Chapter 4 - Of Course There's Others...

Info eventually separated Ayano from her lips and glared at her. Ayano's eyes were dazed.

"" Info Chan said. Her breath was weak.

Ayano just sat there, her hands shivering a bit.


"Was my gift THAT touching to you?..."

"Please don't hate me..." Ayano said.

She fluttered her eyes absent-minded and was fighting the urge to hug Info. Info saw the mindless grin slightly growing on Ayano's face, knowing that was trouble.

"Just go to class..." Info said back.

Ayano just stood up and looked at Info before heading out of the Info room. Info Chan got up from the floor and sat in her chair. She rested her head on her hands. The room was 30 degrees warmer now.

"You're so annoying...what the...nnn..."


1 pm

Lunch had rolled around and Ayano was sitting on the rooftop with her lunch. It was some of the leftover food she had from dinner last night. She had her hand on her cheek, thinking about Info similarly to how she thought of Taro. However, her funny memories of Info fueled her new passion. Ayano and Info had always bickered in their messages. She took out her phone and thought about messaging her.

"You... make me laugh~" Ayano said to herself. She held a hand over her heart, "With you, there seems to be a sense of... adventure?.... You're so stubborn....but the best part about you is that you're already on board!~ Now I don't even need to fight any annoying.......a w f u l.....r i v-"

She paused when she heard talking near her. She heard Sakyu Basu rehearsing a confession.

"I wish I could talk to you...but you're just so mysterious..." Sakyu said to herself. Ayano's eyes widened.


"I don't even know your real name... but you're just so intriguing~"


"Just the thought of being with you, Info Chan... That would be quite a dangerous ride~ I'd be willing to do anything... Anything~" Sakyu snickered afterward.

"Are you... KIDDING ME???" Ayano yelled.

Others who were on the roof began to stare at her puzzled. Ayano looked around and took her lunch quickly. She awkwardly headed down the stairs to the Info room. Ayano's mind started racing again.

"This is a joke... This is a cruel joke... And to think it wouldn't happen again, it does... The universe hates me... Luckily defeating her will be easy. I'll just simply tell Info Chan about it. Easy..."

But indeed it was not easy. Ayano knocked on the Info Club door. Info opened the door, letting Ayano in. She had the mask back on despite burning up from earlier.


"I wanted to tell you that Sakyu Basu likes you," Ayano said.

She smiled and began to eat her food.

"There's several admirers I have here," Info Chan said.

Ayano was still smiling when she dropped her chopsticks.

"Achm what?"

"Yeah, people like my 'mysterious nature' or whatever. I do occasionally get a few people trying to win my heart via messages. It's not fun..."

"Who else??" Ayano asked.

She walked up to the monitor where Info was typing.

"I don't know all their names but it's barely a few people here, and people from other places... Most I'm not interested in..."

". . . . . Most? . . . . ."

"It's mostly a bunch of weird guys after me..." Info responded, "However, there is one girl that stands out from the rest."

"O h . . . ." Ayano said through her teeth with a big smile, "h o w s w e e t . . ."

Info Chan just chuckled.

"I assume you're going to run with that alone," Info Chan said.

"Maybe you should tell me who she is so I can say hi~" She said. She leaned against Info's chair.

"Hmmmm. I don't think so..." Info said back.

Ayano deadpanned and turned Info Chan's seat toward her. Info Chan crossed her arms.

"Are you suuuuure you don't want to?~" Ayano asked.

She was inching closer to Info Chan's face. Info raised a brow at her.

"Pretty su-"

"IT'S SAKYU, ISN'T IT..." Ayano snapped back. Info Chan deadpanned.

"Keep your voice down, and I see that you're fixed on me..." Info started, "Ayano, do you know what would make me reeeaaally happy?"

"Let me guess... the newspapers?" Ayano mumbled back. Info Chan nodded. Ayano groaned, "Fine... I'll get to work and really give you a story if you give me a hint about the people who like you..." Ayano said.

Info thought about possible targets she wanted to get.

"Hmm... Let me just tell you who they are actually since you're willing to work again. Sakyu, Oka, uhhhh Kokona, Osoro,"

Info continued to list. Ayano just crossed her arms.

"Something tells me that this is just your hit list for school..." Ayano said back. Info Chan just looked at her.

"...Alright... you got me..." Info admitted.

She turned her chair toward Ayano and looked up to her face. Ayano and Info gave each other a strong stare into each other's eyes. Info chan crossed her arms again.

"What's causing this interest?..." Info asked, "Be honest..."

Ayano remained silent. Info glared at her and wrapped her arms around Ayano's waist. She brought her over to her so that she was sitting on her lap. Ayano's eyes shot open as her legs slowly crossed.

"Listen..." Info Chan started quietly, "If you can get rid of the list of people AND boost my newspaper... I will be yours..."

Ayano's heart was racing. She was already planning.

"And you'll ignore any other love request?..." Ayano asked.

"Yes. I'll place yours as a priority..."

"And how do I know I can trust you?..." Ayano asked with furrowed brows.

Info Chan just looked at Ayano in her entirety and met back at her face.

".....Just... trust me on it..." Info Chan muttered out. Ayano sighed.

"Fine... I'll do it..." Ayano said back. Info Chan looked at her.

"You don't seem excited. You didn't mind doing this for Taro..."

"I'm never excited about killing people..." Ayano said, "I just don't mind doing so if it means gaining something worthwhile... That's all..."

"Alright, then it's settled," Info Chan said.

They sat there, still in the same position.

"Aren't you going to let me go?" Ayano asked. Info Chan looked to the side. Ayano raised Info's chin, "Warning~"

"I know you get 'attached' easily..." Info Chan said back.

Ayano couldn't help but smile a little as she played with Info Chan's hair. Info wasn't sure what made Ayano cling to her, but knew that whatever she did, she must definitely monitor Ayano's behavior even more.
