Tired♡Albedo X M!Reader

An Albedo X Male Reader fluff request by Lone-Wolf-Nergiganos :)

Fluff time!

Albedo and I have always had fun researching stuff together. Not much of it made sense to me, since I was still learning. But I guess Albedo still saw potential in me and took me under his wing. We've explored almost all of dragonspine at this point. It took us about 1 and a half years to do this.
And, when we got to the summit of dragonspine, Albedo had admitted his feelings for me. It was like an amazing dream.

He was all like, "Y/n, you are the guy of my dreams. The guy that I have always dreamt of meeting and falling in love with. Please, will you be my boyfriend y/n?" Then created a beautiful flower for me out of thin air. It was *very* unexpected coming from him, but it was a lovely surpise. I would've thought he wouldn't have time for a romantic partner considering he's always busy experimenting something or another.

Even though all the work we've managed to complete is exhilarating and I'm very proud of what I've done myself, I can't help but feel tired and exhausted most of the time because of all the sleepless nights I've spent up helping Albedo with his experiments. I have pretty noticeable eye bags if I don't cover them up with makeup. And I'm not sure if the fatigue is noticable, but it must not be because Albedo hasn't seemed to notice. Then again, he does always have his nose in experiments. Feeling like this has brought down my mood a lot. I almost feel like crying. I don't want to bother Albedo about it though. He already has enough on his hands with his experiments and stuff.

Right now, I'm working on something with Albedo and he's giving me advice on how to do different mixtures of chemicals without blowing anything up. I can feel my legs get heavier and heavier the longer I stand there. I think I'm about to actually fall over, when Albedo suddenly says, "Y/n, are you alright? You seem very tired."

"H-hm? No, I'm uh.. alright. All good here heheh!" I give him a slightly reassuring smile and a thumbs up.

"Hmm," Albedo made a thinking pose. "If you say so. But don't overwork yourself. If you need rest, please don't hesitate to let me know." He told me, and then went back his experiment.

✨time skip brought to you by osmanthus wine✨

It was now almost night. Albedo had gone out to collect some items he needed to complete a part of his work. I never liked when Albedo left. It was kinda lonely without anyone else there. Apart from this, there was also the fact that I was *still* very tired from working on stuff all day. Then apparently, all the stress finally got to me, and I started to tear up.

I didn't start full-out bawling, but it was a small cry that I've been needing to let out for a while. I cried for about 5 more minutes into my pillow. But then, Albedo suddenly showed up from around the camp's corner, holding whatever it was that he was holding because my eyes were too teary to see it clearly. I don't think I was able to hide my sadness too well, because when he saw me, he dashed toward me and started hugging me.

"Y/n! Hey, are you alright? What happened?" He comfortingly whispered into my ear. I give a small sniff and clear my throat before answering.

"Y-yeah.. I'm okay. Really babe it's fine!"
He took my shoulders in both his hands and stared his icy, but somehow warm and affectionate, eyes into mine.

"Y/n. You don't *look* okay to me. Please tell me about whatever is bothering you. I can't stand to look at you like this. I love you. You can tell me anything." He then placed a loving kiss on my cheek and cupped his hand on my face. This made me tear up even more. How did I even end up with a man so fine AND caring?? I thought.

"Well.. I just.." I managed to mumble out, "I'm j-just really tired from always staying up so late doing experiments with you and helping you with ideas for your amazing paintings. And I-I don't wanna make you do *all* the work and stuff. I know your re-really talented already and all and I'm sure you don't even need my help, but I still wanna be there with you and have f-fun with you.."

"And.. I missed you when you left about 20 minutes ago.." I say kind of embarrassingly because it wasn't even that long ago.

Albedo pulls me into another soft, warm hug. "Okay. I'm glad you told me. Please get more rest then. I would rather you put your health first, than be with me all the time. Also, there is no need to be embarrassed about missing me." Albedo said softly into my ear, and gave me a small chuckle when saying that last part. "It just shows how much you really care about me. And, I appreciate that y/n."

Albedo pulled out of our hug and gave me a gentle smile, filled with kindness as he lightly wrapped his arms around the back of my neck.

"Heheh.. okay."
Albedo pulled me into a soft, loving kiss. Of all our kisses, this one was definitely my favorite. I sigh in my head. I love this man.. I think to myself as we pull out of the kiss.

"Get some rest y/n, and I will make us dinner in a bit." Albedo then got up walked away to continue his current project.

"You got it babe!" And I plop over in my bed, hugging my pillow. As I'm about to fall asleep, I hear Albedo say "I love you, y/n." And I whisper back, "Love you too.." then close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


Heyy! Hope this was good :)
Feel free to give me requests in the comments about who you would like me to do next ^_^♡

Words: 1048
