34| Umbridge's detention

"I'm telling you, Rachel is the best character in Friends" Hermione told Diana. The pair was arguing over their favorite character before class started, seeing as Professor Umbridge wasn't in the classroom yet. "I say it's Joey" Diana argued. 

"He's great, yes. But I think Rachel is better" Hermione said. "So he's your second favorite?" Diana asked. "Third" Hermione corrected. Diana hit the desk slightly "are you kidding me?" she asked in disbelief. "Rachel, Chandler, Joey" Hermione said. "Joey, Rachel, Chandler" Diana corrected. 

"Ross is also hilarious" Ron said, butting into their conversation. "Stay out of this, Ronald" Hermione laughed. "What are they on about?" Harry asked in a whisper. "Arguing over which Friend is the best" Ron answered, Harry nodded and looked at the front of the class, watching the pink lady enter the room.

Suddenly the room fell silent and everything got boring and lifeless. 

'I really hope this teacher isn't evil or anything. I don't feel like theorizing over an evil professor while my mom is practically already dead... she isn't. But it sure feels like it' Diana thought.

Umbridge noticed Diana's lack of attention. She made sure both textbooks "accidentally" fell on Diana's hand. "What the fuck" Diana muttered a little too loud. "Language, Miss-" Umbridge said but paused seeing as she didn't know Diana's last name. "Bennett" Diana said. 

"Language, Miss Bennett. Would you like a detention?" Umbridge asked. "Why would she receive a detention when you were the one who purposely had both books fall on her hand" Hermione said, in an outrage. She was surprised at this sudden action.

"Would you like a detention as well, Miss-" Umbridge said, "Granger" Hermione said. "Granger, would you like to join Miss Bennett in detention?" she asked. 

"That's total nonsense. You have no reason to-" Ron said but was cut off my Umbridge. "Mr-" Umbridge paused, "Weasley" Ron muttered. "Mr Weasley, would you care to join these two in detention?" Umbridge asked. 

"Is detention really all you have up your sleeve?" Diana asked. "You'll see when you join me after class and find out what I have up my sleeve" Umbridge shot at Diana. The room fell silent. "Now, if you'll open the books. We can begin" Umbridge told the class. 

Hermione flipped through a few pages and then raised her hand. "Another outburst, Miss Granger?" Umbridge asked. Hermione shook her head and only then did Umbridge nod for Hermione to ask her question. "There's nothing in here about using defensive spells. When will we touch on that?" Hermione asked as calmly as she could.

Umbridge let out a short laugh that was then followed by a glare. "Using spells? I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom" Umbridge said, earning stares from Hermione and Diana. 

"We're not going to be using magic?" Ron asked. Diana didn't bother listening to Umbridge's so called reasoning. Diana got snapped out of though when Harry said, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe, Lord Voldemort". 

"You expect me to lie about Bonnie's death? I can't do that" Damon told Elena and Caroline. "We aren't telling you to lie, Damon. She listens to you the most. Please just tell her something to calm he down a bit" Caroline said. "She saw Bonnie in the hospital. Bonnie somehow communicated with her, I can't lie to that girl. She's practically my niece. I care for her too much to lie to her about something like this" Damon said. 

"Detention, Mr Potter!" were the words that snapped Diana out of her vision. "What the fu-" Diana was about to say but Hermione covered her mouth and shook her head. 


"First week of school and we already landing a detention" Diana shook her head as they made their way to detention with Umbridge. "We're in this together?" Harry asked trying to lighten the mood. "If you say so" Diana mumbled. The two interlocked hands, not really thinking about it.

The pair entered Umbridge's overly pink office. Almost gagging at the sight of so much pink and cats. "Miss Bennett, Mr Potter, welcome. Today you two will be writing lines, nothing too extreme" Umbridge said as she watched the two come in. Seeing the two holding hands gave Umbridge an idea.  

"I didn't bring a quill" Diana said. "That's all right. You'll both be using my special quills" Umbridge said as she handed the two kids quills. 

"Miss Bennett, you will write 'I must not talk back'. Mr Potter, you will write 'I must not tell lies'. Understood?" Umbridge asked. The two nodded and sat down, taking the woman's so called special quills.

"You haven't given us ink" Diana said. "You won't need ink. Just start writing" Umbridge said. Diana and Harry exchanged a look of confusion. "How many times?" Harry asked, "until the message sinks in" she said with an evil looking grin.

Diana was the first one two feel something; a stinging sensation in her hand. She ignored it and continued writing until the pain got sharper. She looked at her hand and saw the words "I must not talk back" engraved on her hand. 

She didn't say anything though. Diana continued writing not wanting to gave Umbridge the satisfaction of knowing she was hurting her. 

Harry felt the same pain as Diana did, moments afterwards. Harry flinched, causing Umbridge to turn around. "Something wrong?" Umbridge asked. "No, not at all" Harry said through gritted teeth. "Continue writing" Umbridge said as she looked over Diana's shoulder, purposefully having Diana press down harder on her quill. Diana flinched with the added pressure. Harry finally noticed it wasn't just him who was having the bloody quill issue.

"Stop" Harry said rather harshly. "Stop what?" Umbridge asked, knowing exactly what aHarry meant.  "I'll serve double the punishment if Diana doesn't have to do it" Harry said, Diana shook her head but Harry ignored it.  

"She earned her punishment just as you have. Now quiet and continue writing" Umbridge said. The two kids continued writing for a while until Umbridge had Harry stoop. "Let me see your hand" Umbridge said and then took Harry's hand and observed it for god knows what reason. "You may go, Mr Potter" Umbridge said. 

"I'm not leaving until she does" Harry said and signaled towards Diana. "She still has ways to go until she's done. I suggest you leave" Umbridge said.

Diana didn't look up from her parchment, she continued writing and tried focusing on how Bonnie had it worse.She would think of it as though it was the curse of the Bennett bloodline but instead she wrote. 

"The longer you stay, the longer she'll have  to do line. At this point you're the one hurting her" Umbridge said. "That's some twisted logic" Diana muttered quietly. When Harry walked out of the office Umbridge walked to Diana. "Hand" Umbridge said, Diana held out her hand and Umbridge pressed her hand on the new engraved words. "Stop it" Diana said but Umbridge didn't listen.

"I'm going to need you to write a few more lines. But instead use this quill" Umbridge said and gave Diana an all black quill with a black feather and some sort of small design engraved at the bottom.

"What am I going to write now?" Diana asked. "You will write, 'I must learn my lesson'. Understood?" Umbridge asked, Diana nodded and began writing. She expected to see those words engraved on her other hand but instead she felt a vision coming on. But not a vision of Bonnie or Mystic Falls but instead more of a living nightmare.

"No please, you can't do this. Stop it!" Caroline shouted as the death eater shouted the Cruciatus curse at Lizzie Saltzman. Caroline had been tied up with vervain ropes and had wooden stakes in her hands thighs to prevent her from breaking free of the chair she was tied to. 

Elena and Damon were on the ground dead from the killing curse. While the Salvatore Boarding School was burning to flames with students and teachers still in it. Wolfsbane and vervain bombs were exploding, harming the vampires and werewolves that were trying to escape the burning building.

Umbridge could see her enchanted nightmare quill had been working, this caused the professor to grin. A few minutes after she snatched the quill from Diana's hand, causing the girl to shake. The quill's enchantment wasn't as powerful as Diana made it seem. It was in addition to Diana's psychic powers that made her "nightmare" type vision worse.

"You're free to go" Umbridge said with a smug expression. Diana walked out of Umbridge's office, almost immediately slamming into Harry. "Sorry" Diana said as she stepped back. "What happened?" Harry asked as he could see her about to cry. 

"Nothing, she just had me right more lines" Diana lied not wanting to think about watching her vision. 

"You know you can tell me, right?" Harry asked. "I'm telling you, it's nothing" Diana told him. "Can we just go back to the common room? I have a Potions assignment I need to get done" she asked. Harry nodded and the two walked back to the common room, no words were exchanged between the two of them that entire night but Harry could tell something else happened with Umbridge. 

And to say the least, he was furious. He didn't like the thought of her getting hurt and lying to him about it. 
