[ G L I T C H 4 ]


I'm bored, yes I'm starting this with an I'm bored. Why? Because I have been sitting on this bed, munching on the cookie that was somehow in the pantry already, though that is probably a bad idea because there might be poison in it, but the point is I'm bored.

I hate being bored because overthinking things usually comes with it.

Things like, how long will I be here exactly? Am I ever getting out? Do I even wanna get out? I mean this is every weebs dream, right?

But still, this entire situation is just so weird and scientifically unable to be explained. Well unless you count Einsetein's explanation about the multiverse.

But I mean, come one, how often do you hear someone getting sucked into an anime world? A different universe one might say. Not often.

I sighed, kicking myself out of the bed and holding the credit card in my hand, staring at it, actually boring holes into it. So.. can I really use this? Like for real? How much is even in it?

Oh fuck it, since when do I care so much?

Probably because I don't want to take chances of getting sued for using a person's credit card, but hey if it's Endeavor's then it's worth the trouble I guess.

Deciding to not care, I grabbed my hoodie and my slippers before walking outside to the nearest convenient store.

I need some snacks. I don't trust the food in the pantry yet.

As I entered the store and went down a few of the isles searching for some snacks. I've noticed something absolutely heartbreaking; I know none of em.

Well, I can't really expect the food to be the same in my world now now can I? But honestly at times like this all I want are some Calbee and munch my mind away.

But since it seems that what I want is highly unlikely, I just took what seems to be potato chips, some instant onigiris and ramen, a soda, and a few ice creams before handing it to the cashier.

"That'll be ¥900."

I hand over my credit card, a little scared that she's going to go all suspicious but then I realized, I'm not being sketchy, why would she, and so she swiped the card before asking "Do you want a plastic bag? But it cost extra."

"Yeah, it's fine." She nodded, typing some things to her computer, before handing the card back to me.

She gave me the plastic bags and gave me a typical cashier smile, "have a nice day."

I mouthed a thank you before walking out of the store, hanging the bags on both of my wrists, and stuffing both of my hands in my hoodie's pockets, warming my hands up.

I was so unbothered with my current situation that I didn't even notice how dark it is already. I thought it only had been an hour since I arrived.

I was walking in normal slow strides until I heard a loud boom, causing me to flinch, hard.

"What the f-"

Not long after, I heard screams and shouts coming from the same direction, and because I'm naturally curious, just like you guys might've known by now, I walked closer to the source of the sound.

I tried to see what's going on, but the crowd was way too big for me to see through.

"Excuse me, what's happening?" I decided to ask a lady near me instead, hoping that it would ease my curiousity.

"A middle school kid has been captured by a slime villain."

I mouthed and O before realizing that this sounds oddly and very familiar, oh wait a minute.

I tried to slip myself through the crowd, saying excuse me so many times before I finally reached the front.

And, oh my god was I right.

It's middle school Bakugou.

Being strangled by a hideous green? brown? slime bitch. Oh bitch I don't know this lighting is making me color blind.

I only stared at the scene unmoving, waiting for something to happen, sure I could help but that's definitely going to ruin the plot and god knows Deku needs one for all for this to be called my hero academia in the first place.

Though the fact that Bakugo is currently being strangled is very concerning.

Nah, he'll be alright, All Might is coming, or maybe he's already near.

But why is he taking so long?

Bakugou's face is literally blue by now what the actual fudge.

Oh screw it. I'll just make myself discreet that will be fine right? I was getting my hands ready before I heard a scream from right beside me, and guess who he is?

It's Midoriya, clinging onto this slime man, trying to get Bakugou of his grip. He was flinging around as he tried ripping out the slime which of course does nothing.

I've watched this scene, but.. This just seems more...

You know the word.


I was so busy judging Midoriya's brain capacity until he was eventually yeeted, hard. I widened my eyes, deciding to not be a bitch for once, and ran to where he's laying, also grabbing his bag and my groceries on the way.

Don't mind Bakugou, Yui. He'll be here in...


Oh there he is.

"Midoriya! Are you alright?" Midoriya hisses in pain, clutching at his back before looking over to me with an obvious shocked look. "Y-Yui..?"

"My god, you're dumber in person. Here." I handed him his bottle of water which he gladly took. "T-thank you." "Anytime."

"How's Kacchan??" I chuckled, which made him confused "You're too kind you know that. He's fine, All might is saving him, see?"

He looked over to the crime scene, seeing Bakugou already on the ground, and All Might who just ran somewhere, who knows where. Actually I know where but well.

I held my hand out as I propped Midoriya back up to his feet, dusting my pants after he's all up and ready.

"U-um.. Yui, thanks again." I smiled "No problem, by the way, I gotta go home, it's getting late."

He tilted his head. "Oh? You already found a place?"

I scratched the back of my head. "Yeah kind of..." He nodded "Do you want me to walk you home?"

I shooked my head "No, I'm alright. Thank you anyway though-"


Both of our heads turned to the source of the sound. What happened next? I panicked.


"U-um.. Midoriya, I'm leaving now, bye take care!!" "Eh??"

And then I ran.

