Episode 5: TD - Part 4

"Good morning, Dipper," Mabel yawned, as she woke up peacefully.

Her eyes widened, when she saw a candy-infected Dipper.

He was literally made of candy, but resembled a shape of one solid human being. His eyes were unwrapped peppermints, his eyebrows were licorice, and his teeth were candy corn.

She stuttered slowly, and clearly afraid, (but secretly disgusted) "D-dip-p-per..?"

The new "Dipper" was approaching her, sniffing her scent, and she noticed he had a weird gumdrop nose. He ran on all fours after shaking his head in disapproval, as Mabel swiped away the sugar that fell on her bed.

At the split second when Dipper saw a glimpse himself in the mirror, he grew licorice hair and ran away.

Mabel ran downstairs, with no boots on – only socks – and through the open door, she saw her twin trying to eat his own brown licorice hair.

She only stayed on the museum's wooden platform, for she didn't want to follow him in the cold snow with only socks.

Dipper floated in the air like a lifeless body, and suddenly he became aware of his surroundings. He slowly became more monster-like, as he sprouted stiff and weirdly human-like gummy worm fingers.

He rushed quickly to some place else.

Mabel panicked and fetched her boots quickly. She stumbled in putting them on but managed to do it fast enough to follow a small speck of black to some place.

But after a while, she couldn't follow anymore. Sure, she loved Dipper, but...

Wasn't there something about the Mystery Museum..?

Something about—

