Chapter 14- Jail Letter

2 Weeks Later, Monday, 6:50 pm

Mr. and Mrs. Aishi returned home from their trip to America. Ryoba happily walked in while Mr. Aishi's eyes revealed that he had seen some unseeable things. Ryoba looked around the house for Ayano.

"Ayano darling, we're hooooome!" Ryoba said sweetly. 

She heard no reply back and cleared her throat.

"I SAAAID, Ayano darling we're hooooome!!" She said holding out her arms to hug someone.

"Ayano?" Mr. Aishi called.

He headed into the kitchen with Ryoba following. There was a short note on the counter. Ryoba picked it up and read it with her husband.

"Dear Mom and Dad,

By the time you read this, I should be in jail. I did it on purpose so that I can be with my senpai. Turns out, I had a false senpai that revealed to me my real one. Hard to explain right now since my mind is racing, but I want you to know that I'm reaching for life with no bail, since that's what my senpai Akira got. Me and her will be happy together in jail, because all we need is each other."

Ryoba and Mr. Aishi just read the rest of the note with their jaws dropped.

"It started when I thought that this boy named Taro was my senpai... Soooo turns out... he's not interested in girls.... aaaaand when I tried to get rid of his boyfriend, he tried to get rid of me.... I think he might be from a family like ours... but anyway, my real senpai is a girl named Arika, but she's into illegal activity..." 

Mr. Aishi just glared at Ryoba, who started sweating. 

"I would write a little more flowery right now, but I'm in an end-all-lives mood, so just bare with me... She taught me to want more than the basics in life, and I fallen for her over it. I felt human around her, especially because she didn't seem perfect." 

"Well... At least she fell in love, right?" Ryoba asked.

Mr. Aishi didn't respond. 

"She got arrested not to long ago with 30 to life in jail. Instead of ending my life like promised, I decided that I was going to go with her to jail. I will NOT let another slip from me. So, at the time of writing this, I plan to get at least two murders once I get to school today so I can solidify my sentence." 

"O-Oh...." Ryoba said. 

Her eyes were widened. Mr. Aishi was gripping the page so hard that he was nearly ripping it at the top. His hands were shaking. Ryoba could slightly hear the scream Mr. Aishi was holding in.

"Either way, thanks mom for believing in me and my future, and hopefully you guys can see what a wonderful senpai I have now, here in Buraza Jail. Welp, see you soon... Maybe? My sentence was a bit fuzzy in the details.


Ryoba placed the note down and just twiddled her fingers while her husband glared at her.

"....She doesn't need HEEELP you said....She would be FIIIINE you said..." Mr. Aishi went off.

"Aheheheh... I'm happy for her, but at the same time... this is.....different... from the usual set up..." Ryoba said, "I didn't expect her to WANT to go to jail... uh...crazy world...huh?"

Mr. Aishi just growled and rested his head on the counter.

Ayano and Info Chan were now together forever in jail serving their sentences. Ayano walked around her cell with pride, knowing that as long as she had good behavior for now on, she and Info wouldn't likely not be separated. All her rivals in life were likely defeated and...

they lived... happily ever after?...

-The End-

Authors Note: Thank you for those who made it to the end! This ending currently does not have a Sequel, but I'm debating a jail break scenario. This entire story was a midway to the proper sequel of my original fanfic Do It (Budo x Taro) fanfic. If you want to read that for more context, go to the link in the main comments
