Eth: how ya feelin Hope?

Gray: ^

Hope: I'm fine, I'm on my second tub of ice cream 😧

Alex: Hey! Save me some I'm on my way!!!!

Ivy💕: do you want me to come home???

Hope: no! Your with your family

Ivy💕: okay....

Nate: got anymore ice cream???👀👀

Hope: 😂😂 idk Alex might eat it all

Nate: imma pick some more up then

Gray: wtf y'all are eating ice cream while me and Ethan are in Jersey!!!!!

Ethan: guess we'll kust,have to go buy some of our own then......

Gray: looks that way 😐

Hope: omg get over it 🙄


Alex: it looks so fucking good!!!!😍😍😍

Nate: dude don't get a brain freeze😂😂

Hope: who gives a fuck

Ivy💕: damn someone's salty today

Hope: whatever 🙄

Gray: oh is it your time of the month

Eth: ^^^

Ivy💕: omg you don't say that to a girl it just gets us pissed off

Nate: uh oh.........

Alex: ^^^^^^

Hope: that idioticy dosen't even deserve a response so 🤷

Hope's POV

I hear a soft knock on the door. "Come on it! It's unlocked!" I yell. I just don't feel like getting up I'm really comfortable.

"You shouldn't do that ya know," Nate says as he walks in. I was actually expecting Alex first considering he left sooner.

"Ah whatever I didn't feel like getting up," I wave my spoon at him. He just rolls his eyes. I notice the 3 bags of groceries. "What's in the bags?" I crane my neck to see.

He just laughs. "Pizza in one and a some ice cream in the other too," I smile wide. "Yay!"

"I swear I'm friends with a little kid," I just roll my eyes at him. "Come lay with me and grab a spoon," he shakes his head but complies.

He lays down next to me and starts to dig into the ice cream with me. "Oh now I see why you didn't want to get up," I chuckle as I play with his hair.

"Okay not gonna lie that feels really good," I smile. "now I know why girls always say that feels good," I laugh so hard that I snort.

"It's cute when you do that," Nate says with a mouth full of ice cream. "Don't choke,"

"Yeah yeah whatever, what are you watching?" "Criminal Minds," I say in between mouthfulls of ice cream.

"Ah well I have no idea what's going on so," I roll my eyes."just watch the show okay?"

Me and Nate both end up falling asleep in the couch. I wake up when I see a flash of light. I see this on Alex's story a few minutes later

"Alex take it off your story!" I practicly yell at him. I yell so loud that Nate wakes up. "Oh sorry," he rolls his eyes.

Ivy💕: what's with you and Nate on Alex's story??????

Ivy💕: hello?

Ivy💕: dude are y'all a thing??

Ivy💕: bitch fucking awnser me ya hoe!!

Hope: he took a picture when we fell asleep. No we're not a thing

Ivy💕: you guys should be...👀

Hope: stfu

Ivy💕: omg someone's got a little crushy crush crush

Hope: pffft no I don't!

Ivy💕: bish yes you do

Hope: I know what I feel and it might be that.....

Ivy💕: omg ik you do!!!
