.2. Mask?(REMAKE)

Opening eyes you found yourself in a black room with slight ringing in your head and blurry vision. Laying in a comfortable bed memories from yesterday echoed in your mind barely above whispers. Then you saw him, standing in shadow of a dark room.

''You're awake'' Hearing his cold response in your mind almost made you sick.

Trying to speak you found out your voice gone.

''Voice was corrupted, Feel free to use mask'' What was strange you were absolutely calm.

'' I'm listening'' you said, but it came out dry as shit.

''I spared you but this will cost you your freedom. You will be my eyes, my voice, my puppet. I am in no need for new proxies .One fail and your soul will turn my food. All these monsters were saved in return they work for me.''

You understood him clearly. You could tell by one look that he is not the one to fuck with.

''So now I'm gonna work on you...what's the job?'' You knew answer already feeling dumb for even asking

''You will kill and do my tasks. Otherwise killed yourself''

Hugging your knees tightly to your chest you were having a small conversation with yourself. Half of you accepted your soon to be fate but still... It saved you, you owe him.....Knowing for sure what will happen if you say no helped you to think more clearly.

Looking up at him nodding and clearly understanding that from now on your 'life' will turn sharp ass turn.


Looking at old wooden closet you yanked its doors open. It was filled with dust, dried blood on walls and creepy almost alive dolls. One certain mask caught your blurry attention, picking it up and wiping dust off of it you decided it will be yours. Simple black mask with sharp red eyes and ear to ear red stitched up grin. You liked it. As soon as your real face was hidden under old mask you were surprised a little, expecting to see thing red due to red eyes...

''To forget our past...'' Feeling your voice fuse with his made you feel controlled.

''Thank you boss'' Hearing your new voice made you happy. It wasn't sweet voice that once belonged to sweet kind girl...It belonged to cold blooded killer...

Slenderman stayed quiet 'watching' you not making a move or noise only barely audible ringing was hanging in thick air.

He though you won't accept being new proxy and planned to kill you as soon as you start to yell, panic, cry and beg to be spared. Seems like he will watch you for a little.

''You have manners. Prove your fighting skills then I see if I should keep you alive. Choice of weapons?'' He was getting impatient you could tell by ringing getting more intense making your head spin more.

Knowing your time is ticking you picked simple weapons. Your father used to work as an professional sniper, and one day he decided to keep his black sniper gun in house for 'protection'.

Thinking of your daggers and black gloves. Usually you used gloves for have a good grip on weapons.

He was being quiet but getting his message to be ready soon. Before ringing could get worse and made you faint he disappeared away leaving you all alone in dead silent, almost dark room.

Staying in same purple hoodie and black dress pants you waited for something to happen. It did.

Someone knocked on your door violently. Opening it, yet another one surprise waited for you..it was unlocked unlike in all horror stories. Looking down you saw small puddle of blood and weapons laying in them. Looking left and right in dark hallways you saw only bloody foot prints but no one was there only a couple of more dark doors with unwelcoming aura.

Stuffing cold gloved hands in hoodie pockets you dared to go near mirror and take a short glance at your new appearance. You saw a monster...yet another newborn monster in this already twisted world.

Hair. That was a problem so you decided to brush it. Brushing my hair wincing at knots here and there you finally got them done. Hiding hair in hoodie so not even a single filament would stick out. Pulling hood on you waited. Pulling your sleeves to your elbows so you could move more freely.

Slender appeared behind you, you could see only his legs in mirror and only then you realized how sick this situation is. Nausea hit you hard. Only then you noticed how dark room become since he arrived making your eyes and mouth glow a bit. A few short giggles leaved your almost blue dry lips. You were cold. Then louder chuckles came out making you shoulders shake.

''My friend will test your skills. Fail and he will tear you in pieces and eat you making sure you are still alive''

Your smile grew bigger, now you gonna get your revenge...You were planing to forgive them all....

Slender knew your insane side took cotrol.

''Boss, from now on my real name is Karma''

...Humans made new monster... They created you...And now they gonna pay for it

Slender teleported you somewhere deep in forest but this one wasn't in human dimension..must be somewhere in underworld not very far from mansion. Though you adored deadly vibes it was giving you.

Your gun safely secured on your back making it hit your back slightly..Why I am twitching..? All your body was twitching.

Tilting head and twitching you waited for your trainer.

You were fully aware of painful fact that you snapped.

Fog surrounded you and Slender yet again swallowing your legs. Dark figure stepped out of thick fog appearing out of nowhere.

''Train her.''

You could smell disgusting stench of rotting flesh and most likely rotten teeth. It was in dark ragged clothes and only its pale lips could be seen. He stretched them in evil grin showing his sharp yellow canines.

''Of course, but if she fail she will reach dead end...'' He was making bones cracking and wet disgusting sounds. Trying not to gag you focused your gaze on black grass.

Slender 'looked' down at you then back at this monster.


''Only 7 days'' Dark man nodded and motioned for you to you come closer.

You let out despair filled almost choking sound that should be your giggle.

You walked to him with your vision still blurry. Dark creature raised his hand with long sharp yellow nails and like that both of you were swallowed by fog not leaving a trace of even being here.

Slender was gone back to his mansion.

(A/N Please comment if I should keep this up ;-;)
