12. Taking Action

Kanan was not going to panic. He was not going to panic. However, when Sabine announced that Ezri had not gotten the decoder yet, he immediately lost it. The more Ezri was in that kriffing headquarters, the more he worried for her. Hera looked to her partner and saw that he had indeed gotten more frustrated.

"Give her one more day," Hera said.

"This decoder better be worth this risk," Kanan snapped, crossing his arms.

"What's the alternative? Do you want to stop that Kyber shipment or not? You know what the Empire could do with that crystal."

Kanan had to admit. Hera was making a good point.

"Nothing good," Kanan answered.

"So, we give Ezri one more day," Hera said. Kanan, still, remained doubtful. "You do trust her, don't you?"

"Of course, I do, but why aren't you worrying about her?"

"You don't think I don't care about Ezri either?" Hera said.

"I don't understand," Kanan said. "Why do I feel this emotion of always worrying about her? Worrying she might get hurt or worry that the Inquisitor might grab her?"

"Parenthood, Kanan," Hera answered. "We both are going through it." Kanan smiled.

"Yeah, I guess we are."

Lothal Imperial Academy…

To say Ezri was relieved would be an understatement. After all, she was not expecting the guy who caught her trying to steal the decoder for the Imperial shipment to help her. It was helpful to have someone who knew their way around the Imperial HQ. In fact, she was relieved that Zare had known about the sensors and the triggers, all because of his sister, Dhara, who had mysteriously disappeared after a short while. Yeah, they both passed the last level; however, along the way, Ezri had been forced to push Jai down onto one of the lifts just so Zare could make it. He was not happy with her, beginning to yell at her. It broke Ezri down; she didn't want to push Jai down. But it was something she had to do.

Back to the mission, she crawled through the air ducts and finally, she saw that she was over Kallus' office. She waited for Kallus to get up and answer his door. Quietly lifting the vent, Ezri stretched her arm out and closed her eyes. Remembering everything Kanan had taught her, Ezri lifted the decoder, watching it float through the air. She grabbed the decoder and quickly closed the air vent. Sighing relief, Ezri laid down on her back and breathed. She had finally gotten the decoder. Now all she had to do was get out of here and be free. She backed away from Kallus' air vent and made her way to the exit...

However, something stopped Ezri. She could feel coldness within the Force. On her way out, Ezri overheard the Commandant talking to ...The Inquisitor. She listened closely, her eyes looking at the Inquisitor and Aresko. When she heard them mention her alias and Jai's name, she immediately went cold. The Inquisitor was going to take them both away. Just like Dhara Leonis…Sure, Ezri would be long gone but Jai? He would be taken away for sure and she was not going to let THAT happen. And it looked like she was adding another item on her list: save Jai Kell.

She crawled near the vent, where Zare was waiting for her, but, Ezri was stuck.

"Um, a little help here!" Ezri shouted.

"Right, sorry," Zare said. He put her one arm around his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I've got you," the undercover cadet assured her. "Now, jump down."

Ezri did exactly that, but though she didn't gracefully land, she had gotten out of there.

"Thanks," Ezri said. "Now, come on."

Before Zare could ask her any questions, the girl was already running. Following her closely, Ezri led him to where Chopper was waiting. He was lingering from the corner because he didn't know what Ezri's contact looked like. He was surprised to hear Ezri talking to someone.

"Hey Chopper," Ezri said. Zare heard a series of whistles and realized, Ezri's contact was a droid. Slowly he made his way out.

"Took you long enough," Chopper muttered through his language. Seriously? All he got was a 'Hey Chopper'? How dare that girl go into a dangerous academy and just say "hey!"

"Hey, don't you sass me, Mister," Ezri snapped. She may be a little rusty, but she was sure the droid was complaining how long it took her. However, the small astromech began making panicking sounds when he saw a male unit behind the baby Jedi. "Ezri run, there is a Buckethead cadet behind you!"

"Relax, Chop, he's with us, and yes I got the decoder." Ezra said. First, she got the decoder. All she had to do was get a message down, send chopper with the message and the decoder's information to Sabine and Zeb so they could transmit it back to the Ghost, and then get Jai out of the academy.

"That was a pretty bold move, Davina," Zare said, his voice full of worry. "But since you have the decoder it be best if you skedaddle out of here."

"But…" Ezri began.

"I know I'm sounding urgent all of the sudden, but you better get out of here before they realize you have the gift," Zare said.

"What's the rush?" Ezri asked. She still needed to get Jai but Zare wouldn't let her explain.

"Look, Davina, I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but you need to go. If they discover who you are you can be taken away."

Ezri blinked. "How do you Know?"

"Because, my sister had the Force, just like you, Davina, and I think the Grand Inquisitor took her away. That's why I'm here in the first place. I'm trying to find out what happened to her. I just don't want you to suffer the same fate. Do you have family, Davina?"

She nodded. It was true. The Ghost crew was something like a family.

"And you don't want to have parents waking up and never knowing what happened to their daughter?"

More like a daughter worrying about what happened to her parents, Ezri thought.

"No but listen. I already met the person you mentioned before. See, I encountered the exact same person on Stygian Prime. But I've got to start and help Jai because the Inquisitor will be after us both, he supposedly has an affinity with the Force. I can't just leave him here, either. And neither do you."

Zare sighed. "You're really stubborn aren't you Davina?"

"Yes, especially about looking out for other fellow Force-sensitives. Will you help me?" Ezri asked. The other cadet nodded.

"Yeah, I think I can."

"Good," Ezri said. She looked at Chopper and smiled, knowing Sabine and Zeb were going to kill her. "Okay Chop, I'm going to need you to take a message for be to Sabine and Zeb…

"Did you get the decoder?" Zeb asked. The Droid responded in a tone sounded like him saying "Affirmative!" Before showing them the decoder. "Good." Zeb said with a smile. The kid did good job. The kid! Zeb thought. Immediately, he was wracked with a hidden worry when he didn't see a certain teenager that was also supposed to come with the decoder. "Hey Chopper, you're seem to be missing something. Something that is fourteen years old with unruly black hair in a braid and blue eyes?"

Chopper responded something Zeb couldn't understand. Sabine snapped, get older sister instincts kicking in.

"What do you mean she went back to the Academy?" Sabine hissed. Was Ezri trying to get herself killed? Why would she go back? Sabine remembered her days at the Academy and she knew it was nothing but trouble. She was surprised Kanan even let her go on this mission in the first place.

"you know we can just go grab Ezri now and force her to come with us to stop her from doing whatever stupid stunt she…

Suddenly, Ezri's hologram appeared, both Sabine and Zeb still appalled at Ezri wearing that stupid cadet uniform. Oh, how Sabine wished she could rip it off Ezri and put back her splash of orange back on.

"Guys, I know you're expecting me, but I have to stay at the Academy. There's this kid there, Jai Kell," Ezri explained. "And he'll get scooped up by the Inquisitor if I don't help him."

"Wait. The Inquisitor?" Zeb snapped. She could get killed if she did this! "Is Ezri out of her…"

"You probably think I've lost my mind," said Ezri. " And you're probably right. But it's your fault. The old me never stuck her neck out for a stranger. Clearly, I've spent way too long with you heroes. Decode the hyperspace coordinates and get them to Specter-1. Oh, and if you're not too busy, attack the Academy tomorrow at noon. I could use the diversion so I can get out of here. Specter-6 out."

Sabine and Zeb couldn't help but smile with pride. This girl had gone far…

"Spectre 5 to Ghost," came in Sabine's voice. Kanan relaxed a little, just glad that Ezri's part in the plan was over. When she got back on the Ghost, Kanan was going to be relieved that his Padawan was going to be somewhere safe and where he could continue to keep an eye on her. "Sending coordinates for Imperial jump route. If you leave now, you should still be able to intercept.

" Coordinates received," Hera said. "We're heading out."

Kanan couldn't help but be proud of his girls. " Good work, Specter-5, and you too, Specter-6."

"Uh, Specter-6 isn't with us," said Sabine.

"What? Where is she?" Kanan hissed but before he could get an answer Hera had already jumped the ghost into hyperspace. And they couldn't communicate through their coms in long distances. Kanan forgot all about that. Was that girl trying to get herself killed? "Specter-5, repeat! Where's Specter-6? Kanan, we're out of range. All we can do now is complete the mission and get back as soon as possible. -

"Specter-5, repeat! Where's Specter-6?" Kanan demanded. Hera noticed her partner's frustration, so she put a hand on his shoulder. "Kanan, we're out of range. All we can do now is complete the mission and get back as soon as possible."

Kanan silently accepted it. He just knew that as soon as they got back to Lothal, that girl was not going to leave the ship for a long time.

Ezri and Zare went into their sleeping quarters. The girl put her hand over Jai's mouth, startling him awake. She put her finger on her lips, telling him to be quiet. She begged for a couple of seconds for Jai to trust her. They began explaining the situation to him, but Ezri could sense his anger, mostly directed at her. Just as she finished explaining, Jai shook his head at Ezri's suggestion: "And that's why you need to come with us and leave tomorrow."

"No. No way. This is just another dirty trick. And I actually kind of crushed on you."

Jai realized what he had just said, immediately covering up his mouth. Ezri's eyes and her mouth were widened. However, Zare was not surprised. Now, the two teenagers knew why Jai always hung out with Ezri rather than the other guys. It was because of her.

"What?" Ezri finally said, sternly looking at the boy.

"Never mind that anymore," said Jai. "It just left when you sabotaged me during the training today. You're just trying to get me busted out of the Academy."

"Uh, yeah. But not the way you think. The Inquisitor," Ezri began.

"Please," Jai scoffed. "I don't believe this Inquisitor exists. And even if he does, then maybe it's a good thing. The Inquisitor trains me. I get a top rank in the Empire."

"No, Jai, you can't!" Ezri shouted. "My Master and I faced this Inquisitor before. You have no idea what he's capable of."

Jai looked at her. "Master? Are you kidding me? And how would you know that?"

"Because, have the Force too," Ezri said. "which is why that Bald freak is after me and my crew."

"Davina," Zare tried stopping her, his hand cautiously on her shoulder.

"No, I have to," said Ezri. She looked at Jai, taking her helmet that she put nearby and slowly lifting it. He looked at her with shock and, from what Ezri could feel, betrayal. "Because you're not the only one who will be taken away. If the inquisitor takes us, we may never see our families again."

"Davina is right, Kell," said Zare. "you've got family?"

Jai shrugged. "Yeah, just me and my mom."

"So, how would she feel if she never saw you again? My sister disappeared from this place. And I'm betting it was the Inquisitor who took her away. So, unless you're ready to say bye to Mom forever..."

"Okay. What's the plan?" Jai interrupted. He couldn't imagine never seeing his mom again. And deep down he didn't want the same thing to happen to Ezri the girl wrapped her arms around their necks and bringing them into a huddle.

"Simple. The three of us have to win tomorrow's challenge," Ezri began.

"Not so simple," Zare said How's that going to get us out of here?"

"Because it gets us inside that walker," Ezri answered.

She hoped it would, anyways.

Ezri was not going to panic. She was not going to panic. She, just remembered being at the top, along with Zare and Jai...until Oleg pushed her down. He never actually forgave her for turning her down, but Ezri didn't mind. She could do so much better. Anyways, her falling down was a minor setback. She had seen that Jai and Zare stopped, trying to call for their female companion. However, she pushed them to go forward. She was going to find another way to get into the walker. Or rather, she would find a way to bring down the Imperials. The plans slightly changed. Jai and Zare would still try and subdue the person behind the controls AND knock out the other cadet.

Of course, the other part of the plan was her explanation to Kanan and Hera. Oh, how was she going to explain all this to Kanan and Hera when she saw them? However, she shook it off because they had to get out of there. She knew Kanan would understand. Instead, she waited for Sabine and Zeb's attack at the academy for no longer than five minutes Quickly, she moved , jumping right on the rogue walker the boys were handling. However, she couldn't come over because she couldn't hold on any longer. She suddenly found herself on her back with a Stormtrooper standing over her with a blaster. However, Sabine came out of nowhere, taking out her own blasters and firing at the Stormtroopers. Despite everything, Ezri was glad to see her. And also, she noticed Zeb was firing at the Imps from a distance earlier. However, he disappeared, probably to find a transport for them.

"Boy am I glad to see you, Sabine," said Ezri. "Uh, thanks."

"Don't mention it," Sabine said. Before Ezri and Sabine could do anything, a Stormtrooper pointed his blaster at the girls.

"Surrender now and drop your weapons, rebel scum," he shouted. However, before the Stormtrooper could do anything to the girls, Chopper came up behind him and shocked the Stormtrooper. To Chopper, no one threatened his, Kanan and Hera's girls and got away with it. Ezri chuckled at the sight of their droid. However, it quickly disappeared as she looked to Sabine.

"Help me! We gotta get 'em out," Ezri cried. Sabine and Ezri jumped onto the walker and helped Jai and Zare out of the wreckage.

"You guys okay?" Ezri asked.

"Yeah," said Zare.

"Let's just get out of here," Jai said. Before the teenagers could move, Leonis stopped.

"Wait," said Zare. "Give me that blaster."

"Uh, sure." Jai said, reluctantly giving the blaster to the older boy. "Why?"

"Because I'm staying," said Zare.

"What?" Ezri began. However, Zare stopped her.

"It's the only way I'll ever find my sister," Zare said. "See Davina, I returned you to your family, now I have to return my sister to me."

"We got bucketheads inbound!" Sabines shouted.

"I'll keep in touch," said Ezri and Zare nodded.

"Um, Ezri we have got to go," said Sabine, grabbing Ezri's arm and reluctantly, she followed, Jai fallowing.

"Get in!" Zeb shouted, coming through with a transport. The girls and Jai landed in the back and Chopper in front. Zare stood there, pretending to fire at the transport, making it appear as though he were a hero in the eyes of the Empire. Ezri looked back, looking extremely guilty. She just wished that they hadn't just left Zare there. Jai saw her guilty expression.

"Hey, he chose to stay behind," Jai told her. Despite being angry with her, Jai couldn't help but sympathize with her, putting a hand on her shoulder. She looked at him with a smile and held his hand. If he lasted this long, then he can survive at least a little longer.

"They should have been here by now," said Kanan. He and Hera just finished stopping the shipment of kybercrystals and they had been waiting to hear back from Sabine, Zeb and Ezri. They contacted the kids a mere two hours ago to meet at the rendezvous point she had gotten on the planet a half hour ago. However, they came up with a whole story that they had been delayed because Ezri needed help smuggling someone the Inquisitor was after and that was why it was taking them longer to get to the Ghost.

"There they are," Hera said, pointing at the nearby transport. She went downstairs, followed by Kanan, listening to the kids' adventure. Ezri, down below, was slightly nervous when she saw Kanan but she was too busy introducing Hera to Jai. However, she missed that her Master was not mad at his Padawan. No, Kanan was proud of her. Sure, when he first heard she stayed behind, he was mad at Ezri, but now, she was a hero.

"Jai, we'll take you to your mother, but you'll both have to go into hiding," Hera said, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Yeah, from the Empire. No problem," Jai said sarcastically.

"We'll help with that too," Hera promised as she, Zeb and Sabine guided Jai onto their ship. Kanan came down, standing right next to her.

*So how was it, kid?" Kanan asked. The question shocked Ezri. Sure, didn't see this coming.

"Forgot what it was like to be on my own," Ezri questioned.

"You miss it?"

"No Jedi training with you in the morning? No intake of the smells of Sabine's paint during get lessons with Sabine or piloting ones with Hera? Or Target practice without Zeb correcting my position?" She shook her head. "It's good to be back. *

Kanan smiled. "At ease, Cadet."

Ezri smiled and saluted. "Sir, yes, sir."

She followed Kanan onto the ship and quickly went into hers and Sabine's cabin, quickly changing out of her cadet uniform and back into her orange jumpsuit. Glad it was back on, she finally put her belt back on, just glad to have something familiar back on and put her long mast of black hair into a ponytail instead of her usual braid. As she walked out the door and into the common room, Jai was looking at her strangely.

"So, this is the real you," Jai said, looking at Ezri with a smile. Instead of returning it, she raised an eyebrow, uncomfortable that Jai was looking at her, down from head to toe.

"I don't think you should be looking at me like that," Ezri said, noticing he was looking at her jumpsuit. "Zeb and Kanan might get the wrong impression and kick your butt. Jai was a little disturbed by her threat. Yes, the Lasat and the Jedi did scare him. The latter was her master after all and Jai remembered her speaking of him fondly. So, they must have been close.

"I wish you told me who you were though," Jai said. "I trusted you, you know."

"I know, and I'm..." Ezri said, hanging her head in shame.

"However, I understand why you didn't though," Jai said, surprising the teenager. "If you did tell me who you were, then I would have tattled on you."But, what is your real name?"

"Ezri," she answered.

"Hmm, what an unusual name," Jai muttered.

"Well in my defense, my parents were expecting a boy and were going to name me Ezra, after my dad's father," Ezri said.

"Unusual but unique," said Jai.

"Thanks," Ezri said with a smile. Jai stood up, standing right next to her.

"Yeah, you were barely noticable," Jai said. "Your plan worked out well. Besides, I got to admit, it's a good thing your crush on me was totally noticable, because it masked your real goal.

"Whoa, whoa. Crush on you? You had a crush on me. Yuo said so yourself. "

"Well, I say stuff I don't mean," Jai said with a smirk. Ezri twitched.

"Well, not everyone knows what they say. Kind of like this," Ezri said. Without another word, she grabbed onto the front of Jai's shirt and gave him a hard kiss on the lips. At first Jai's eyes were widen. however, he couldn't help but close his eyes, and bring Ezri closer. He cradled her head as Ezri wrapped her arms around his neck. After the kiss was over, Ezri shoved him away and crossed her arms.

"What do you have to say about that?" Ezri asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'll tell you what I got to say," Jai said, bringing Ezri into another kiss. However, they didn't see Zeb and Kanan walking into the room.

Jai didn't wait to give a response. Instead, he brought Ezri into another kiss, however, that was not the worst of it. Not everyday you get your first kiss. Sabine and Zeb entered the room, obviously not surprised to see Jai and Ezri kissing each other. Zeb looked like he wanted to murder Jai. That boy was kissing Ezri. HIS LITTLE SISTER. If Ezri was seventeen or eighteen, he wouldn't mind. But she was only fourteen. Sabine put her arm out to stop him from doing something silly.

"Don't interrupt," Sabine said. "I'm pretty sure Jai's mother wants him safe and sound and in one piece."

"Not bad for a first kisser," Ezri said with a smile.

"Yeah, neither were you," Jai said. Ezri smiled, finally departing from the boy. She blushed, just glad Kanan didn't see it. She looked and stopped in horror when shes aw Zeb and Sabine standing in the doorway, shocked.

"Not one word of this to Kanan," Ezri snapped."Just a spar of the moment." She walked away from Zeb and Sabine, walking right into the cockpit. Hera sat on the ship's piloting seat.

"Only fifteen minutes away from Jai's home," Hera said She hoped Ezri would respond but the girl remained quiet. "Ezri!" The girl looked towards her motherly figure. "Yeah?"

"Is everything okay?" Hera asked.

"Uh, yeah, everything's fine," Ezri said. The two women sat in silence for a while."Hera, I'm sorry I stayed back at the Imperial Aacademy. I know the mission was to get the decoder and get out but I couldn't just leave Jai there to be taken by the Inquisitor."

The Twi'lek woman put her hand on Ezri's shoulder.

"You did the right thing," Hera said, breaking through with a smile.

"Yeah, and I kissed him," Ezri said with a smile.

"So. Do you like him?"

"Maybe a little bit," Ezri said. She saddened. "But it would never amount to anything. With the work we do, nothing would have happened."

"I know how you feel," Hera said, thinking right back on Kanan. Ezri smiled.

"Oh I see, with Kanan." Hera looked at Ezri, actually surprised the girl had figured it out.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

"As is yours with me," Hera said with a smile.

Jai spotted his mother, who listened as Hera explained the situation to her. Mrs. Kell had family in the other side of the planet and could hide there for a couple of and Jai looked at each other. He brought her into a hug, which shocked not only Ezri but Kanan and Hera.

"Thank you for everything, Ezri," Jai said with a smile.

"Um, no problem,"she smiled, slowly returning the hug. The teenagers departed. Ezri smiled, watching Jai and his mother reuniting. However, thoughts came back to her mother. Ezri was just glad that she spared someone never knowing what happened to her son. Kanan noticed her sadness. He reached out and put her hand on her shoulder.

"Maybe you should rest, Ezri, you look like you could use it. You've had a long, rough couple of weeks," Kanan said as he guided her up to the latter up to their cabins. His arm way draped around her shoulders as he guided her to his room. However, Ezri realized too late that it was not her cabin.

"Wait Kanan, this isn't my..."

"I know but it was the closest cabin."

Ezri laid down on Kanan's bunk. As soon as her head connected with the mattress, she fell asleep. Kanan smiled. He was just glad that Ezri was here safe and sound.

"Welcome home, kiddo," Kanan smiled. Kissing her forehead, he sat down to meditate, just glad ezri was safe and sound. And all he knew was he wasn't going to let her out of his sight for a long time.
