen, my best friend suicided. It was only then, I learnt that she had hated her job. Every line she said, was more pressure put on her and the stress from the media only made it worse. Her life as an actor had become the very reason she wanted to die," Karisa said, "I don't want my own daughter to feel that burden. It's too risky and it's out there."

Before Yaku could respond, another tall man took his seat beside her. Karisa froze visibly. Her brother couldn't have come at a better time.

"So I was right. I knew that was the reason but I wasn't sure. You could've just told me," Lev said, "Also, hey Yaku-senpai! Thanks for dropping by!" Yaku only nodded, respecting the silence needed between the two.


He shook his head, stopping her mid-sentence. "It's okay. I get it. But seriously, Anika-chan has the potential to go global. But anyway, I understand your point of view. So I'm going to stop her modelling for now, until you yourself, and not Anika, tell me you want her to do it again."

Karisa stared at Lev, open-mouthed. "Lev! I thought you needed her? But she loves it so..."

"Doesn't her mother have a right to object too? I get that you want to make your daughter happy, but I realised, right now, it's a bit much for her. You probably know it too," Lev smiled at his sister, "It's alright. I'll start the stopping process slowly. But the modelling agency will be open for her whenever you want her to start again."

Her eyes glimmered with tears. "I'm just touched that you're willing to do this." She pulled him into a hug, "Thanks Lev, I'll get back to you."

Sorry if this seems a bit rushed and short. But I personally liked it, so I hope you do too!
Also, I'm still running low on inspiration, so if you have any ideas at all that haven't already been written, please don't hesitate to tell me! Toodles for now! :)
