.5. Family full of monsters(REMAKE)

Your P.O.V

Looking around for traps or impostors you found out a pretty interesting thing.

Your room was small and dusty with bed,wardrobe, cracked mirror, table, two chairs and window.

That window bothered you. Narrowing eyes you stepped closer to it, deciding to take a quick glance outside.

As you expected mansion was surrounded by thick woods. Looking down you saw dense white as milk fog cowering forest ground...It was so thick that you couldn't say which floor it was.

Looking up...You saw bloody red sky with red moon which was closer than it should be. Your eyes widened and you pulled mask off to look closer at it. Reaching out your fingers touched cold glass and you withdraw your hand back. You were so busy staring at moon that you failed to notice huge black spider crawling down and landing right in front of your eyes.

Startled you winced and moved back too fast loosing balance dropping down on floor with loud thud. Sitting up you sighed and cursed yourself.

Looking back at window you were about to glare at spider but found it gone, like he wasn't even there.

Shaking your head you stood up dusting your clothes off from dust and dirt.

"Stop imagining things (Y/N)...'' You murmured and placed mask  back on your face.

Suddenly your door flew open and white note flew in. You watched it sway in air then grabbed it confused already gripping your sniper gun closer.

Only two words were scribbled down on it.

'Go downstairs' It looked like 4 years old kid wrote it but you shrugged and walked out closing door behind you.

Mansion was dark but somehow warm. Dark and unfriendly aura was hanging in air. With hands in your pockets you slowly walked looking around.

Mansion was old that's for sure, but it clearly wasn't empty.

Walking downstairs you noticed that time stopped here. Mansion was dead, and now you knew why it was bothering you so much.

You stopped. In front of you was long dinner table. This mansion was full of shadows and you couldn't see their faces but all seats were taken by various creatures.

Swiftly gripping your gun  you aimed in their heads, twitching and waiting for them to make first move. That never happened only a few dark chuckles and growls reached your ears.

Then you saw a glimpse of paper white face. Operator.

Normal P.O.V

You there stood there frozen, not knowing what to do.

''Put your gun away...It won't hep you here kekeke..'' Finally one of them spoke and after his words a few chuckles followed.

Slight static ringed in your head and you closed eyes for just  second. 

When you opened them, you were already sitting on one of the chairs somewhere in  the middle.

You blinked a few times and stiffened up automatically. Snaking your hand under your mask you rubbed your face not understanding what just happened and why you can't remember what happened in past few...You couldn't even tell when it happened.

You gripped chair so tightly that your knuckles cracked a bit. You noticed that no one really touched their food. No one. They were just sitting, everything that you could hear were only sounds of old clock ticking. Then clock stopped and just like that all of them disappeared in shadows.

You were feed up with all of this crap. Quickly like in flash you dashed away...

But someone had other plans.

As soon as you turned back and were ready to run away, you crashed in board chest.

Hissing you fixed your mask and looked up. A man with orange googles was looking down at you, his body was twitching but when your eyes met he froze.

You new that blood lust look to good. He wanted to kill you and dig in in your insides pulling them out.

You breath hitched but you stayed cool. Then you looked right and left.

You were surrounded. A man with glowing red smile and eyes and a man with white mask.

A guy with white mask was holding a camera...And by small red glowing dot you could tell he was filming.

Just then static filled your head again.

You woke up in your dusty room.

Skin was itching and your head throbbed in pain.

Looking at your hands you found them in blood...In fact your skin was all in blood.

Turning head to right you saw a camera. It was recording you.

You  sat up wincing in pain ad already regretting doing it.

You turned off camera and found it empty.

''Strange...'' You saw on floor your own bloody boots.

''It  means I walked here by myself...'' Rubbing your temples you tried to remember something, anything!

Irritated and tired you angrily threw useless camera in wall smashing it in little pieces.

breathing heavily you dragged  your tired body in bathroom.

Putting your hands on sink you tried to support your weight on it.

You took off your mask and snarled at your reflection in cracked little mirror.

You were paler than usual, dirt was smeared here and there mixed with blood.

Dirt was under your nails too, leaved and other forest shit was in your hair.

Sighing you looked down again...A single drop of blood landed in yellow sink then after it second one and more and more..

You wiped of your nose.It was bleeding...Tears rolled down your cheeks..you couldn't control it.

Then you saw it.

A little orange bottle with white lid. You picked it up...it was filled with pills.

White oval pills.

You were so tempted to take a few...Like on instinct of some sorts.

But you dropped it in sink carrying on on washing off dry blood.

You were upset with yourself...Why would you even think of taking unknown pills..?

Frowning you passed out on your bed noticing one thing before falling asleep.

Bloody sky...didn't changed its color.

(A/N Another one remake. Hope you enjoy it and sorry for my bad English)
