Chapter 1: Meeting each other and becoming best friends

Ginny Baker was walking with her best friend Evelyn Robertson when she saw a very handsome teenage boy walk down the hall towards them. He looked like he was new and looking for a classroom.

Can I help you out? Ginny asked
Mike looked at her.

Yeah.  Can you help me find room 204 Mr. Scott's room? Mike asked
Yeah I can. That's where we are heading right now. Ginny said
Oh cool. I'm Mike Lawson. Mike said
I'm Ginny Baker. Ginny said
I'm I'm Evelyn Robertson. Evelyn said

Tree he three of them walked into the classroom. Evelyn walked over to her boyfriend Blip Sanders.
She kissed him

Who is that with Ginny? Blip asked

That would be Mike Lawson. He's new. Evelyn said
Looks like he might be in our group. Blip said
I'm okay with that. Gives Ginny so.eone to talk to now. Even said
That is does. Blip said

Over with Ginny and Mike

So tell me about you Mike? Ginny asked
Well I only have my mom, I'm from Chicago, I play baseball I'm a catcher. I want to go pro with baseball. Mike said
Wow we have something in common with each other. Ginny said
What would that be? Mike asked
We play baseball. Ginny said
You play? Mike asked
Yeah I'm a pitcher for the team. Blip also plays he's center field. Ginny said
Oh that's cool. Mike said
It is. the beginning of the season just started maybe you should play with us. Ginny said

Yeah maybe. So tell me about you? Mike asked
Well I have both of my parents, and I have a brother. I play baseball and i hope to go pro one day. Ginny said
I can see it now. You making it to the major's as a pitcher. Mike said
I can see it now with you too but you being a catcher. Ginny said
Hopefully one day will both be playing in the major's on the same team. Mike said
Yeah maybe. Ginny said

Mike ended up joining the baseball team. Mike, Ginny, Blip, and Evelyn dod everything together.

Mike and Ginny became best friends. They were always together.
