Chapter five- Mystery of Nii-san revealed!

Kiba 5


Okay, so I know my portrayal of the Akatsuki isn't accurate. While Orochimaru was there, Deidara was not. But meh... I'm gonna say that Orochimaru stayed with them, and Tobi and Deidara were always partners. Oh, and Sasori's only... 26 in this. He's a whole 12 years older than Hotaru, and was kidnapped when he was taken when he was seventeen by the Akatsuki because of his mastery of puppetry. Itachi replicated Sasori's hand writing and left a note for Hotaru saying that he was leaving to become a rogue ninja.

Story START!! :3

* * *

Hotaru was suddenly pulled into a massive hug. She squeaked, gasping.

"Owowowowowowwww Onii-san that fucking hurts!!" Sasori immediately got off of her and grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry... just missed ya, Imouto.." then he scowled, "And watch your language!"

Hotaru smirked, "How can I watch something that is not tangible material?"

"Cheeky..." Sasori grumbled, then smirked. "I taught you well."

Hotaru grinned, and nodded. But then Sasori went back into big brother mode.

"Imouto, what are you wearing?! Isn't that a bit revealing?! And who said it was suitable for a girl your age to have tattoos?! And piercings!" Sasori ranted on and on, and Hotaru's scowl deepened with each passing sentence.

"No one told me! I like them! And it's not like I've had any parental guidance for the past nine years! Where were you during my childhood, Nii-san?!" Hotaru yelled back, and Sasori glared at her. But Hotaru had had enough of being chewed out.

"I couldn't help that! I didn't want to join the Akatsuki! And anyway, just because I wasn't there, doesn't make it okay for you to harm your body like that!" Sasori threw his arms outward in frustration.

"Says you!" Hotaru flung her arms in the air, mirroring Sasori's action, which was strange, since she couldn't see him. She winced in pain, but kept them up. "You're the one that tried to turn yourself into a puppet! If Granny Chiyo hadn't come by you would have died!"

The two just glared at each other for a while, and then, out of the blue, Hotaru was being pulled into another hug.

"Man I missed you, Imouto... we are one crazy family. I'm sorry I wasn't there." Hotaru buried her face in her brother's chest, and closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry too... I missed you as well."

"Aw, well isn't this touching... hm." another guy walked into the room, and Hotaru took an immediate disliking to him, as Sasori let go of her quickly. He sounded like a right arrogant bastard.

"What do you want, Deidara?" Sasori asked, glaring at him and edging slightly in front of the younger girl.

"So that's your sister, hm?" his single eye appraised the kunoichi, who in return glared back at him. It was quite strange, to Sasori, how, although she obviously couldn't see at that moment, she still met the idiot's eyes dead on. "Small world. Though I can see the family resemblance..." Deidara started to grin "No wonder you were so set on us taking her away from that group of bandits, yeah."

Hotaru bit her lip, then burst out laughing. The two men's heads immediately snapped to her. She tried to suppress it, but the more she tried the harder she laughed.

The laughter was making her wounds ache, but it was too difficult to stop. Deidara scowled in irritation. Hotaru failed to notice, though... seeing as she was still blind. "What's so funny, hm?!"

That didn't help Hotaru's laughing fit in the slightest, and Sasori twigged what she was laughing about, and smirked. His little sister truly was awesome. "She's laughing at your speech impediment, brat... no wonder, you sound like an idiot."

The blonde growled in anger, clenching his fists. "We'll see who's laughing when I blow you both to bits, yeah!!"

"Deidara, I will not be happy if you blow up the hideout again." a deep voice said. Hotaru was amazed. These people had really weird voices.

Shaking it off, Hotaru was struck with a thought.

Kiba, being the idiot he is, probably tracked her to the bandits hideout, then, since he'd tracked Akatsuki before, would know their scents. Then, if he went back to the village and Naruto found out... he'd come rushing here and get himself hurt. She had to escape.

It would mean leaving Nii-san again, but it was a sacrifice she'd have to make.

Plus, what was she even there for? It couldn't be good, since she was chained up with chakra infused metal.

It was a little while before Hotaru tuned back into the conversation, but it was silent. She felt for Sasori, then pushed lightly on his shoulder. "Where'd everybody go?"

He chuckled, "They all left about five minutes ago." he watched her for a moment, then hooked a finger under her chin and tilted her head up, peering into her eyes. "After effects of the Hikarigan?"

"Yeah." Hotaru mumbled, pulling her chin out of his grasp. Sasori sighed. Her pupils were extremely dilated.. it almost looked as though her irises were black.

"You still haven't mastered it then?" the kunoichi shook her head, then rested her head on his shoulder.

"Nii-san... I have to leave." she mumbled. "My friends will come after me, and one of them's a jinchuriki..."

Sasori nodded, "I know. I wish I could come with you, but they'll find me."

"I wish I could have known that you were here unwillingly..." Hotaru laughed wryly, "I would have been a lot less sour as a kid."

"You? Sour? Nah." Sasori chuckled, "You were such a softie when you were little. Always making little flowers out of sand then crying because they crumbled when you tried to pick them up." Hotaru grimaced, and Sasori grinned, "I tried to tell you to just make them on your bedroom windowsill to start with, but you were adamant."

"Shut up.." Hotaru mumbled, leaning heavier into Sasori, her eyelids drooping. The older sibling just chuckled, pulling the younger's hair tie out and combing his fingers through the long, red mane.

"And you always were obsessed with that little swing... you used to get mad at anyone who sat on it." Sasori smiled, lost in memories, "Except Gaara. You loved Gaara. I think it had something to do with his hair colour... and his eyes. You asked him so many times if he wore make up like our mom did... he used to always say no, but you still asked." Hotaru grimaced, blushing a bit, but enjoying going through the memories, "He was a saint to have such patience with you."

"Nii-san... you're making me feel bad. I'll have to go visit Gaara and apologise for being weird as a kid now..." Hotaru mumbled, laughing a little. Sasori flicked her nose.

"Yes, I kind of figured you weren't in Suna anymore... you have a Leaf headband round your waist." Sasori murmured, and Hotaru gave a tired "Mm." of agreement, before her eyes fell shut completely.

"You know, Nii-san... I haven't slept... in over nine years... just pretended. On missions and stuff.. so my friends don't ask about my past." then, she was breathing heavily, and had fallen asleep. Sasori smiled to himself, leaning back against the wall and pulling her against him. He finally had his Imouto back.

* * *

"Imouto, wake up!!" Hotaru's eyes opened slowly, groggily, and she sat up, brushing off the hands of the person that was shaking her. She rubbed her eyes, her vision hazy but clear enough, and was startled to see smoke filling the room, and a frantic looking Sasori.

"Nii-san? What's going on?!" Hotaru asked urgently, and stood up quickly. She winced and gripped her side, the wound still hurting. She then realised that she had stood up, and looked to see that the chain had been removed from her ankle.

"Your friend is here to rescue you! Come on, you've got to go now!"

"What? Which one?!" she asked, shocked, allowing Sasori to pull her along through various halls and corridoors.

"A guy with a dog!" Hotaru's eyes widened. Kiba was here?!

"What?! Was there anyone else?!"

"Not that I could see! Now come on, or he's gonna get blown up by Deidara! He's doing a pretty good job so far, but can only dodge for so long!" Hotaru jumped as Sasori picked her up in his arms easily, and jumped out of a window, using the smoke as a shroud. He knocked her out; she was freaking out from the explosions and had managed to reopen he wounds again. He then set off at a quick pace, taking advantage of Kiba almost getting blown up to pull the Inu-nin into the cover of some trees.

"What?! Who are you?!" Kiba demanded, readying to use Tsuuga on this newcomer. Akamaru growled, and Sasori just gave the boy an urgent look and handed Hotaru over to him.

"I don't have much time. Take her and get out of here, before they catch you!" Kiba was about to question, but saw the red patch seeping through on Hotaru's bandages. "She's injured, I cured the poisoning, but couldn't heal her properly with my limited supplies."

The stranger gestured for Kiba to follow him, and came to a cliff side. The redheaded man did something, and an opening appeared.

"Go through there. It'll take you to the border." Sasori looked to the now frowning unconscious girl, and kissed her on the forehead, before giving the Inu-nin a gentle push. "Go!"

Kiba stared at the man in shock, but nodded, and ran into the path. He heard the gap grate shut behind him, but paid no mind to it, for some sort of torches were lighting up along the walls.

Hotaru grunted and twisted slightly in Kiba's arms, burying her face in his chest. The air around them was cold, and he was warm... so, simple solution really.

Kiba was glad she was unconscious at that time. His cheeks heated up, and he grunted in irritation, speeding up. The quicker he got out of this cave, the quicker he could set up camp and rebandage the injured girl in his arms.

* * *

"Nnh.." Hotaru frowned, feeling really cold all of a sudden, and rubbed her eyes. She went to sit up, only to be pushed back down again.

She opened her eyes fully, and saw a darkened, starlit sky, and the face of a very familiar dog boy, who was staring down at her with a frown.

"What are you staring at, mutt-face?!" she asked, pushing him away and sitting up, using the tree that was conveniently located beside her for support. She rested her back against it, scowling at his worried face. It just reminded her of the worried look Sasori had given her just before he had knocked her out.

Would he be okay? She had finally been reunited with her Onii-san, and couldn't bear it if he had been found out and killed by the other Akatsuki for helping her.

"Are you okay?! You were badly injured again!" Kiba demanded, and Hotaru rolled her eyes to disguise the pain.

"Jeez, what is your problem?" she muttered, and Kiba bristled.

"I want answers! Who was that Akatsuki guy?! He looked so much like you, and helped you, and then kissed your forehead! What was that all about?!" Kiba yelled, and Hotaru grimaced. That Sasori... he was such a terrible actor.

"Hm... I guess it can't be helped. 'That Akatsuki guy' was my brother, Sasori." Kiba stared at the redhead open-mouthed, and Hotaru sighed.

"But.. but you said the other day that you didn't have any family!"

"That's because I disowned him."

"Disowned?! Wha-? Ha?!" Kiba looked to be the epitome of all confusion, so Hotaru decided to start from the beginning. She stared into the flames of the fire that Kiba had obviously set up.

"I'll give you the concise version, so that you don't get confused.." Hotaru smirked a bit, and Kiba glared at her, but kept his mouth shut. Although he wouldn't admit it, he desperately wanted to know. "When I was little, -about four, to be exact- my parents were killed in action, on a mission. My brother, Sasori, was sixteen at the time, so he looked after us... and we also had Granny Chiyo, so we managed okay. But a few days after my fifth birthday, I found a note from Sasori, saying that he had left Suna to become a rogue ninja. Once I was six, Granny Chiyo finally let me move away from Suna, and I came to Konoha, flat-sharing with Sasuke... and we can skip this bit, since it doesn't affect the grand scheme of things much. Since I figured that my brother had abandoned me, I thought that I had learned to hate him, but I guess I couldn't... and now, I find out that in fact, Sasori was forced to leave against his will. I still don't know about the note though... it was definitely in Sasori's hand writing."

Kiba just stared at her, processing the information, as she stared into the flames, lost in memories. A faint smile tugged at her lips, and the other Leaf shinobi couldn't quite put his finger on the difference.

She was still that same, tormenting, annoying girl that Kiba loved to hate, but.. there was something different about her.

There seemed to be something different about him, too... he was noticing things now that he'd never noticed before.

He was noticing how her smile just pulled slightly at her pink lips, that her hazel eyes were soft and welcoming. He was noticing that when she smiled, a small dimple was revealed on her cheek, and also how the firelight shone on her crimson mane of hair, dying it a million shades of copper and burgundy. He was noticing how, when she smiled, and truly felt it, it made him want to smile, too.

He was noticing, for the first time, just how beautiful she really was.


B'awww, how fluffy! :3

And pretty corny. But who cares! We all like a bit o' the corn!! XD

Seriously though. This chappy... I loved writing it. I am still going 'aww' like an idiot even now, five minutes after writing it!

Meh, you guys might not like it, but... I think it's cute :3

Well, Fan, vote and comment!


