An Ending Letter

Dear reader,

Maybe, we are strangers to each other in reality. Maybe, we didn't meet each other in person. Maybe, we won't even meet in our whole lifetime but always remember one thing mate, love exists. It's not true that there's nothing called 'love'. Only those people who haven't felt love for someone concludes love to be just a mere fantasy. Loving someone with all your heart for years, confessing them what you feel for them and then getting rejected and see that same person go away without a sigh hurts. But there's something that hurts even more than that.

It is not confessing what you feel for them and seeing them go away. It ends up making you start hating yourself. So, it's always better to confess them and then get rejected. I know it's not easy to face rejection but trust me, it's even more difficult to hate yourself for not trying, at least once. If you really love someone, just go and tell them that you have got feelings for them. At least you will feel better than before. I wish I would have advised this to my own self a few years back then the situation could have been different for me. Nevertheless, the time's gone now and I couldn't turn it back. But you still have that time. Don't let it go away and make you regret forever.

Yours lovingly,
