Chapter 2

Doing something new-ish... First Person PoV! An easier writing style for me! Yep! Hella lot easier. Anyways enojoy!

First Person: Laurance PoV

"Thank you sir!" I told the salesman grabbing the new phone from his hands.

"Your welcome have a good day!" the black haired man said.

"You too!"

Walking our of the Best Buy I pull out my new phone, examining it. What a relief to have a  phone after three months of not having one. I wonder how Garroth is... I'll talk to him when I get back to my dorm.

-At the dormitories (mainly cause I don't want to write a driving scene. Cause it's boring.)-

Michi, my now Ex Girlfriend broke my phone. So I haven't been able to contact Garroth for at least 2-3 months now. He's probably worried sick. And Dante. I actually don't know that whole ordeal. Maybe he got a girlfriend. I see him come in late, and leave early for classes. Anyways, I haven't been able to contact anyone for a matter of fact. And I don't have social media anymore. Why is life so complicated. Christmas is coming up. Maybe I should go to the mall today and get some presents. Also maybe Dante will be in our room, so we could go together and talk, and to also see why he's been gone lately. What time is it? Oh shoot it's 10:25! I have class in 5 mins! Rushing out of the door I grab my stuff and eating a piece of bread i found. Do not fret it was in a package with other pieces of bread. I was running across campus till I realized that it was Saturday. I have no classes today. (To be completely honest. I don't know how college works. I'm a freshmen in high school... Sooo... Yeah. Continuing on with the story.) I might as well drop off my stuff and go to the mall. I'll text Dante to see if he wants to come with.

(L - Laurance D - Dante)

L: Hey dude, you want to go to the mall with me?

D: why??

L: It's almost Christmas! And we made a promise we would come back to Mystreet to visit everyone.

D: soo..?

L: We gotta get presents come on. I haven't seen you in over a month now.

D: Fine I guess I'll go

L: Awesome, I'll meet you at the mall in a bit then.

D: sure

Okay finally, now time to get presents for everyone.

Time Skip! Brought to you by me the donut stealer!! Mwahaha

I look for Dante at the entrance. Then I see him. With someone. Hmmm.. This person looks familiar.
"Hey Dante!" I say waking up to the two.

"Sup Laurance. And this is Nicole! Wait you know Nicole right?" Dante says trying to remember if we met.

"Of course! When I saw you I knew you looked familiar!" I say to Nicole.

"Yeah, it's been awhile!" Nicole

"It has been! So are you joining us for gift shopping?" I ask Nicole.

"I sure am. Dante asked me too. Maybe it's to help getting presents for the girls." She says looking at Dante.

"Heh. Shhh... She doesn't need to know." Dante whispers to me giving me a wink.

"You know I'm right here." Nicole pushes Dante a little.

"Okay let's go." I say while chuckling.

"Are you two a thing?" I look behind me to see the two blushing messes.

"N-n-no." Dante answers. (Okay, every time I spell Dante, I accidentally spell Dane. Anyways back to the story.)

"Mmmhmmm. Suuurrree..." I roll my eyes at the answer.

"Are you and Garroth dating?" Dante asks, obviously trying to get back.
"What no. We're best friends." I feel a little blush. Good thing I'm not facing them. And why am I blushing?!!

"Suuuurrrreee." Dante replies.

"Okay, can we stop teasing each other now and get on with shopping!" Nicole bursts out. Obviously trying to change the subject.

"Yeah that's a good idea."

We stopped at almost all the stores. I'm pretty sure we got everything something. (I'm not going into full detail on what the three got. Mainly because it's a Garrance Fan Fic, also we don't really need to know what everyone got. Also I'm really lazy. Sorry for interrupting. Again.) I'm happy about what I got Garroth. I know he wanted this since forever. And I'm pretty sure he still wants it. I hope he doesn't already have one. We leave the mall. And I say goodbye to the couple and headed back to campus.

Time Skip, cause I'm pretty sure you don't wanna know what Laurance is doing. Cause he's just driving.

I'm back at my dorm. I just end up falling asleep.

Garroth PoV

Today since Blaze is out with his friends. Again. What should I do. Ooo. I should go get gifts for everyone. I haven't done that yet! Okay so now I know what I'm doing today. Yay.

Time Skip! Yes I know it's like the third one or something. I'm really lazy right now but I really wanted to write.

I reach the mall and I already know what I'm getting everyone. I park my cat (I'm just editing these and it was meant to say car not cat XD I'm leaving that that's to funny.)and enter the building. I look around and try to pinpoint the stores I need to go to.

I'm almost done shopping. All I have left is a present for Laurance. Hmm.. Oh! I know the perfect gift I need to get him. I walk to the store and grab the thing I was looking for.

"Perfect!" I accidentally mumble aloud.
I pay, and head out of the mall. I head back to my car. Currently it's only a little past 4. I put the presents away. And start doing homework that is needed for on Monday. Blaze is still out.



Yes yes I know. I should probably stop being lazy with my writing but however. I really want to save the details of the presents until they open them on Christmas. And also, at the time I'm writing this, it's the beginning of June. Oml, Christmas in June. That reminds me of the mini game where Glaze started (Garroth x Blaze) I'm pretty sure it was a hide and seek. And Aphmau found the two. Then Blaze said something along the lines of "Garthy bro here has some soft thighs." Then bam the Glaze ship started. I don't know. It's been a year. Idk. Welp hopes you enjoyed!
Bye Bye

Word Count: 1000
