Sebastian Chapter 4

"Agent Hall," Director Caudfield says,Director Caudfield is the head of the Guard, "We have a potential candidate for agent training, and I need you to get her. Her name is Veronica Daldalian she is seventeen, and could be crucial to the defeat of the Black Dagger. This girl hacked into our network faster than our best computer scientist. She has remarkable talent for a girl her age, and I think she could be valuable to our operation."

"Sir I hate to disagree with you," Sebastian says, "but if she hacked into our system then she could be an enemy."

"That is why we need to get to her before the Black Dagger," Director Caudfield, "And if she refuses to come peacefully then you have permission to use force if necessary." 

Director Caudfield hands Sebastian a picture. Sebastian looks at the picture of Veronica in school working on a project. She had reddish brown hair, beautiful green eyes, snow white skin, and soft facial features.

Sebastian must have been staring too long because Director Caudfield cleared his throat and asked,"So, Agent Hall are you up to the task?"

"Yes sir. I'm ready," he said taking his weapons, and the picture he grabbed his leather jacket. 

"I'm ready," he says to himself, and he marches out the door. 
