Chapter 5: Finding out about the baby

Mike was away for a couple of weeks for games in Chicago, New York, and Miami. He wouldnt be home for two weeks. So he doesnt know what is going on with Ginny because on the phone she tells him nothing is wrong.

At their house

Ginny was laying in their bed wearing Mike's shirt and laying on his side of the bed. She missed her husband so much.
While she was laying there in bed she felt like she was going to throw up, so she got up and went into the  bathroom. She threw up.
After throwing up she got up and flushed the toliet and then. Rushed her teeth. After that she went and lasted back down. She was thinking that she was coming down with something or the fact she missed her husband.
That went on for a week.

Phone call between Mike and Ginny

Mike called every night but one night he knew something was wrong with Ginny.

The phone call

G. Hello(sleepy)
M. Hey Ginny you okay?
G. Yeah. I'm fine just a long day
M. Ypu sure. Because you sound like your sick
G. Yeah I'm fine
M. Do I need to come home?
G. No I'm fine Mike. I promise
M. Okay. Call me if you get any worse okay?
G. Okay
M. Better yet call Evelyn also
G. Okay if I get any worse I'll call you and Evelyn
M. Okay
G. I love you Mike
M. I love you too Ginny
They hang up

Mike knew something was wrong with Ginny, so he phoned Evelyn and asked her to keep an eye one Ginny while he was gone. And to let him know if she got any worse and he would be on his way home.  Evelyn of course agreed with that plan

Later on into that next week

Ginny gets ready and goes to her game she was playing aganist the Oklahoma city Dodger.she heads to Sacramento for her game. (She still isn't feeling to good and doesnt yet know what is going on.)

At the game...

Ginny walks into the clubhouse
The team coach looks at her

Baker are you okay? Coach Luke asked
Yeah I am. Ginny said
Okay. Because you look like you dont feel good. Luke said
No I'm fine. Ginny said
Okay. Luke said

During the game....

Ginny was on the pitching mound

She felt like crap and she k we she was about to pass out.

Before she could signal for her coach to take her out of the game she passed out.

Everyone was running towards her.

Ginny. Wake up. Luke said
No response

Someone call 911. Luke yelled
Already done they'll be here in 5 minutes. Evan's said

(Evelyn was at the game)

Someone needs to get Evelyn Sanders out of the WAG's box. Luke said
Already done. Steve said
Evelyn walking towards them

Paramedics show up

They take her vitals and everything

They load her up onto a stretcher and take her to the ambulance. Evelyn rides with them to the Hospital.

Ginny comes to in the ambulance.

What happened? Ginny asked
Mrs.awson you passed out k. The baseball field during the game? George said
Ginny looked at Evelyn

What's going on? Ginny asked
That's what we want to know too. Evelyn said
I've been feeling sick alot this passed week. Ginny said
That could be a factor and others also. George said

They arrived at the hospital
They wheel Ginny into a room

Evelyn in the waiting room

Evelyn calls Blip

B. Hello
E. Hey is Mike by you? (Worriedly)
B. No. What's wrong?
E. Ginny passed out during her game and was ambulanced to the hospital.
B. What? When?
(Mike looked at Blip)
E. Like 25 minutes ago
B. Holy shit I'll get Mike
E. Okay.

Blip gets Mike on the phone

M. Evelyn what's wrong?
E. Mike I hate to tell you this over the phone but Ginny passed out during the game and was ambulance to the hospital.
M.what? I knew she wasnt feeling good.
E. How bad?
M. All week.
E. Damn. ( Evelyn was racking her brain cor what could make Ginny this sick then it clicked Ginny is pregnant.)
M. It's the last game but Evelyn I'm on my way home.
E. Okay. Travel safe Mike.
M. I will

B. I'll be with him Evie
E. Okay. I'll see you guys soon.
They hang up

Ginny's room

They did test and everything

They checked to see if she is pregnant and the test came back positive.

They did an ultrasound

Ginny is 2 months along

Mom and baby are healthy

After 8 hours in the E.R. ginny is released and she heads home with Evelyn.

At Ginny and Mike house

Ginny telling Evelyn

Hey Evelyn. Ginny said
Hey Ginny glad to see your doing okay. Evelyn said
I need to tell you something. Ginny said
What's up? Evelyn asked
I'm 2 months pregnant. Ginny said
Oh my god congrats. I'm so happy for you. I suspected that you were. Evelyn said
I'm gonna be a mom. Ginny said
Yeah you are. Welcome to the mom club. Evelyn said
I need to te Mike. Ginny said
Well you can tell him tomorrow some him and Blip are on a flight back now. Evelyn said
How? Ginny asked
I called them and told them what was going on with you. Evelyn said
Okay. Ginny said
I'll go to the store and grab some stuff so you can surprise Mike with it when he gets home. Evelyn said
Okay thanks Evelyn. Ginny said
Your welcome. Evelyn said

Evelyn heads to the store

She grabs a box, baby shoes, paper, duck sticker, markers, and pregnancy test.
After buying the stuff that she needed she headed back to Ginny's.

Evelyn calling Mike
M. Hello. How is she?
E. She doing good. Shes at home?
M. What was wrong
E. Dehydration, and other things (not telling him the real reason)
M. Tell her I'll see her soon my flight gets in tomorrow at 2
E. I will
They hang up

Evelyn back at the house

They put the surprise together

Ginny went to bed because she was tired.

Eveltn went into the guest room and called her husband.

Phone call
B. Hey
E. Hey
B. Hows Ginny?
E. Better. Can Mike hear anything?
B. No. He's asleep
E. Okay
B. Why? What's up?
E. Ginny's pregnant
B. Seriously
E. Yep. 2 months along. Shes telling Mike when he gets home
B. Wow. How is she though?
E. Excited
B. That's good. That will be one cute kid
E. Yeah it will be
B. So am I coming with Mike or am i meeting you at home?
E. Meeting me at home
B. Okay
E. I love you
B. I love you too
They hang up

Next day...


Mike and Blip land
Blip heads home, and Mike heads home to his wife.

Arriving at the house

Ginny was still asleep
Evelyn was awake when Mike walked in

Mike walked over to Evelyn

How is she? Mike asked
Right now she is asleep, but she's doing a little better. Evelyn said
That's good. Thanks for staying with her. Mike said
Your welcome. Now that you are here I'm gonna head home. Evelyn said
Okay. Thanks again. Mike said
They highed and then Evelyn left and went to her house to her family.

Mike went and put his game bag into the laundry room. When he came out he heard Ginny in the bathroom throwing up. So he went upstairs to their bathroom in their room to hold her hair back.
After she was done throwing up she went and washed her mouth out.

You okay? Mike asked
I am now that you are home. Ginny said
Well I'm glad I'm home to. You had me really worried. Mike said
Well there's nothing to worry about I'm fine. Ginny said
Ginny you dont pass out during a game and throw up for no reason. Mike said

Well there is a reason . Just nothing to serious. Ginny said
What do you mean? Mike asked

They walked out of the bathroom and over to Mike's side of the bed and their was a box sitting on his night stand.

What is that? Mike asked
Open it. Ginny said

Mike opened it
He looked at Ginny in shock

Inside the box

Fist comes love
Then comes marriage
Positive proof that doon you'll be the best daddy around.
I know it

Are you serious? Mike asked
Yes. Ginny said
This is why you've been off and throwing up anx passing out? Mike asked
Yep it is. Are you happy? Ginnh asked
I'm so very happy. Mike said
Me too. Ginny said
How far along? Mike asked
2 months. Due November 23, 2005  Ginny said
Everything okay? Mike asked
Everything is fine. Ginny said
Were going to be parents. Mike said
Yeah we are. Ginny said
I love you so much. Mike said
I love you so much too. Ginny said

You too baby Lawson. Mike said
Yeah little one we love you. Ginny said

They tell everyone about the baby.
They are all excited for them.

2 months later...

Ginny and Mike find out they are having a baby girl.

I cant believe that we are having a little girl. Mike said
Me either. Ginny said
They kissed

Everyone was excited to know that theh were expecting a baby girl.

5 months later.....

Ginny have birth to a healthy baby girl named Clarie Mirgan Lawson born on November 23, 2005 at 6:02pm. Weighted  8lbs 9oz 12 inches long.

Mike holding his baby girl and talking to her while Ginny slept.

You know Clarie you are the best thing that has happened to me since your mom. Mommy and I will teach you everything you need to know about baseball so will your family. I'm so proud to be your daddy baby girl. I love you so much. Mike said

When Ginny woke up

She looks so much like you. Mike said
She has your mouth, ears, and eyes though. Ginny said
I love you so much Ginny. Mike said
I love you so much too Mike. Ginny said
They kissed

How Ginny told Mike she was pregnant

Clarie Morgan Lawson

Claire's nursery
