Chapter Twenty Eight- Hatred for Aki Konako

So... I know I haven't posted in a while.... and I'm SO SORRY!!

I've just had a lot on, etc etc, but yeah, I'm posting now so think yourselves lucky! I just had an idea of how to speed up the process of getting where I want to be, so yeah.

Jeez, I've even forgotten how old everyone is... I'm such a bad author -.- let's just say that Hotaru and Kiba etc are nineteen/ eighteen now.


P.S. The feedback on the previous chapter made me smile. I love you guys!

P.P.S. this chapter is dedicated to SorrowButSmile because she is an awesome writer and an awesome fan, and was a little upset before, but I hope you're okay now, Honey!! I love your feedback! :D

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The redhead unlocked the door, and pushed it open, tugging Kiba inside before pushing the door shut. She pulled him through the hall, into the kitchen, then froze.

Her expression twisted into a glare, "You?!"

-One Year Later-

It was an ordinary June day in the bustling market of the village Konoha. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and... a he/she was whining?

"Pleeeeeeeeeaseeeee, Hotaru-chan!!"

"Forget it! I still don't see why Sasori's letting you stay with us in the first place!"

It had been about a year since Deidara had broken in to the redhead's house and demanded a place to stay. Three months ago, Hotaru's older brother, Sasori, had finally been worn down and allowed it, on the basis that 'It'll be good to have someone to keep an eye on you when I'm gone on missions. I don't want that Inuzuka hanging around.', a reason that angered the teen no end.

"It's not that bad having me around, is it?" the blonde asked, and Hotaru glared at him.

"Well, you never give me any privacy since Sasori told you to stalk me, you complain all the time, you threatened to make your hand-mouths eat Kiba last time he stopped by, and, oh, yeah, you tried to kill me!!" Hotaru exploded, but Deidara just yawned and rolled his eyes.

"Please, that last part was ages ago! I'd never try to kill you now!" he lowered his tone as he noticed people in the marketplace starting to stare, "Plus, we all know that my hand-mouths can't digest anything."

"Kiba didn't know that!"the redhead shot back. Deidara shrugged.

"Yeah, well, then he should have stood up to me like a man and fought for his woman."

Hotaru twitched, "I made him leave! He would have attacked you if I didn't!"

Deidara smiled, "See! You do care!"

"Yeah, I care about my house not getting wrecked." she said, pushing the blonde away.

"But anyway, like I was saying, It's not like I'm going to use the clay for any nefarious deeds or whatever! I'm not affiliated with the Akatsuki anymore. The only reason I was was because Itachi and Sasori were keeping me there, and now Sasori's left and Itachi's..." the terrorist trailed off, remembering the redhead's friendship with the late Itachi's younger brother. "My point is, just let me have my artist's materials!"

Hotaru shook her head once more, picking up a bag of apples and examining them for bruises and whatnot, "Even if I wanted to, Hokage-sama forbade it. You're still under suspicion, you know."

"But it's been a whole year!!" Deidara whined, as Hotaru purchased some of the fresh fruit and vegetables and put them carefully in her grocery bag, "If I wanted to destroy the village I would have done it by now!"

"If you have a problem, speak with Tsunade-sama about it, not me. There's nothing I can do." the redheaded teen smirked slightly, "But it's a losing battle. She's even more stubborn than I am."

"But Hotaruuuuu-" the blonde was cut off suddenly by a fist crashing down on his head, "OW! What was that for?!"

"Quit your God-damn whining! I've got way more important things to be thinking about than your impudence and the stress of you maybe blowing up my house!" Hotaru fumed. She had had enough. She had told him not to come to the market with her; she had wnted some peace while she perused the products of the people of Konoha, but he had followed her anyway. And the stupid idiot had done nothing but complain since they left.

The blonde rubbed his head, a scowl on his face as he muttered, "Why do you care, anyway? You're probably gonna move in with Lover-boy soon... as much as Sasori-danna dislikes it."

Hotaru's cheeks pinkened, "It's still early days for that."

Deidara stared at her incredulously. "Early days?! You've been together a year! Normal people would be married with kids on the way by now!"

"Normal people?!" Hotaru shot back, "Maybe in your day it was okay for people to be married at sixteen, but not now. Kiba and I will move forward when we're ready, not when these so-called 'normal people' say that it's appropriate!"

Deidara just glared at her, "I'm not that old. I'm only twenty-four, for god's sake."

"Well then, stop talking like your fifty, Jiji." Hotaru smirked slightly, before disappearing into the crowds. The word 'Jiji' hung in the air over Deidara, and he twitched, rocketing after her.

"'Jiji'?! I AM NOT AN OLD MAN!!"

- - -

Hotaru frowned slightly as she spritzed one of the homemade scents from a perfume stall on her wrist and smelled it. Fruity. It smelled of strawberries, and she absently reached up to brush over the tufty part of her hair that had been burnt off a year ago. It was starting to grow back now, since the skin had healed, but was only about an inch long, and had looked so odd in with the rest of her long hair that she had it all cut to the same length. She had been concerned that she looked like a younger, more feminine Sasori... even though Kiba and everyone else had insisted that it looked fine.

But that wasn't what was making her frown.

What Deidara had said earlier had really struck a nerve with her. She and Kiba had never really talked about it, but now that she gave the matter her attention, it dawned on her that they really should have talked about it, since it was quite an important issue.

What was the next step? They couldn't just date forever. Eventually, there was going to have to be some sort of more permanent commitment between them. Whether it be just moving in together, or... marriage.

The redhead shuddered slightly at the thought. Marriage! What a preposterous idea! That she and Kiba... would become... husband... and wife...

The kunoichi thought more deeply about it, and realised, as she purchased the strawberry scented perfume, that it wasn't the idea of being tied to Kiba through matrimony that caused the disgusted feeling to ripple through her. In fact, Hotaru Inuzuka... it had quite a nice ring to it, and brought an odd sensation of warmth to Hotaru's stomach.

She wasn't quite sure why, but the whole idea of marriage just seemed to make her want to curl up and hide under a rock for a few decades.

Maybe it was because of the fact that Hotaru knew, that what she had to tell Kiba had happened after their full scale argument before his mission, could possibly end their relationship. Permanently.

A guilty rush ran over Hotaru's skin, a feelig of regret, but she shook her head and pushed it from her mind, trying a different reason, one that didn't make her feel like such a horrible excuse for a human being.

Maybe it was because, just recently, Sasori had told her that he was getting married to that woman...

Just the thought of it made Hotaru want to roar with anger.

That woman didn't deserve Hotaru's brother. She wasn't good enough. She was a mere, pathetic weaver, that owned a little shop that sold tapestries in the northern quadrant of the village. Sasori deserved someone so much more than that meek little woman, who barely said a word.

Taking a deep breath, Hotaru realised that she had stopped walking and moved on.

She had finished buying groceries from the stalls, but as she passed a particular one, something caught her eye.

Stopping in front of the pet stall, she smiled at Hana. The Inuzuka smiled back.

"She finally gave birth, then?" Hotaru asked, gently placing her bag on the floor and kneeling down to gently scratch one of the boisterous puppies behind the ear. It yipped and wagged it's bottom playfully.

"Yeah. A large little of eight healthy pups, " Hana said proudly, "But we don't  have the room for them all, so I'm selling them. You wouldn't happens to be interested, would ya?"

"Oh no." Hotaru laughed, standing up, but feeling a little wistful as the small black and white puppy rested it's forepaws on her legs and gazed up at her with big brown eyes, "I couldn't. Our new 'lodger' is allergic to animal fur."

Hana eyed Hotaru a moment, confused by the sudden set in her jaw, and a look in her eyes that said she wouldn't mind this lodger choking from allergies. She then looked at the collie pup that was gazing at Hotaru and yapping to be picked up.

"That's a shame." she said, "She seems to like you."

"Mm." Hotaru said absently in agreement.

"Kiba's back from his mission, by the way." Hana put in, and Hotaru looked up.

"He is?"

"Yeah. He's at home, zonked out. You should go see him." Hotaru nodded absently, but didn't look as though she was really listeneing. In fact, she looked slightly guilty.

"Okay, I think I will. Well, I'll see you later, Hana." with that, Hotaru picked up her grocery bags and turned and walked away.

"See ya." Hana replied, staring after her little brother's girlfriend in confusion.

Twenty minutes later, Hotaru flopped down on her bed. She should visit Kiba. She should go and tell him exactly what she did, and take the consequences she deserved.

'No. I can't disturb him, he's sleeping off the strain of a tough mission.' she thought, kidding herself, 'I'll leave it till tomorrow.'

She laid there, awaiting sleep, but even the blanket of unconsciousness can't wipe a guilty conscience.

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Oh-ho-ho! So, what do you people think Hotaru has done?

A surprise twist, to make up for both having not updated in a long time, and a Kiba-less chapter.

But still! Why is Hotaru postponing visiting Kiba? Will it mean the end of their relationship?

Stay tuned for the next chapter, and fan, vote and comment!
