Ethan and Ivy have been added into the groupchat

Grayson: So ya'll a couple yet?

Alex: Yeah what's the news

Hope: Yeah the bitch didn't even tell me!

Nate: I guess ya aren't that important....

Nate: Wait that's a lie bc you are important.

Hope: I can't tell if your flirting or being sarcastic....😶

Ethan: nothings happening yet.....

Ivy💕: Ethan.....

Ivy💕: Grant.....

Ivy💕: Dolan.....

Ivy💕: you don't know that for sure tho...

Ethan: so,your saying that there is a possibility??😏😋😉

Alex: What did we say no flirting in the groupchat......

Hope: Yeah so either stop it or leave.

Ivy💕: Well if I recall you and Nate were flirting a second ago.

Nate: No comment......

Hope: sooooo u were flirting?????

Nate: mayyyyybe

Grayson: He was and he likes you and you obviously like him so get together.



Nate left the groupchat
Hope left the groupchat

Nate and Hope- private chat

Nate: Soo

Hope: Sooo

Nate: Soooo

Hope: Sooooo

Nate: Soooooo

Hope: Sooooooo  how long is this going to go on?

Nate: 😂 as long as you want it to.

Hope: Well I think we should stop

Nate: Okay.

Hope: Well were you flirting?

Nate: maybe a little

Hope: Okay

Nate: maybe what Grayson says was a little bit true....

Hope: same

Nate: Okay

Nate: Wait fr?

Hope: Yeah fr

Nate: I really want to meet you

Nate: like face to face

Hope: same.

Hope: me and Ivy are moving to Cali if a few weeks.

Nate: I'll come and see you guys

Hope: great🙂




Hope's POV

I plug my phone up to the charger and get dressed. I leave my hair down and put on a hat.

I walk downstairs and my mom left me a shopping list for the grocery store. Just basic stuff milk, eggs, bread chips etc. Ugh today it going to be so boring. I grab my keys off the shelf and head to Walmart.

It's kinda sad that if I could I would get one of every bag of chips off the shelf. Nope I'm wrong that is sad. Something hits my cart and I look up and see this cute guy pushing the cart that hit mine.

"Oh I'm sorry." Damn he's cute. "Your fine don't worry about it." He flashes me a smile. "I'm Alec." He puts his hand out for a shake, it's soft but firm.

"Hope." "Cute name." I smile. "Thank you." He let's out a small chuckle. "Lot of junk you got in there." I snort. "Well ya know it tastes good." "Yeah I don't blame you."

My phone dings. "Someone must miss you." Alec says and his comment is punctuated by 3 more dings. "Oh it's just a groupchat that I'm in." He laughs. "Well maybe I can make your phone ding later."

I chuckle. "Cute but kinda cheesy." "Do you not like cheesy?" He raises an eyebrow while he asks. "On you I do." He blushes  and looks down at his feet. "So can I have your number?" I smile and nod. "Yeah." I write it on the back of his shopping list.

"It was nice to meet you Alec." He returns the smile. "Same here Hope." We say our goodbyes and I continue my shopping.

When I get back Ivy is on the couch texting Ethan in a private chat. When she's not paying attention I take her phone and quickly type in.

Ivy: I just sucked my ex's dick I forgot how long he was.

I send that to the groupchat.

Ethan: wtf!!

Alex: I feel like Hope wrote that

Hope: bitch no I didn't

Grayson: Chica you definitely did

Ivy💕: I would laugh but it's my phone you sent it from Soooo

Ethan: maybe you can suck mine sometime

Nate: little E-TEE-WEE-TEE coming out to play

Hope: 😂😂😂

Hope: Omg I'm fucking dying

Ivy💕: yep she just fell out of the chair

Alex: Damn I forgot your name was that 😂😂😂

Ethan: if I should be so lucky😑

Grayson: please Eth all of our followers know that there not going to let it go

Nate: true

Ethan: stfu

Ivy💕: It's alright bb

Hope: BABY!!!!??

Alex: when da fuck did that happen??

Grayson: hello??

Nate: umm we kinda want an awnser

Ivy💕: Well were waiting

Hope: nope now

Grayson: it's about to get real.....

Nate: sthu I want to see how this goes

Ivy💕: whyyyyyyyyyyyy????

Hope: bc were moving there in like 3 weeks

Eth: Yeah but still 3 weeks

Hope: shut up

Hope: still tho cutest couple ever💕🤘✌💙😉
