
I'm alive! I've just been busy with school and stuff so here's a badly edited, completely unplanned and irrelevant to the plot line chapter, your welcome!


I woke up, the sun was just rising. Jumping out of bed I walked into the bathroom and got in the shower. After about an hour I stepped out and wrapped my self in a warm fluffy towel before getting ready for the day. I wore a (f/c) top, a black leather skirt and matching jacket. I walked into the kitchen and made myself some scrambled eggs (or whatever you eat for breakfast) I made some extra for Gajeel and knocked on the spare bedroom door. I heard a faint mumble so took it as a 'come in'. I stepped into the room opening the door with a small click.
"I made you breakfast" I said placing the plate down on his bedside table.
"Go away" he mumbled shoving his face into the pillow.
"You need to get up" I said shaking him awake.
"FINE!" He snapped.
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I giggled, propping his pillow up behind his head so he could eat his breakfast.
"I'm gonna go eat my breakfast and then I'm heading to the guild, so you better hurry up if you wanna come"

~a few moments later~

I pulled on my black boots and Gajeel walked out of his room ready to go.
"Don't forget your keys" he said chucking my keys to me.
"I wasn't going to" i huffed and rushed out the door. I walked briskly through Magnolia towards the guild hall.
"Hey slow down" Gajeel said grabbing my hand and pulling me back.
" what!?" I questioned desperate to get to the guild hall.
"Why are you in such a rush to get there"
"I need to go on an actual job" realising he wasn't going to let go of my hand I pulled him with me.
"There'll be jobs when you get there" I stopped and turned to look at him.
"Yeah but I'm tired of the Thunder Legion and Laxus tagging along so I need to get there before him"
"You realise the sun has just come up, right Tiny?"
"I'm not an idiot like my brother, I can see that, but I have no idea when the Thunder Legion get to the guild hall and my rent is due in two days!" I marched down the street, dragging Gajeel behind me. We arrived at the guild hall, I stepped inside, instinctively ducking from an oncoming object, but nothing flew over my head.
"You're here early (Y/N)! Oh and you bought Gajeel with you" Mira said.
"I wanted to get a good job" I walked straight to the job board. It was weird seeing the guild this empty. My eyes scanned the request board.
'To easy, to boring, to long. I don't feel like taking an S-class job today, but all these job requests suck' I was lost in thought when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"(Y/N) just the person I was looking for!" I turned round to be greeted by Erza.
"You're here early" she said
"Yeah just looking for a job" I turned back to the request board.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about"
"Oh really?" I continued to search for a job
"Yes I want to take team Natsu on a S-class job, however there's to many of them and I need to bring another S-class wizard"
"Okay what job is it, I don't really want to go on another long job, but I suppose I would get to spend time with Natsu"
"We have to take down a dark guild, in-"
"Nope! You never bring a big group to take down a dark guild, you can't sneak around as easily. Sorry but you'll have to find someone else" I walked off to go check out the S-class jobs. 'Found one!' I pulled the job off of the board and walked back down.  I placed the job on the bar and Mira signed it off.
"So ya found one?" Gajeel asked as I was on my way out.
"Yup. 'Help wanted, monsters terrorising a town' all that good stuff" I replied
"(Y/N)!" Mira called, I turned back around.
"Why don't you take Gajeel with you, he could help" I thought about it for a bit.
"Sure, but your only getting a third of the reward" Gajeel reluctantly followed me out the guild hall.
"This should only take a couple of hours, so we'll be back by the end of the day and I better not have to save your ass" I walked to the train station with him, waving at a few people I know on the way. We waited for the next train ugh trains the thought made me feel sick. After a train ride to a small town outside of Crocus. We spoke to the mayor. He directed us to a small forest.
"Okay, stay outta my way and don't be completely useless" I said me and Gajeel were currently hiding behind a rock.
"Jeez calm down tiny, you've been so aggressive today" he chuckled
"Shut it!" I snapped, I'm never going on a mission with him again. I peeked over the rock to see a few monsters.
"Okay lets go" I jumped over the rock and bounded across the field towards the biggest monster.

And I'll leave it on a cliff hanger. Also I apologise for this chapter being terrible but somethings better then nothing right?.... right?
