chapter 4- pathway

Alone, us two alone.

I'm not sure why, but I felt my face get redder and redder. I couldn't even comprehend what was happening, but I'm glad it was happening. Honestly, I felt like this was a chance, like some sort of pathway to my future had just appeared. Well, not a single pathway, multiple. I didn't know what this feeling was, but I felt like some pathways had easier ways and harder ways too travel through it, it was simply just picking the right pathway too walk on.

"Gilbert.. Gilbert.. are you there? Hello?" said the most angelic voice I've heard, so gentle, elegant, and so many more words. It was simply just so perfect.. so perfect it made me feel this tingle in my stomach, I'm pretty sure it was what people called butterflies. Wait.. no, I can't have butterflies, right?

I realized that I had been completely zoned out, like completely. "Oh sorry! I don't know what happened, I just kinda zoned off" I replied to Julianne after the countless of timed she called my name to get my attention. I was hoping though she didn't think I was weird or anything for doing that.

Underline: Julianne speaking
Slanted: Gilbert speaking

"That's perfectly fine! It actually happens to me too, pretty often. Anyways, don't you think it would be better if we just called in dms, considering people can join and probably just listen?"

"Honestly yeah, that's a great idea! Marco, Maria, Emily, Giuliana, and Charlene were doing exactly that the entire time. Wait, I'm  gonna call you right now by dms."

I clicked the red disconnect button, and I clicked her username, and headed to dms. I was genuinely really excited to call her through dms, even though it was just a call. It felt more private, and I don't know why but that made me feel like I was getting closer to my goal, my invisible goal.

At that instant, I started the call, and she instantly joined. It was as if she had been waiting there, for a while, or at least I was hoping she was.



"I love how were like saying hello to each other yet we were literally talking to each other like a few seconds ago."

"I know right."

We chatted for a while, like a long while. Along with that, we also turned on our cameras. I'm not sure why, but I really enjoyed looking at her. Her hair, her face, her features, her personality, they all matched so perfectly. It was like a puzzle that had no missing puzzle pieces or any mistakes were made while making the puzzle. Again, she's just so perfect.

We were listening to music together through Spotify, since we both had Spotify premium, which has the ability to listen to music together. What's even better is that we both made a playlist together, which we soon discovered that we both liked the same type of music, and even have the same favorite music artist! We were singing along to the songs, especially singing together.

Later though, everything became silent. It wasn't because something bad happened, or that the call ended. Complete opposite actually.
We had both fell asleep in the call, but I didn't fall asleep normally, I fell asleep with a discovery. A huge discovery.

I finally knew what pathway to take.
