chapter 2- first words

My heart paced as I saw the green friend request button turn into a mustard yellow color, pending button. At that instant, the pending button disappeared, and there appeared the following buttons, message, call, and video.

"She.. She actually accepted it! Wait.. why am I even getting excited over her friending me, it's literally only a friend request that doesn't even matter much. Plus, she's just a person I want to ONLY become friends with." I told myself.

All of a sudden, I felt something hit me really hard on the head. What was that?.. "Are you even listening?" said a voice I've heard before. "Nino, are you even alive??" Oh, it's just Sebastian. "No me tocas nino!" I responded with. "What ever, just saying the bell already rung and everyone left the class and you've just been standing here. Did you take any of the drugs from the shed or something?" said Sebastian with a face that looks like he's gonna die of laughter but also with an emotion of anger.

We walked out of the class, I noticed that even the teacher wasn't there anymore. We went into the hallways, turned to the right, went down a flight of stairs, and there was located the last class of the day, thankfully. Although, it was my least favorite class so that wasn't great but I'm hoping we won't do much. Both me and Sebastian walk into the class, and only the students from my previous class, history, was there all seated down. We were able to sit wherever we wanted so I decided to sit in front of where Julianne was sitting, which was in the middle of the class, all the way at the end. Sebastian sat somewhere else though, considering all the seats around me were already taken. The teacher entered the class, as she had been in the bathroom. Language Arts had begun, and it was an okay class. We didn't do much, just read a chapter of a book and work on an assignment based on the chapter of the book, which I absolutely hated.

Ding. Ding. Ding. The bell had rung, stating it was the end of school. We all left the classroom in a rush, wanting to go home immediately and just relax from the stressful school day. Then, all of a sudden I heard a voice, a voice that was gentle, mesmerizing, and sweeter than any desert in the universe. I turned to see a ray of sunshine behind me, Julianne. She took out her phone, that had a stich phone case. She turned it on, inserted her passcode that was four digits, and opened discord, clicked my user, and asked if that was me. I responded with yes, and she said, "Oh, okay! Anyways, what are you doing just standing here?" "I'm waiting for my mom to get here, because she was leaving the house right now." I said. "Wait that's funny, cause that's exactly what I'm doing! My mom was leaving from work to come and pick me up. Also, I know this might be random, but do you want to join a vc later in the Class Server..?" She said. "Oh, yeah, of course!"

Ring, Ring, Ring. "Sorry wait that's my mom." I picked up my phone, and my mom said she was here waiting right by the entrance of the kid school, just a bit towards the right.

"Hey, my mom just called me saying she's already here. I'll talk to you later!" I said, walking forward and waving goodbye, which she waved back. I felt my face turn completely red and noticed that all Nicholas, Marco, Shannon, and Sebastian were all looking at me. "Hey Gilbert, who is that? Your girlfriend or something?" Said Nicholas. "Are you cheating on me </3" Said Sebastian. "Ew relationships, why would people even date in Middle School?????" Said Shannon. "When the fuck did you even get a girlfriend?" Said Marco.

"Guys, she's not my girlfriend, just an acquaintance, plus I don't even like her."

"Ahuh" They all said in unison, and Nicholas said "Then explain why your redder than Tomato Town." "I'm not re-" I was going to say, but got interrupted by all of them shouting, "Yes you are!" "Uh well, my mom is here, bye estupidos." I told them and I walked away, towards my car.

I'll be able to talk to her soon.

Words: 734
