Love You♡Lisa X NB!Reader

first time writing genshin oneshots👍
it's 4am (almost 5) sooo this might be kinda bad sorry

I was exhausted. I was coming back to Monstadt after fighting bosses and doing domains for hours. Because of my luck, I didn't really get anything that amazing. Oh well, maybe next time. I said to myself as I trudged back to Monstadt with Paimon by my side, somehow equally exhausted just from watching.

Anyway, I cross the bridge and snag a few of Timmy's pigeons since he wasn't there. I mean you never know when they'll come in handy, right?

As I walk into Monstadt, I'm greeted by many people, as I'm on of the Knights of Favonius and quite famous for being the 2nd most smartest and bravest among them all. We see Amber, and Paimon decides to go hang out with her and eat food. Of course, classical Paimon. I say in my head, otherwise she'd just yell at me. And finally, I get to the library. I needed to check out a book from my friend Lisa. I creak open the door, and call for her. A couple seconds later, there's a response.

"In a minute, sweetie."

My heart skips a beat for a second. I know she calls everyone her "sweetie", but for some reason I always feel so special when she says it to me. I haven't found a reason for this yet, but I don't have time to think because Lisa is walking towards me now, book in hand.

"Sorry about that cutie, I was busy sorting about some books~."

"Ah, no, it's alright! You are just doing your job afterall." I chuckle and place a hand on the back of my neck. Lisa gives a small laugh in response.

"Now, what have you come here today for, lovely?"

"Oh! Right! I wanted to check out a book. Do you have (your favorite book)? That book is my favorite of all time, and I've been wanting to read it again since I haven't in a while heheh."

"Ah, a keen eye. That's a wonderful choice. Come with me and I'll show you where it is."

As I followed the soft-voiced brunette, I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful eyes. They were such a bright, pretty green. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an actual bright green forest in her eyes with many cute and lovely animals living in them just prancing around without a care.

Lisa seemed to notice me staring though, and said, "My, my. Am I that captivating? I never imagined you'd be *that* drawn to me~." Lisa let out a cute giggle before suddenly stopping.

"Would you like to look into my eyes more?"

She said this as I was gradually being backed up against a book cart. No words, head empty. Just flusteredness.

"Aww, getting shy now are we cutie~?."

"Uhhh... could you uh.. b-back up a little, Lisa?"

"Alright, alright. I know you like your personal space cutie."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and soon discovered my face felt hot and I could tell I was blushing like a madman. Man, what is up with me today? Maybe it's just the fatigue messing with me.. I thought as I trudged along beside Lisa.

Finally, we reached the bookshelf with the book I wanted. It was very high up though, so Lisa went ahead and got it for me since she could probably tell I'd had one hell of a day, with my disheveled hair and my clothes were kinda roughed up and a tiny bit torn here and there.

When she got down from the ladder she was on, she gave me the book.

"Thanks, Lisa!"

"Aw, no need to thank me cutie. It wasn't that much effort. I've been bored today with not much work to do." Lisa gave a sigh.

I think I've figured out why I love being around her so much.

"W-well uh.. Lisa. I uh.. Need to- need to tell you somethin'."

"Of course, what do you need cutie~?"

Ugh. And my face *just* went back to normal and now I'm all red like a cherry again..


I cleared my throat. From all the years I've spent contemplating about my feelings for Lisa, I've finally figured out why I get so flustered around her. Why my cheeks and ears turn red when she calls me "cutie" or "sweetie" or "lovely." Why on any holiday I'd go so far as to travel all of teyvat to get her the perfect gift. Why that laugh of hers always made me smile with giddiness.

I loved her.

"I.. I l-love you, Lisa." I barely whispered. If there were subtitles, it would've said "unintelligible."

"Hm? Sorry lovely, I couldn't quite hear what you said."

I sighed frustratingly in my head. Geez, just do it you moron! This is your chance. There's no backing out now. I said to myself internally.

I give a little sigh, and said it just a *bit* more louder and clearer, but so that she can at least hear it.

"I um.. I love you Lisa! I-I mean-! Is that too much? Should I use like instead?? I'm sor-"

Lisa stops my rambling and places her index finger on my lips.

"Heheh. Well, I never imagined this would happen. But, I'm not complaining~."

She swishes my hair away from my face and gives a small peck of a kiss on my forehead.

"I have feelings for you too, y/n cutie~."
Lisa giggles softly and gives me a warm smile.

"Now, if you're not busy, how would you like to spend the rest of your afternoon reading books together?"


Aackkk hope this was at least decent for my first oneshot!! If you liked this oneshot, then feel free to request who you'd like next ^_^☆♡

Words: 987
