[ G L I T C H 46 ]

!!Spoiler from the manga!!

"What part of stay safe do you not understand?"

Oh, heyy I'm back here. In this very.. dark monotonous basically nothing space, I wonder if I can swim on air-

"Y/N, focus please."

Right. Apologies all mighty creator.

I can almost hear them sigh, and honestly, if I were them I'd sigh too. I am a menace to deal with especially when I'm stubborn.

"Seriously, when we tell you your body is fragile we mean it, and yet you've managed to break it two times in a week." I feel like I'm being scolded by my mother, because to be truly honest, this is how it usually go. I mean usually there's a broom involved but you know.

"Do you know how serious this is? Honestly, keep it up and you'll be back to wherever you were in a flash." I mean to be fair, I've already prepared myself for that, why'd you think I said 'It's the end' like some cheesy main character a few moments ago. Though to be fair, if that really happened, it would be mildly irritating.

"What a surprise that'd be." Wow so subtle, I almost didn't realize you were being sarcastic.

I swear I can basically HEAR the eyeroll. Like if eyeroll has a sound it'd be this. Though I'm not really hearing anything right now, it's completely silent like that movie a quiet place but without the monster. Or is there.

"No monster." Oh thank god. "You know what, I'm not just here to scold you like a mom-"

Which you definitely are doing right now, just a piece of important information.

"Can you shut the hell up and listen?" Ok ok, geez. "Focus. I'm here to give you a warning. I'm not joking. Look, I made some calculations ok, and based on that you have one more chance of doing something stupid. One. Maybe two although it's a bit stretching, before you say byebye to a pretty wedding with your blondie over there."


"Yeah oh."

Does that mean I'd basically be gone if I use my quirk again then? "No. Just if you use it too much you pass out like just now. Which you've done so many times it's surprising by the way."

Oh my god I sound like those Y/N stories on wattpad. Oh wait-

Hah, fourth wall.

"Who are you- whatever. Look I know this doesn't sound.. nice but, considering how.. heroic you are, you might want to say goodbye. You do know what happens after this right?"

You mean after the festival? The hero arc thingy?

"Yes? Well, you might want to enjoy your time until then because I have a feeling that's as far you'd go."

I took a moment for everything to sink in, frowning when I realize that whoever this is has a good point, I might do something stupid during that time.

Not to mention Katsuki's going to do something stupid at that arc. Heroic but stupid.

"Look I just want to give you a heads up ok, enjoy your time while you're still here."

Then the voice is gone, and the empty space felt much more emptier than before.


"Ew that looks nasty." I grimaced, internally puking as I looked down at my stab wound for the first time.

It looks awful by the way.

Recovery girl gave me a flat look and continues kissing my stomach part and I swear this looks and feels so god damn weird.

Not to mention I have to hold my clothes up half the god damn time it is so.. well.

But you know what? I managed, I took it like a WOMAN and it ended faster than I thought it would, though after she's done she had to put some bandages around and it kind of stings since it shifts a bit.

"Now, that's all for you today, don't forget to change your bandage AND cast in 12 hours, make sure to call in the nurse because I'm sure you won't be able to do it alone."

You bet I won't.

"I will, thanks grandma Chiyo!" Yes I call her grandma what about it, I have what at least a month or two left here give me some slack.

She waved me off and walked out of my hospital room, leaving me here in silence.. all alone.. like in the abyss-


Cough, I said nothing.

Me being bored and literally unable or more specifically not allowed to even get out of bed without a wheelchair, not that I want to anyway, my stomach hurts like an asshole despite the painkillers, I did what normal people do when they're sick.

Sit back, turn on the tv, and enjoy life.

But boy I tell you, the channels and shows here are DRY as hell, and almost similar to the ones from my world but with powers.

Like soap operas? Yeah the drama is there but just add a bit of quirk to spice it up.

Except it did a terrible job at doing that.

If it's not soap dramas then it's the news, barf, and.. well their equivalent of an anime.

It's decent though I guess, take what you get.

I popped in what I think is a couple of grapes into my mouth as my eyes focused on the screen before the very hospital room door slid open.

I took a small glance, and my eyes lit up instantly. "Hey babe!"

He smiled slightly, shutting the door behind him before walking up to me and giving me a hug. "Hey, feeling any better?"

I nodded, scooting over slightly, which hurt a little to give him space to sit on. "Mhm, it doesn't hurt as much, but the scar looks awful ew."

He sat down, making sure not to slipped on something and accidentally touch my wounds the wrong way.

"Well you did get stabbed. Ironic really."

"Correction, impaled. Grape?" I asked, lifting up a hand and offering him a grape, he only opened his mouth so I popped it in and got back to eating my own part.

"So how was practice?"

Yeah, the festival is only a few days away, why am I still in the hospital? My my, you people have high expectations for me, people tend to forget that I'm still human that doesn't heal in a day or two, despite anime logic.

He scoffed rolling his eyes as he took a grape from MY fruit basket.

How rude.

"Those extras are so fucking loud 24/7 for no fucking reason." I chuckled, tilting my head to the side. "Ain't that ironic? Since you play the drums and stuff?"

"It's a different kind of annoying, they're the unbarable kind."

I shrugged, lifting my hand to his hair and touch it for a few seconds (it's so soft it's addicting). "You know you'll end up tolerating them overtime"

"Is that one of your future predictions again?" My eyes met his, and for some reason I have a feeling that this conversation is going to escalate really quickly.

"Somewhat? But it's just a normal human thing to tolerate someone you'd know for a year-ish-"

"Was this incident a part of that talk of yours when you said that you're predictions aren't precise and you'd gi through hell-ish missions, was this it? Did you know it would happen?"

Oh boy. "I didn't, I can't predict what happens if the future changes or if I decide to change it-"

"You can change the future?" I didn't mention this before did I? "So you're like.. this because you decided to change the future in exchange of your own?"

"Well if I didn't someone would die." Well that was straight to the point now innit.

He raised an eyebrow, though it didn't seem like he was amused. "And you're cool with it if you took his place? If you died?"

"But I didn't die Katsuki. Besides me changing the future doesn't exactly means I'm going to take their place, just simply means the future is far more unpredictable-"

"But what if you DID fucking die?" He suddenly raised his voice and with it he stood up, staring down at me with a stern look. "You are so fucking- it's as if you don't care if there's even the slightest chance that you MIGHT fucking die by trying to change something."

I frowned, putting my very delicious grape btw to the side as I gave him a confused glance.

"We're heroes Katsuki, we're bound to get hurt?"

"Yeah, but you're making it so much fucking easier for fate to kill your ass by interfering, now tell me what happens to you if you DIDN'T interfere, you wouldn't be here would you?"

Specifically I wouldn't exist here.

"Nor would I be here with you." His forehead creased and moved my legs aside, dangling it at the side of the bed, ignoring the sting. "Me being here is already 'interfering' ok, no matter what I do is already interfering. My life is constantly in danger, but I know as hell if I can do something good alongside that, why shouldn't I?" 

"Because you should at least value yourself idiot. Rather than putting yourself on the field doing something that you know is not going to end well."

"I told you, I don't what's going to happen in the end it doesn't work like that."

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" I blinked, feeling slightly startled considering he doesn't yell at me and he hasn't done that in a long while. He took a deep breath and stared at me with a straight face. "The point is you didn't even tell me you're going to a mission, MUCH dangerous that you claim it to be, and once I'm back from my internship I have to find out that you almost died from the fucking news. The NEWS Y/N."

"Is it my fucking fault then that I got hurt then? I can't control it Katsuki, none of us can WE'RE HEROES IN TRAINING."

"You get worried over me when I'm hurt over a school festival but I can't if you're on the verge of death is it?" His eyes soften ever so slightly as he cupped his hands on my cheeks, giving them some soft strokes. "I'm just worried for my girlfriend Y/N you know that."

My shoulders slumped, staring up at him with a tired expression. "I know I'm sorry..but please can we stop now, why are we even talking about this in the first place, the last thing I need to cover the pain is someone yelling at me Katsuki."

Worried etched in his expressions quite fast, as he eyed me up and down. "Does it hurt a lot, do I need to call a doctor?"

I shook my head, lifting my legs back up and tugged on his sleeves. "No, but a cuddle would really help."

A sigh left his lips before it's switched with a smile. "Yeah, yeah ok."

He dipped himself in the empty spot beside me, craddling me softly being careful not to shift my body the wrong way, then continue by running his hands on my hair, giving me occasional pecks on my hair and my nose.

I hummed in content as I snugged myself closer, feeling myself drift off, I give him also a small peck on his lips followed with a small smile. "I love you."

It went silent, but little did he know I noticed his very whispered answer which caused me to sleep with the best of dreams. "I love you too, baby."

Also little did he know that my confession is not just a confession of a moment, more like a confession in case something bad happens and I might not see him again, but it's better that way isn't it?

Ok, idea, I'm thinking of making a sequel with like somewhat a plot like dr strange MOM in which like there's this things that causes dimension to just went PSRJSKEJ you know.

Yeah that's all the spoilers i'm giving you but it's just a thought so I still would like to know your  opinions though

That's it ig see you later <3
