Veronica Chapter 23

I wake up to alarms blaring. I bolt up in my bed. Sebastian hasn't told me about any alarms or drills so I have no clue what I'm supposed to do. I know it's not a fire alarm, from my schooling experience, but besides that I don't know what it is.

Then before I do anything else, a shadowed figure enters my room standing in the doorway. He's tall and muscular, but I can't see any other distinctive qualities at the distance he's at. He closes the door behind him, and starts towards me. At first I think he's Sebastian, but then as he draws nearer I can get an outline of his facial features. He has a skinny, angular face and a pointed nose.

I start to squirm backwards on my bed in an attempt to get away, but his hand shoots out grabbing my ankle and pulling me toward him. I start to open my mouth to scream until something hard, and metal hits my face. I taste blood in my mouth. This action tells me not to scream.

The guy points the metal object that hit me at me. Now as I get a better look at it I realize it's a gun. Not one that I recognize though.

He pulls a small round ball out of his pocket, and throws it up in the air. Instead of falling it hovers about four feet off the ground. In an instant it starts flashing until reaching a solid state of light. It doesn't light up the whole room, but it does just enough for me to see his face. He has blonde almost white hair and brown eyes with a menacing look shadowing his face. He gives off a big creep factor.

"Now that's better isn't it," he says more like a statement than a question. "Now I can see your pretty face." He stretches out a hand that caresses my face.

I immediately jerk away from him. His hand stays in the air for a split second before he drops it back down to his waist.

"Who are you?" I demand.

"I think you know," he says cooly.

"You're with Black Dagger," I say, more to myself than to him.

"Indeed I am," he says, "and you're going to be too, soon."

"Not a chance!" I say.

I start to spring up to get to the door. Then without warning I'm hit with electricity. It surges through my body sending a river of pain. It hurts to much to scream, or whisper or move. All I can do is lay there, and hope that it doesn't happen again.

"Oh not so fast," he says slyly. "You didn't think you had a choice did you? If you ever try to escape again you'll regret it." I eye the gun suspiciously, "You like it? It's one of the Black Dagger's advanced weapons. We call it Voltage. It sends electricity through your body causing massive amounts of pain. If I were to hold it down long enough it could kill someone."

"That's terrible," I croak.

"Terrible? Oh no, it's glorious," he says with a menacing smile that sends chills down my spine. "So if you don't mind we really should get going before someone realizes I'm here."

I start to sit up and say, "Actually I do mind." I gather the little strength I have, and lung at him.

Before I get to him though I collapse to the ground, writhing in pain. My body convulses. I feel like I'm being set on fire from the inside.

When it finally stops, I see his face looming over me looking evil. That's the only word to describe him, evil. It's then I notice the tears running down my face.

"Young lady, you need to stop assuming you have a choice, because let me tell you, you don't," he says harshly.

He bends down to pick me up me up, as he comes closer to my face I whisper, "They'll come for me." When I say they I mean Sebastian.

"If your talking about your little Sebastian, I'm sorry to say that I already took care of him," he says. A shiver travels through me as he says took care of. "And if you mean this pitiful thing you call an organization will come for you then your wrong. It will all be in ashes soon anyways."

He then jerks me up throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I let out a small whimper as he does this. Pain shoots through my body.

We start toward the door. However it swings open before we get there. I manage to move my head to look who it is. My heart leaps as I see those beautiful eyes. It's Sebastian.

The evil guy throws me onto the bed. I land roughly causing agonizing pain. A small whimper is released from me the moment I hit the bed. I don't even attempt to move, all I do is roll my head towards them as they fight.

Sebastian throws him against the wall causing a loud bang. They throw a variety of kicks and punches. Sebastian is obviously winning as the other guy starts to slow down. Finally the other guy falls down, and stays down.

Once this happens Sebastian rushes towards me. His hand gently comes to my face sending warmth through my body. His eyes are soft as he looks at me.

"Your safe now," he whispers.

Then he's thrown back against the wall with unfathomable force. I stare wide eyed as the evil one comes towards me. Then I see what's in his hand, the gun. I cringe at the sight of it, trying to prepare myself for the worst. However, he doesn't point the gun at me he points it at Sebastian.

"No!" I cry as loud as I can, but that doesn't stop him from squeezing the trigger.

I start to panic, he's not stopping. I frantically look around for something to stop him. I see the lamp on the bedside table. He's so consumed by killing Sebastian that he doesn't notice me reaching for it. With the cool metal in my hand, I gather all my strength to hit him in the back of the head. He immediately falls, but I don't want to take my chances so I hit him a few more times until I'm sure he's passed out.

Then I drag myself to Sebastian's unmoving body.  Panic corses through me as he lays there. I bring my head down towards his chest to see if he has a heart beat. I lay my head down on his chest.

His heart isn't  beating.
