Chapter 2

Elsa's Pov

I woke up early in the morning. I'm so glad that I didn't have anymore nightmares. I looked at Anna who is beside me.

Her hair is a mess.

I laughed.

" Anna...Anna wake up." I said while shaking her so that she will wake up.

"Hm...5 more minutes....." she said then she snored. I laughed.

"Anna..........Anna.......wake up.........come on Anna...' I said as I kept shaking her.

'Hmmmm........five more minutes............the sky's asleep." she said then she turned around to the left.

The sky's asleep? huh? why is the sky asleep?

" Anna....Anna...Kristoff's here." I said then Anna opens her eyes and stood up.

" Where? " She said.

"Kristoff isn't here."Anna said as she looked at me.

"I was trying to wake you up but you kept saying five more minutes." I said then she laughed at herself.

"Sorry about that. Its just......... it feels good to sleep all day long." she said then she noticed that her hair is a mess.

Third person's Pov.

Anna looked at her sister. She remembered Kristoff. Her eyes widened in realizaton. Today was the day of their date.

" Oh.....No no no no.........what should I wear? I can't let him see me like this." Anna said nervously as she walked back and fort.

"What should I say if I didn't-............NO NO i still have time to find an outfit to wear." Anna said then she walked towards the wardobe. Then she wore a her everyday dress. Then she freaked out.

"Ummm.....Anna I think you need you know slow down." Elsa said that made Anna stopped and looked at her. Anna looked at her sister filled with worry. Elsa on the other hand is calm.

"Anna he loves you. It doesn't matter how-" her sister was cut off by a knock on the door.

"OMG!!! Elsa I'm so doomed. It's the end of the world." Anna said holding on to her sister.

"Anna, it's not the end of the world. I'll make you a dress using my powers. I will just redesign your dress that you are wearing." Elsa said then she smiled at her sister trying to keep her calm.
Anna sighed in relief.

She used her powers to redesign her sister's dress. She turned it a little bit darker and the designs are much more different.

Someone knocked on the door once again. "It must be important." Elsa thought. Anna smiled at her sister with joy. Elsa looked at her and the door.

Elsa opened the door and saw that nobody was there. She began to question herself.

"Elsa, No one knocked on the door why did you open it? Do you want to go with us?" Anna said as she looked at Elsa filled with curiosity. Elsa shook her head and faced Anna.

"It's nothing Anna. I just thought that someone knocked on the door." Elsa said then Anna sighed and smiled at her.

"Is there something wrong here?" Anna thought.
"Thank you." Anna said before leaving the room.

Elsa sighed and closed the door. She sat on her bed thinking about those weird things that she kept hearing. She began to worry that she might be crazy or someone is planning to do something.
Her thoughts was cut off when she heard someone spoked.

"If only you knew I was here. That would be fun. But *sigh* I guess you're to serious." she heard someone spoke. Her eyes began wandering around her room. " No one is here. That's odd." she thought.

"Oh, My queen. You can't see me because you don't believe in me anyway. You think you're crazy? Yes because you heard me talking to you but you can't see me." She heard "him" spoke. She can tell that this person is stalking her.

"W-who are you? Show yourself." She half yelled as she nervously hug herself while looking down in fear.

She closed her eyes.

"No can do my queen. It'll spoil the surprise." she heard him say. She was confused and scared at the same time. She doesn't even know who this person is. She was afraid that "he" will do something that she will remember.

She slowly opened her eyes seeing nobody. Then she stood up and walked towards the door. "I'm getting out of here." she thought. She was so scared that can't even turn around.

"Don't be scared. I will not do something bad..............for now." she heard him say. She was near the door. She hesitated at first if she will get out or not. She made her choice. She opened the door and left her room.

"Hey! I was only joking." she didn't hear what "he" said. Now he regret why he said that.

Anna's Pov

I went outside and saw Kristoff talking to Sven. I hope I didn't arrived late.

I walked towards them and say Good Morning.
"Am I late?" I said then Kristoff shook his head then
I was about to talk but Olaf came.

"Oh hello!" Olaf said cheerfully. He hugged a kid who passed by. I hold my laugh. But it's cute.
The kid smiled and hugged him back. Awww

"So where are we going?" I said excited. I jumped up and down waiting for his answer. Sven looked at Olaf who is still hugging the kid. I fake coughed then Olaf stopped hugging the kid who ran away.

I wonder if Elsa's okay. She's okay I know she is but sometimes I sense someone watching her.

"Anna it's a secret. So let's go." Kristoff said.
I wonder if Elsa's happy today. maybe
I think Olaf is going to come along. maybe

Someone's Pov

Why did I said that? Now she's scared of me. Well she's being serious all the time. It's just a joke. I want to tell her who I am but it's not the time yet. I don't know if she would accept me. She doesn't know what I have in my mind. My Uncle will be angry at me if I told him what happened. He knows that I need to be patience. But he should know that
I'm not a patient person. I just want to have fun and make pranks. My uncle doesn't know what I'm going to do. On Friday or on Thursday (or todsy) I will wear a disguise sort of. I just want her to see me.

I followed her outside. I know she can't see me.
I looked at her.

"Am I going crazy? I kept hearing stuff. This is so weird." she said as she sat down on the bench and sighed. I laughed at what she said.

"Who's there?" She said worried as she looked to her right.

I was about to laugh again but-

"You're majesty, Are you alright you seemed so scared?" A maid asked her politely.

Elsa just nodded her head and looked away. The maid walked away.
She doesn't even know that I'm not a ghost.

"I'm not a ghost you know." I said out loud trying to annoy her.

"Ugh maybe I'm just tired that's all." she said then she nervously laughed. She hesitated at first if she's going to leave. But she just left.

I slapped my forehead. I knew she would say that.
But she's going to see me later. Wait how would I do that? A smirk appeared on my face. I'm going to my Uncle's office. hehe

I used the snowglobe that my Uncle (he's not really my uncle) gave me to take me to his office.

I appeared on his office. Glad thing he wasn't there.
I searched for the potion that cane turn me visible. But there are down changes that will happen.
I drank the potion. I hope this works.

I looked at the mirror and noticed that my hair turned brown and my eyes turned brown. My skin is fair. (not pale anymore). Not bad but I'm still not used to my new appearance. I'm kinda used to my white hair. Glad thing I still have by powers.

I sat down on a chair and sighed. What should I tell my uncle if he saw me like this? Maybe I could say that I accidentally drank the potion.

Hahahaha I wonder what his reaction is.
I was about to grab something when i heard footsteps coming towards.........

no no

I grabbed a snow globe and whispered "Arendelle"
