Chapter 1

Big Time Skip To Graduation... Cause the Author CAN! Also there's cursing.

3rd PoV Omniscient

Where the hell is Garroth? Laurance thought, pacing around in the boys locker room. Ugh! I texted him fifteen minutes ago. Laurance grabs his phone from his pocket about to text Garroth again. Until the door swings open with a panting Garroth in the doorway.

"Finally! Where the hell were you?" Laurance asked urgently, grabbing his cap and gown from Garroth's arm.

Still panting, "I'm, -- sorry. Do you --" Garroth stops to take a breath, "Do you know how far away your house is? A long fucking ways!"

Putting on his cap, "Well, at least you got it. Thank you," Laurance said.

"Besides why didn't you go get it yourself?" He asked, standing up straight.

"Well... Put to put it bluntly. Michi. I just don't really want to see her right now at this moment. I need all my focus on graduating. Not on girls," he said, giving Garroth a short explanation.

"I see... That makes sense," Garroth replied, exiting the locker room. With Laurance following close behind.

* * *

It's currently after the graduation, and everyone is gathered at Garroths place. By everyone, it means the graduating class, and a couple of the underclassmen. Like Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan, Casey, Travis, Vylad, Zane (obviously), the werewolf trio, Dottie, Daniel, and Rylan.

At the moment everyone is having a blast and chilling and hanging out together. One last time, until everyone is together again. Except for one person. That person is the host himself, Garroth. Majority of the party he's been pacing back and forth. Having an uneasy feeling about something. He's unsure what it was though.

"Dude, you've been pacing the whole party, loosen up a bit, and enjoy it," a voice said, scaring Garroth a little.

Jumping a little Garroth yelps, "Da fuq!"

"Seriously Garroth. I've been sitting here the whole time," the voice who Garroth saw, belonged to Laurance.

Garroth blankly stares at Laurance. Laurance just face palms, grabs Garroths arm and drags him over to the snack table displayed on the patio.

"Garroth, just eat a little then go mingle. Talk to Aphmau or Katelyn or even Lucinda. Go do something," Laurance ushered, leaning against the table filled with food.

"Okay, okay. I'll eat a little, then I'll go talk to Aph. Happy?" Garroth replied back, grabbing a chip.

"Yes, now I'm gonna go find my lovely girlfriend," Laurance said, walking away from the table.

"Okay, talk to ya later I guess."

"Talk to ya later."

Sometimes that man. Garroth thought, leaving the food table. Searching for Aphmau.

* * *

It took a bit of time for Garroth to find the small girl. But, he found her at the food table. She must've got there right after I left. Garroth thought to himself.

"Heya Aph!" Garroth greeted, waving a little.

"Hi Gar~Gar!!" Aphmau said returning the wave.

"Aph, I have favor to ask of you," Garroth said nervously.

"Okay! What is it?" Aphmau asks smiling.

"Can you, uh, keep an eye out on Zane and Vylad for me? Please," Garroth asked.

"Yeah, I can do that but why? May I ask?" She answered asking a question.

"It's probably just my big brother instincts kicking in," he said shrugging a little.

"Yeah, makes sense. I'll do that. I'll tell you how've they've been every month."

"Thanks Aph!"

"No problem Garroth!"

"Have you seen Laurance anywhere?"

"The last I saw him he was-"

"Looking for me?" Laurance said, snaking his arms around Garroths waist.

"Yes I was. Know what, I don't need you anymore." I telling him jokingly.

"Awwww..." Laurance pouted, resting his head on Garroths shoulder.

Patting Laurances cheek Garroth said, "I'm just kidding."

A shrill squeal erupts from next to the two. Quickly the boys realize that Aphmau ships Garrance. Aphmau screams until she faints using all of her air.

Oh boy. Both Garroth and Laurance thought looking at each other shaking their heads.

"Uhmmm... Should we leave her?" Garroth questions.

"No. We should bring her inside and put her on the couch," Laurance answers him.

Garroth moved to garb her arms, while Laurance reaches for her legs. Honestly one of them could've grabbed her but, they both insisted on carrying her. So they came to the agreement in carrying her together.

Setting Aphmau on the couch, Laurance speaks,  "So Garroth, what do you need?"

"Well, I was wondering when you're leaving for college?" Garroth asked.

"Oh, well, I have to leave next week. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, uh, I was just wanting know." He looks down.

"Garroth, don't be sad. We'll be back together again before you know it." Laurance said hugging Garroth.

"I-I know Laurance, it's summer it just started. Why do you have to leave so early?" Garroth questioned, hugging Laurance back.

"Garroth, I have to go. The school wants me there for some odd reason. Also besides, we are Best Bros for life," Laurance assures, moving his head to see Garroths face.

Garroths cerulean eyes start watering. Making his eyes glistening and bright. It truly was a beautiful sight to behold. Besides the fact he's crying.

"Garroth, how about this. I'll call you ever week. And ever week I forget you get to punch me," Laurance said smiling at the blonde, in hope it'll cheer him up a bit.

"Y-yeah, okay! Just don't back down from it. I won't hold back when I punch," Garroth replied back, giving Laurance a wicked smile.

A loud shrill scream erupts, filling up the room. Slowly the two look behind them to see a certain pink haired meif'wa. This certain meif'wa is taking pictures, fangirling, and also has a nosebleed. Laurance and Garroth both shake their heads and wait for Kawaii~Chan to faint. Knowing it'll happen considering how long her scream is going for. Then after a few minutes of silence, Kawaii~Chan faints falling onto the ground. Quickly Laurance and Garroth walk over to her, and put her on the open couch next to Aphmau.

"How about we go somewhere?" Garroth suggested draping Kawaii~Chan's arms across her body.

"Uh... Where would we go?" Laurance asked.

Dumbfounded, a Garroth answers, "Outside."

Laurance shakes his head. Grabbing Garroths hand he drags him outside and walks over to where Dante, Travis, Vylad, and Zane stand. To converse about random shit.

* (Time F*cking Skip) *

Vylad sprints out the door, dragging Zane with him. Hoping that his brother will join him in running. Garroth left awhile ago to the airport, but he forgot Vylad and Zane.

My damn idiot of a brother forgot us. Ugh. He must've forgotten that Dante and I are pretty close of friends. Even though Dante's brother... No! Don't think about that! Maybe he'll stop. Maybe.... Vylad thought sprinting, while dragging his brother Zane.

"Vylad! Why the hell are we running?" Zane said.

"Wow. Zane. I forgot what you sounded like! I like the voice! Don't stop talk please!" Vylad exclaimed, still running.

"Uuuggghhhh.... That didn't answer my question. Also we don't need to bring that up, Mr. Only Talks to My Bullies Younger Brother cause I have a Crush on him. Yeah, don't think I don't notice these things Vylad," Zane snapped, rolling his eyes, well eye...

"Shut up. Also to answer your question. we are running to airport," Vylad snapped back.

"And why are we going to the airport?" Zane asked, starting to run next to Vylad.

"Uhh.. Well... Dante's leaving today, and I wanted to say goodbye to him..." Vylad said slowly. Now realizing that what his brother just said was all true.

"Of course," was all Zane said back. And that was the last thing either of the two said until they arrived at the airport.

Panting, the two brothers rush into airport. Vylad frantically looking for the group of friends that are saying bye to Laurance and Dante. Or just a certain blue haired boy. Zane on the other hand just chills behind Vylad also looking for the group. Just not as hurriedly as Vylad.

After minutes of searching and zig zagging between people, Vylad then sees familiar looking unkept blue hair. Without a second thought he quickly runs up to the male and hugs him from behind.

"What the!" The blue haired male exclaimed confused on why there is a random person clinging onto him. Looking down and behind him, he realizes that it is Vylad. The blue haired male happy now, turns and returns the hug. "Hi Vylad," he whispered happily into Vylad ear.

"H-hi Dante," Vylad stuttered, his eyes starting to water a little.

The two boys hug happy to be in each other's presence. Not giving a damn on what's going on around them. Just enjoying each other's warmth.

Slowly releasing from the hug, Dante looks into Vylad emerald eyes, resting his hands at Vylads waist. They share a moment. That was until Zane rudely interrupts. "When you two gonna kiss?"

This gets Vylad all flustered, however this doesn't faze Dante. In reply Dante said, "Well, we could do it now, or save it for a more special moment," he said, grabbing Vylads face with one hand, smirking a little.

"Okay then. While you two figure your guys shit out. I'm gonna go over with the rest of the group," Zane said grumpily walking away from the two.

"Sooo.. How bout that kiss Vylad?" Dante asks the shorter boy in a seductive way.

Vylad blushes, and turns his head a little. Flustered that the guy he's been crushing on actually asked to kiss him.

"Awww... Vylad. Your adorable," Dante said grabbing Vylads face having there lips centimeters away.

The boys look into each other's eyes filled with lust, longing, and sadness. Both knowing that they'll be split up. However, that didn't stop Vylad from going for it. Vylad pushes his and Dante's lips together. Taken aback, Dante waits a second before kissing back. Soon though they were interrupted. Dante's older brother Gene sees them.

"Hey Dante! Hey Vylad!" He exclaims walking over to the two males. Not knowing about the kiss.

Quickly both the boys pull back and take a few steps backward. Looking at Gene they wave and say hello.

"Dante I just wanted to tell you that they called your flight. Laurance is waiting for you. You should probably head out," Gene told Dante, smiling.

"Oh. Okay! Thanks big bro," Dante hugs his older brother, and hugs Vylad tightly, giving the top of his head a small peck. "I'll see you soon. Maybe then we could continue," he whispered into Vylads ear, winking at him. With that, Dante zooms out of sight.

With Dante gone, Vylad gets scared but Gene just ignores him. Besides the fact that Gene knocks Vylad over while walking away, probably to go to his job. Gene ignored Vylad, which made Vylad relieved. With happy and sad emotions, Vylad joins the group of people and head home.

* Same  Time * Different People *

Garroth stands with the big group of people that are all waiting to wish goodbye to Laurance and Dante. Garroth already said bye to Dante. Which right now he seems to be hugging someone. Probably Vylad, considering Zane is right behind the two. Laurance however is stuck in the middle of fangirls, with Michi clingy onto him. Garroth shakes his head. Grabbing his phone he calls Laurance.

"Hello?" Laurance said into the phone.

"Hey Laur, quite a party you've got going over there," Garroth chuckled.

"Uhhhh.. Yep. Let's just say that they are all crying and saying, 'Laurance don't go!' It's honestly kinda sad and funny. Ow! Michi what was that for?"

"-chuckle- Well it seems you have your arms full. I was just gonna say bye but that seems nearly impossible."

"It's fine Gar. I'll make my way towards you."

"Alright, good luck with that," Garroth said shaking his head.

Slowly, Laurance gets out of Michi's tight grasp, and zig zags between the fangirls. Garroth rolls his eyes as he watches his best friend maneuver his way around the bunches of girls.

Disheveled, Laurance stands in front Garroth, shaking his head. "Well here I am."

"Impressive. Well, I guess I'll see ya later bro," Garroth said, going in for a bro hug.

"Yeah, see ya later," Laurance said slowly, turning the bro hug into an actual hug.

They slowly retract from each other when they heard Laurances flight he called. "Well, should get going. See ya Garroth!" Laurance said, letting go of Garroth. "DANTE LETS GO! STOP MAKING OUT WITH THAT PERSON!" Laurance yells.

Garroth chuckles at his best friends words. He turns around and heads home, glancing backwards to see Laurance having his hands as a heart and staring straight at Garroth. Garroth chuckles once again and also holds up a heart shaking his head and laughs. Laughs at how silly their bromance has become, and how silly of friends they are.

* Time * Skip *
(One Week Later)

Garroth grabs the last of his stuff and heads downstairs. Only to see Vylad, Zane, Travis, Aphmau, and his parents waiting for him. The rest of his friends already left. He was the last to leave for college.

"Aww.. My Gar~Gar is leaving the house!" His mother, Zianna cries, hugging him.

"Mooom. I'll be back before you know it," Garroth said holding back tears of his own.

"Son, just know you have a place to stay if you ever just wanna visit or something," Garroths dad, Garte, said, approaching his eldest son and wife to join in the hug. Within seconds Vylad joins in the hug. Zane however refuses, until Travis pushes him into the hug.

"Well, we should probably head out to the airport, so I don't miss my flight," Garroth said, smiling at his family and two friends.

"You're probably right," Zianna said sadly.

The group of seven move outside to the car. They all get inside the car. It's a little cramped but they figured it out. Even if it meant for Zane to sit on Travis's lap. Aphmau chuckled, looking at her ship kinda happening. I'm pretty sure Aphmau planned that. Garroth thought.

Arriving at the airport, Garroth grabs his suitcases and gives his two friends, and family each a hug. Then he quickly dashes off to get his bags checked and off to find his gate. In an hour he was on his plane to Falcon Claw University.

* Time * Skip *
(Again... Okay we are almost done with the chapter. I just wanted to get some stuff out of the way. Heh heh. He's at FCU now. c: )

Finally reaching FCU after the longest plane and car ride, Garroth was finally able to walk and stretch his legs. On Campus, Garroth was greeted by a purple pink haired female. She introduced herself as Betty. Explaining how she's a freshmen assigned to help out other freshmen out for some unknown reasoning. With that brief explanation. Betty shows Garroth around while also talking about food. Bored out of his mind, and not really caring what Betty has to say, Garroth pulls out his phone to text Laurance.

(For texting imma do something different.)

(G - Garroth L - Laurance)

G: Hey Bro! I finally got to campus!

L: Awesome! How does it look?

G: It's a really pretty campus but, that might be because I'm here now. 😏😉

Garroth chuckles at his own text.

L: That is definitely the reason why the campus looks so good. 😂

G: Mhm. Also, my tour guide won't stop talking about food. 🤦‍♂️

L: Ha. Good luck with that.

G: It ain't that bad. Just boring.

L: Well I gotta go. Dante needs me for something. Talk to you later Garroth.

G: Talk to you later.

"Hey uh Garroth was it? What's your favorite food?" Betty asks.

"That's a good question but, I'd have to say all food. I can't pick a favorite," Garroth said shrugging.

"Really! Garroth, I just know we are gonna be good friends. Why? Because I'm not the only person who loves all food. My friends Cathy and Jenny think I'm a little crazy. Cause all I do is talk and droll about food. But they love me anyways." Betty quickly said, fangirling a little at the end.

"Heh, yeah, maybe we will become good friends," Garroth replied back, scratching his blonde hair. Welp, this chick is definitely crazy. Garroth thought.

She finishes the tour and shows Garroth where he'll be staying at. Garroth thanks her, and unlocks the door. Before stepping in Betty says something, "Garroth, here's my number. Hit me up sometime, maybe you could meet my friends or something."

Garroth takes the number, "Yeah, I'll do that sometime!" He said smiling.

With that he enters the room, only to see that his roommate has yet to come. He's probably gonna show up at a later time today. Garroth thought to himself, setting down his bag. Looking around the room, he sees that all his luggage is on one side of the room. Might as well have this side. Hope he won't mind. Garroth walks over to his luggage and starts unpacking.

Couple Mins Later

Knock! Knock!

Garroth stops unpacking and walks over to the door and opens it. Standing in the doorway was a red headed male holding boxes and somehow dragging suitcases behind him. "Mind helping me out bro?" The red head asked.

"Oh yeah! Sure," Garroth quickly said, grabbing some of the boxes the male is carrying. Garroth walks in with the male following behind him. He sets down the boxes next to the empty bed on the opposite side of the room from Garroths side.

"Thanks man! Names Blaze!" The red head exclaims holding out his hand.

"Garroth," the blonde said shaking the latters hand. After a quick shake, Garroth examines Blaze. Noticing the big things like the fact that Blaze is a werewolf, his heterochromia eyes, one being green the other being blue, his amazing jawline, and his fit body but, those are the obvious things. However there is one thing about this werewolf that Garroth can't shake the feeling about. It's that has he seen him before.

* Time * Skip *
(I promise this is the last Time Skip. By the way this is about three months later. They started school and all that. Also we are moving to a Laurance third person PoV)

"Hey babe! Have you seen my phone anywhere?" A brunette asks his purple haired girl friend.

"Whose Gar~Gar? And why is he your #1 BFF on Snapchat, the top of your DMs on Instagram, and the last one you texted, called, and face timed. Why am I not on the top of anything?" The purple haired girl asks confused.

"Michi, he's my best friend. Now let me see my phone," The brunette demanded.

"No Laurance. Explain to Michi why you talk to him more then me," Michi demands back.

"I don't have, besides that's invasion of privacy. So let me see my phone."

"Ugh, fine here you go," Michi gives in, "Whoops!" She said before throwing the phone at the open window.

"What the hell Michi!" Laurance yells, running over to the window. Looking down from his window. He sees his phone four stories down most likely broken on the concrete.

"Now you're all Michi's!" The purple haired meif'wa exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Laurances waist.

"Michi get off and get out," Laurance said sternly.

"B-b-but why Laury?" Michi asked sadly.

"I'm breaking up with you. I've put up with your shit but, this is the last straw. So please leave," Laurance said quietly and angrily.

"F-fine! Michi doesn't need you anymore!" With that the purple haired meif'wa left Laurances and Dante's room. She never returned.

Laurance, on the other hand was disheartened. He broke up with his four year girlfriend, and lost any contact to his best friend. Unless Dante decides to show up at his dorm anytime soon. He'll have to wait to call Garroth again. He'll have to wait to talk to Garroth again in any way shape or form until he gets money for a new phone. Laurance doesn't know when that'll be because he is currently jobless.

Laurance and his sad little heart walks over to his bed and flops onto it. Not caring for his broken phone, and not giving a care to world. He just wants to sleep and think everything over. And he just wants Christmas to come a little faster.



This chapter without the authors note was 3407 words long!! Geez! Just don't expect these long of chapters all the time. I just needed to set up some things for oncoming chapters. I also needed to add things that I didn't have from the previous version of this chapter.

Anyways aside from that rant,


Last Edited - 04/07/2019 or 07/04/2019
