
Like any other High School student, my life's ordinary too. I spend most of time turning over the pages of my textbooks, thinking of going to my dream college and worrying about my future. In short, I'm a nerd. Then, when did I start to write?

Well, it's all about last year when I got to know that I can write, at least I have the ability to scribble a few words. In the beginning, I didn't know that I would be able to go quite a long way in the world of writing. I got my first internship as a content writer at a startup website, got my poetry published in the poetry anthology of a Bangalore-based Indian Publication, received so much love and admiration from the people around and also from those people who don't even know me. Their only way to connect with me has been my Instagram. But wait, how a nerd like me can become so popular all of sudden?

The reason is me itself. I am just a mere teenager who's in his late teens but I have experienced life more than anyone else of the same age group. I fell in love for the first time in Middle School and since then, I have loved her till this very moment. Now you must be surely thinking that I have been having a lovey dovey romance for almost five years or maybe more and I don't blame you for thinking that. But my friend, always remember that everytime it's not the reality what it seems to be. She is still unaware of the fact that how much I love her and I guess, she will be remaining unaware of it throughout her lifetime. I never had the guts to confess my feelings for her. There had been certain reasons which didn't let us become one. Let's not talk about this any further as of now.

My sadness over the years molded me into a writer who has the ability to make others cry with his poetry. I have always believed that, "Sadness is an inevitable power." It helps to nurture our power of creativity. This collection of micro-poems is actually an account of my own life in delicate pieces of panglossian scribbles. The name 'Haiku' refers to a form of Japanese micropoetry which always have a seasonal reference in them. In each of these thirty micro-poems, I have tried my best to imply the reference of one single season, the season of love and being unloved.
