Chapter Four

Chapter Four; Momma Bear

"She can go to hell with gasoline draws on because she's wrong as fuck for coming at you like that," Laken told Laniyah.

Laniyah had invited her mom, Laken, out to lunch and shared with her everything that has transpired over the last few days especially about her sit down with Joe and Galina.

Laken was very protective of her children and she felt that Galina had no right to disrespect Laniyah.

"I mean what possessed to think she could get rowdy with you, huh. She's going to have to see me because I don't play that," Laken said.

Laniyah sighed.

"Mom, do not waste your time. My lawyers will handle everything so I will not be in contact with him or her anymore," Laniyah said.

The food they've ordered arrives at the table.

"Thank you," Laniyah told the waiter.

"Thanks," Laken said.

They start eating.

"I'm ready for this divorce to start so I can get them out of my life," Laniyah said.

Laken looked at her daughter and cleared her throat.

"London ain't tell you?" Laken asked her daughter.

"Tell me what?" Laniyah replied.

Laken took a sip of drink.

"She's dating Matthew," Laken told her daughter.

"Again," Laniyah said with a sigh.

London and Leati's older brother, Matthew dated when they were younger which is why Laniyah had started hanging out with the twins and Leati.

They had a nasty break up and London swore she would never forgive Matthew for breaking her teenage heart.

"I mean, that's her first love, Laniyah," Laken said.

Laniyah groaned and closed her eyes.

"So, much for never seeing Leati again," Laniyah said, as she patted the back of her head.

"But don't let her know that I told you," Laken said.

Later that evening, Laniyah met with her sister, London for drinks.

London arrived at the bar. It's been so while since Laniyah and London had a sisters night and after the stressful and eventful week they had, they needed a moment to have some fun and let loose a little bit but also they needed to catch up.

She took her seat at the table before Laniyah walked up on her from behind.

"Hello," Laniyah said as London turned to her and stood up to hug her.

"Hi, boo. You look so pretty," London told her sister.

"Thank you," Laniyah said as they took their seats.

"We getting turnt?" Laniyah asked London.

"We're not getting turnt but we finna have some drinks," London answered.

"You look vibrate," Laniyah said with a smile.

London was glowing from happiness especially now that she was back together with Matthew after her divorce finalized.

"I know," London said, blushing.

"You getting some dick, won't you?" Laniyah asked her sister.

"Huh?" London replied with a giggle causing Laniyah to laugh too.

"I can see it in your eyes," Laniyah said.

London's eyes were sparking. London sighed and smiled.

"I'm dating again," London told her sister.

"As you should it's been months since your divorce finalized," Laniyah said.

The waiter walks over.

"We need drinks," Laniyah tells the waiter.

"She needs a drink," London said.

"What can I get for you?" The waiter asked them.

"We'll take champagne and then put a little peach," London answered.

"Yeah, sure," The waiter said.

"Thank you," Laniyah said as the waiter walked away.

"So," London said.

"Who are you dating?" Laniyah asked London.

"Promise me you won't get mad," London said as she held out her pinky finger.

"London," Laniyah said.

"Promise me," London said.

"Fine," Laniyah said as she pinky promised not to get mad.

"Okay so, I'm dating Matthew," London said.

Laniyah smiled.

"I'm happy for you. I think out of everyone I always believed you two were meant for each other," Laniyah told her sister.

"So, if we were to start intertwining our families then you would be okay being around Joe and Galina?" London asked Laniyah.

"I would be okay. Of course, I won't lie and say I would be cool with them but if Matthew makes you happy then I'll deal with them," Laniyah answered.

London smiled.

"Good because he makes me happy. So, how's the whole divorce going?" London asked Laniyah.

"Nothing has happened yet. My lawyers are trying to make sure my assets won't be affected by this pending divorce and the Florida laws on marriage is crazy so I want the whole thing to go smoothly and easy because I can't be in court for months," Laniyah explained to London.

"I like I literally got to clear out this energy that has been placed on me because of this whole thing and almost fighting Galina has shifted my mind like I haven't felt that temper of anger in so long," Laniyah continued.

"So, me asking you to have a conversation with her, isn't a good idea?" London asked.

Laniyah deadpanned.

"Yeah, it isn't a good idea because I will literally beat her face in, London," Laniyah told her.

"No, we don't need to do that," London said.

Laniyah rolled her eyes.

"Hmm, I don't need to talk to her. This divorce is between Leati and I, not her. So, I suggest when you go back and play telephone with Matthew and Leati that you let him know she better stay the hell away from me," Laniyah said.

"Sure," London said.
