- 19 -


It was the day of Jeongin's birthday, and everyone got up at 9 am to get everything ready. Hyunjin being busy calling people in to make dinners and desserts. Meanwhile, the rest were all preparing the house in decorating while Jeongin went out to get ready

"Darling." Hyunjin called out

Hm? Yeah?" Felix yelled back

"Come upstairs for a minute" hyunjin replies

Felix then sighed, putting down the balloons he was using, and then went upstairs

Felix then went into *their* bedroom

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I bought you an outfit."

He then shows him the suit (it's the cover picture of this chap if ur curious ;))

Felix didn't show much emotion. he just stared

"What do you not like it? we match!"

Felix sighed, cringing at hyunjin cute behavior

"Yeah, it's nice... how much was it?" Felix says, looking at the inside suit

"Hmm.. Yours was about I think 2,000$ mine was custom, so maybe around 5,000?"

Felix dropped his mouth open in shock while he spoke, dropping the suit

"Hm? What's wrong darling"

"What do you mean, what's wrong?! This is 2,000?! That's what I used to make every 2 years with my 3 part-time jobs!"

Hyunjin started to laugh, then pinched felix cheeks

"Awww, you're so adorable. I love you, darling!"

"Ah- OK ok let go" felix then took his hands off him, but before he could leave, hyunjin pulled him back and kissed him

Felix was in shock but slowly kissed back.

Hyunjin smiled as soon as Felix kissed back and then let go

Hyunjin then just looked at felix with a big smile

"W-whats so funny.." felix looked fluttered, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.

"You kissed me back..." hyunjin had a smrik on his face

"YEAH, SO WHAT I DID WHY? DID YOU NOT LIKE IT!" Felix was turning red

Hyunjin just chuckled at red little chicken in front of him, then hugged him

"No.. thank you...and...I'm sorry for hurting you in the past....I truly love you...felix..."

Hyunjin sounded sad, almost like he was crying

Felix just stood there, not hugging him back he felt angry but also sad. But felix hugged him back to give him a chance

"It's okay... I forgive you..." felix, then let's go of the hug and walk away

Hyunjin noticed that he didn't tell him he loved him back and felt guilty himself

"God hyunjin you're a fucking idiot..."


5 hours later the house was all done and everyone was getting ready while the housemaids welcomed the guest

Felix, seungmin, jeongin and han jisung were all nervous about going down to meet the people they just watched from upstairs

"Wow...that's alot of people" felix says

"Hyung...I'm scared.." jeongin says hugging felixs arm

"Why are you scared jeongin come on its your best day"

Jisung nodded "yeah and look theirs your parents" jisung pointed making jeongin feel happy

"Sir jeongin your suit is ready for you" one of the maids says

Jeongin nodded and says bye before leaving

"Seungmin what are u doing here are you gonna go down?" Jisung says

"Go die I don't wanna be down there."

"What's wrong?" Felix asked

Seungmin Signals jisung and felix to come close to whispers


"Oh my gowh..." jisung was shocked

"Who?" Felix asked

"....J..Y...P..." seungmin says dramatically

"Hey guys whatcha talking about!" Changbin says

"Who's jyp"

"And goodbye..." changbin then turns around walking away

"Changbin get ur thick ass over here!" Seungmin whispers harshly

"Hell no that man is crazy" he whispers back

"Who's jyp?!"

Everyone ignored felix while they started to fall of the floor dramatically

"Oh mah gowh I will die if I set eyes on that man" changbin says

"Oh really well how bout you go first" seungmin then kicks changbin down the stairs getting everyone attention

"YAH-"....."uh..hello everyone" changbin says waving his hand awkwardly

"Seungmin,jisung and felix kept holding their laugh so they wouldn't draw attention to themselves

"Haha hyung now ita ur turn" jisung says

"Ha- huh?-" Seungmin was cut off as jisung pushed him with changbin on the stairs

Seungmin froze as everyone saw him and looked back at jisung and felix with death in his eyes.

Seungmin tried to go back upstairs bit changbin grabbed him and drags him down stairs with a fake smile

"You guys are such kids" bangchan then appeared in a nice well-fit suit crossing him arms

"Well-" jisung wanted to roast him back but he couldn't think of anything

Bangchan then sighed and grabbed jisung and dragged him down stairs


Felix just stood there then leeknow just walked down stairs not saying anything following bangchan and jisung.

Felix just laid on the railing then he saw beomgyu and his eyes glowed with joy he quickly ran down stairs to greet him

"Welcome in sir."


Beomgyu then walks in and wows in shock the place looks magical

"Hey hey cookie!" Felix then jumped on beomgyu back

"WHOS THERE!" He puts his hand up

"Bruh Seriously.." soobin then walked behind him

"HUH!? Soobin!?"

"Shh~" soobin then smiles

Felix then gets off beomgyu poor back

"Hey kiddo hows it going"

"Its been good wait is it just you 2?"

"Well..yeonjun couldn't make it so he brought me and beomgyu" soobin says

"Hmm I see.. well we have to act like we just met ok I don't want hyunjin to get jealous" felix then rolls his eyes

"Yeah yeah so felix where's the snack" beomgyu smiles

"Really beomgyu we didn't come here for that."

"Haha it's fine it's over there"

"Ah thanks bbg" beomgyu then blows a kiss then runs to the snacks

"I'll see in a minute I gotta make sure he doesn't ruin his suit smh"

Felix giggles and nods


Felix turns around to see hyunjin.

His mouth opened in shock

"Wow hyunjin you look nice"

"Thank you darling" he think comes closer and leads closer to felix's ear with his hands in his pockets

"You look hot yourself I can wait to rip this off of you tonight~" he whispers

Felix freezes in red

Felix then pushes hyunjin away

"You prev!"

"Sh sh sh darling we have guest everywhere now you don't want them to know what we do..do you?" Hyunjin then smirks as he teases felix


Hyunjin then looks around and goes back to felix

"Sorry darling I have to talk to someone real quick ill see you when you come with jeongin" he then leaves

"Felix nods"

"What time is it.." he checked the time and it was already 6pm!?"

"Wtf..." felix whispers

He then goes upstairs to check on jeongin

"Hey jeongin can I come in?"

"UH yeah you can."

Felix quickly opens the door and closes it

"Wow you look beautiful jeongin"

"Haha thanks..."

"Whata wrong..?"

"Im just nervous..."

"For what?"

"Well I don't know everyone and I don't really have any friends only the gang so.." jeongin looked down in disappointment.

"Hey hey!" Felix then grabbed jeongin face and raised to face his own

"Dont say that we all worked hard to make your special day special and I hope you know that everyone even if you don't now them or they are just here for business just know that me and others love you alot and we will support you alright!"

Jeongin felt grateful from felixs words and smiled and nodded.

Felix then came for a hug and jeongin accepted it back

"Now. Go out there I have to walk with you anyways haha"

Jeongin nodded happily and held felixs hand while they left the room

Felix and jeongin took a deep breath and went down stairs everyone was quiet as jeongin came down a few seconds later everyone cheered and clapped their hands jeongin smiled shyly.

Once they made it down jeongin was sat down and the cake was placed in front of him everyone then started to sing happy brithday while he hid his face in embarrassment

Meanwhile changbin was trying to grab his hands away from his face

Once the song was done jeongin was handed a fancy knife but before he cut his cake he looked at the members

"Hey I want you guys to cut with me come here!"

They all came over and all held the knife then they cut it

(Help Why does this feel like a wedding lmafo)

Everyone then cheered and celebrated

Finally jeongin went upstairs to the balcony to the view of downstairs and told his speech to say by his memory with his members and family

Everyone was chilling and dancing celebrating with drinks loud music

Felix couldn't see soobin and beomgyu anywhere he felt kinda anxious bit he let it go as soon as he saw little children

"Mister can you come play with us pretty plwase!" She says while tugging on felix

"Of course I can let's play... the monster catcher!" He started yo act like a scary monster making all the kids run away while laughing

"Come and try to catch me mister monster!" They yelled felix started to run after the kids he seems like he was having fun.

Hyunjin was talking with other businessmen while hold a glass of champagne in his hands.

He looked at the screams and he saw felix playing around with the children

He smiled at him then he saw felix pick up a child and he suddenly thought of something making him choked on his drink in embarrassment

"Uh Mr. Hwang?"

"Ah yes I'm sorry I got distracted my apologies haha."


"Haha I finally caught you now where are your little friends so I can eat them!"
(Tbh I dunno either 💀😭)

"NEVERRRR" The girl then ran away laughing going up stairs

"Oh you little tiger I'm coming for you haha" felix didnt realized how tired he was as he ran up the tall stairs he saw a person walk down past him but it felt off...
He...felt dizzy and felt light...he was tripped and down the tall flight of stairs hitting his head then blacking out

The loud crash made hyunjin and the others look

"FELIX!" all the members yelled from upstairs running down stairs

Hyunjin dropped everything and ran fast to felix

But someone else was also running to felix



Soobin yelled...

I'm so evil I'm so sorry felix

Hahaha haha what will happen next will felix die or will he live MUAHAHAHAHAAHAH YOU WONT KNOW UNTIL. I PUBLISH MUAHAHA

Also the next chapter will be the last chapter of the series! Teehee

Uhh if you peoples have any ideas on my next story don't be shy and tell me teehee ^^
